Ksteezy ruined my life b

Strong avatar to post ratio.

Ksteezy = Vegeta

You = Real life Yamacha

The girl that recognized your Beta = Bulma
Ksteezy is the reason I didn't smash Draya on the airplane.

When I saw her that day obviously the first thing I did was think of NT. The Draya thread had just started to pop off.
So I take a few pics and a vid and I send them to Ksteezy who I thought was my friend at the time. I made a thread on NT cause I could just feel how much my e-fame was going to shoot up after I finished shooting up in Draya.

Now Draya was on her flight back to LA after doing some appearances in NY. I knew she had just gotten roasted on twitter for all those mother jokes. The internet was not very kind to her at the time.

I always get a drink when I fly so the game plan was to offer Draya and her friend a drink when the flight attendant came around...lord knows Draya could've used one with the roast that she was going through on twitter. The last thing I wanted Draya to know was that I was from the internet.

Your boy was ready to be up on that Mt Rushmore of NT when that devastating text message comes in from ksteezy or Elkin as I used to call him.
Dude DMs her all the pics I sent him. By this time the thread on NT had turned into a roast session full of mother jokes. At first I lol'd at the balls in steezy for sending her all that **** but then the unthinkable happens.
Draya decides to purchase the "In Flight Wifi".
She checks her Instagram, she checks her twitter and she starts to look around the plane. All I could do was pretend I'm sleeping.
I spent the next 6 hours hoping Draya wasn't smart enough to realize I'm the only person that had the angle to take the pics and vids that I took.

Instead of being on NTs Mt Rushmore I got a bunch of herbs taking shots at me on NT when the reality is I could take their girl.

Thank you Ksteezy for ruining my chance at celebrity top.

Is this actually true, or was this meant to be satire? If true, that dude is a ******* idiot. Would have never talked to a dude like that again. That's just straight childish.
I really believe that ksteezy is def on level with Henzo now.

His comment about his "Dave and bust in her eat and play combo" was def on par with ohsnapps comment about giving head, yet he has contributed so much to NT over the years that he continues to be exhalted by us.

He is a false idol. You cannot be both alpha and beta at the same time. There is no gayta.
I really believe that ksteezy is def on level with Henzo now.

His comment about his "Dave and bust in her eat and play combo" was def on par with ohsnapps comment about giving head, yet he has contributed so much to NT over the years that he continues to be exhalted by us.

He is a false idol. You cannot be both alpha and beta at the same time. There is no gayta.

It's been years since I've heard his name mentioned :rofl:
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