**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Lebron drag these bums to 50 wins he gotta be MVP

Gotta go 29-14 the rest of the way. Got the Warriors 3 more times including this 3 game stretch coming up. Okc, GSW, & Houston back to back to back in a few days.

46 wins.

Worst of luck
You guys really think BI is out there running things himself or Luke running iso plays for him?
but but but let the young core grow...


but if you like trash, be my guest!

I honestly enjoy irritating delusional laker fans more than laker haters... atleast laker haters know Ball and Ingram are straight up garbage.

Zo 17 pts on 12 shots. Aside from turn overs he was solid. Missed FTs again and missed a couple at the rim he shoulda made. But not bad.

Zo not entirely to blame for the knicks run.
But what I’ve noticed in last handful of games is he shrivels up in the fourth. I don’t know if it’s game plan or what but he just defers 100% to BI. Hands him the ball and stands in corner. Would love to run pick and rolls. Move ball around etc. seems like our strategy completely changes in second half of the fourth. This is like the 10th game this has happened
I think I'm done watching this team until lebron comes back. I think I have a pretty good handle on how every single game is going to end.
I beat you to this few games ago. After the kings buzzer beater I haven’t watched much except late last night. Not wasting my time with crackhead looking Ingram leading the team.
But what I’ve noticed in last handful of games is he shrivels up in the fourth. I don’t know if it’s game plan or what but he just defers 100% to BI. Hands him the ball and stands in corner. Would love to run pick and rolls. Move ball around etc. seems like our strategy completely changes in second half of the fourth. This is like the 10th game this has happened
Honestly have to blame Luke. He simply isn’t putting players in positions to succeed. Zo stands in the corner because luke doesn’t know how to install weakside action into his offense. Luke thinks if he puts Zo in the corner then BI or LBJ will have more space to operate. But then the lack of sophisticated halfcourt sets results in contested midrange shots for BI. LBJ gets away with it because he’s LBJ and can make those shots or drive to the hoop at will. I also think Luke takes the ball out of Zo’s hand and wants BI to initiate the offense. Plus Zo rather keep the ball moving instead of holding on to it.

I don’t buy the excuse that players wanna take over. The offense in the 4th is a stark difference than Q1-3. When it’s as consistent as it’s been that’s all on coaching.

It’s a shame We’re wasting this precious time with player development/competing with Luke at the helm. Need a replacement ASAP
Cranjis went off earlier

What the last graph shows is that Luke is horrible at optimizing player outputs. No quality shots because poor scheme. Is it that hard to hire a quality offensive coordinator???

Deadass I got Rob Pelinka phone number I wonder if I should leave a voicemail... probably can ask the plug for Luke’s too.. y’all dare me to call?
Only kuz holds any trade value right now...we need to make a coaching change first and hope that helps the play ...lakers need a whole new staff cuz these young guys arent developing
Sooo who realistically could we hire if Luke gets kicked to the curb?

Mark Jackson?

I’ve always been skeptic of anyone coming from GS because I’m pretty sure that team could have Stevie wonder as a coach and still win
This season is a wash might as well get the coaching change now get and pray these youngings look better so we can get something back from them
I don't know about zo man. It just sucks that not only fox but d'lo is also clearly better than him right now, but I do think a second year D'lo would be just as lost trying to fit on this squad. You can see Zo trying and there's a glimmer that he may turn a corner at some point but I think fans in general after the past 5 years are over the development game even if they always get rid of players right before the payoff. Zo just had the worst hype to production ratio and came at a bad time where there's no room for patience
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