**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins


As for TB, kid is still unsigned
Kissing up to Zo and being a cheerleader might get him that roster spot
Worked for sacre
TB just a goofy dude
Zo too serious and mature for that kind of personality tbh so often just has an awkward laugh in response

I also think were reading too much into it.
Just came back from the club from partying all night with my wwe belt celebrating the championship (who was the NTer that did this in real life when the Cavs won?)

Glaring drop in talent once we go to our bench. (Mind you no real back up pg still). No three point shooting outside of kuzma, maybe Zo if he gets it going and KCP.

I'm really really hoping that we can get some production from Deng. If he plays a solid 15 mins for us that would be huge. Hit a couple threes, grab some boards, a steal here and there that would be more than he did last year.

What gives me hope though is Luke's rotations. He's not afraid to mix it up and have Ingram or Randle play pg for stretches of the game (for example)
would be interesting to trade randle + dengs contract and see if anyone bites
Problem is Randle is a free agent next summer.

If we trade him, the team acquiring would also be able to match any offer next summer for him right? Would take a team that is love with him now to do that.
What 'classic' jersey would you guys want to see? I want the blues they had in 97
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lakers definitely need to address the backup PG spot. who else is left out there? rose? ennis?

i fully believe lonzo could get someone like deng going again. we'll get some solid minutes from him this season.

also, how does the two way contracts work as far as roster spots? does caruso take up one, so the lakers are at 14 now? wouldn't mind using another 2 way contract for that thomas guy if they don't take roster spots. kid can shoot.
We desperately need a backup PG and a backup C.
I love Caruso but I don't know how effective he would be.

Magic said he is looking moreso for a veteran PG for the backup spot. I wonder what veteran PG's are even left to sign.

Also, I don't know if we have enough for a suitable back up C. I don't think the back up C is that important because I am predicting A LOT of small ball for this team, but still.
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