Kyle Cured Cancer ... 4/1/19

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Best of luck in beating this. Like you said, you have a lot to live for and keep that in mind as you progress through treatment.
This is the trippy thing about health. There are those people that do all the smoking, drinking, bad diet, lack of exercise and yet they still live a long, regular life. Then you have the ones that are up on all the "scientific studies" on how to eat, sleep, etc and they get hit with a cancer out of the blue. Just goes to show, it doesn't matter what you do, anyone can get got.

True but I'll take my chances on the later option. If I get cancer from something random, I might be upset but at least I won't have that regret in not preventing it early. As much as I love beer and alcohol, I doubt I'd tell myself I wish I drank more if I had cancer.

I'm Stage IV. They said it developed on the back of tongue and spread to my lymph nodes. The scan showed it hadn't spread anywhere else yet which is good.

Above anything else this had shown me I am mortal. Even though I get caught up in living life, this made me realize my clock is definitely going to stop too. The doctor said that since my cancer is caused by HPV it responds better to treatment. Apparently it is tougher to recover from cancer caused by smoking and drinking.

I am at work and I literally said the F-word after reading you had stage IV but I looked it up and stage IV is really only a meaning and not the level of severity (I think). I hope all the treatment works. Do you have medical coverage for all this?
damn bro. stay strong. hope everything turns out ok.


did you say you have been taking those prescription drugs or that you will have to be taking those drugs ?
Bro......I just realized, I think you had what Michael Douglas had and he had stage IV cancer caused by HPV. So not to get personal but did you get this from (I'll use the professional word) cunnilingus?
Damn, bro. Sorry to hear that.

I actually know a couple people with HPV, so I know the deal. Apparently it can just straight up go undetected for years and that it's very hard to detect in men. It's real out here.

Hang in here, bro. You got two little ones to live for. You have our support. If you ever need to chat feel free to shoot me a PM.

You got this, brah.:hat
Bro......I just realized, I think you had what Michael Douglas had and he had stage IV cancer caused by HPV. So not to get personal but did you get this from (I'll use the professional word) cunnilingus?
aint that the only way for a male to get it in his mouth 

honestly thought the hpv thing was a big thing for females...never really paid it any attention as a male but this has me 
damn man this **** is scary. things like this makes not even want to hook up with girls randomly.

another question for op

was the earache all of sudden of did you feel it from time to time ?
I'm not sure how I got the HPV or how long I had it. The doctor said it could have been in my system for over a decade and just slowly developed. I was angry when I found out about the HPV, but I decided to focus my energy on getting better instead of trying to figure out how I got HPV.

And as far as the earache, it was come and go for a while until it became constant. I swore I had wax in my ear or something. Its crazy to go from thinking your pain is from wax to knowing it is from cancer.
Not sure what kind of cancer you have but I read an article a while back and the 5 year survival rate for cancer patients under 40 was surprisingly high, like really high.

Just in case though, and not to bring you down, but remember the effect this will have on your kids. As someone who lost both of his parents to cancer (they were much older than you and my dad survived his first bout and lived another 10 years), every single one of those moments that I had with them in that last year when they were sick is engrained in my head. Conversations and moments I had with them is what I think about to help me get through the really tough times, and promising my mom I would finish college is one of the biggest reasons I haven't dropped out. So just be mindful of every moment you have with them cause it can shape them more than you might think.
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aint that the only way for a male to get it in his mouth 

Man.....I guess. I remember reading about it from Michael Douglas and sort of dismissed it thinking that was wild someone could get cancer from eating a girl out. I guess it's real and not to be tampered with.

This is disgusting but one of my friends is like an oral fiend and loves to go down on girls like its an art form. Got to get him hip on this HPV thing but knowing him, he's going to learn the hard way.
Hang in there... Positive thoughts in your head and heart.

I don't pray but I am sending all my vibes your way. Where are you located OP?
I thought it was common knowledge you can contract diseases through oral sex.
damn op I'm in your corner man.

don't let this stop you from living the life you want to live man.

stay strong
Stay strong brethren..
Wishing the best man. I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone.
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