**LA LAKERS THREAD** Sitting on 17! 2023-2024 offseason begins

Good xxxx bro.

Notice how the two BEST lineups that have the highest net rating involve both Hayes and Wood in a 2-Big lineup.

Additionally, Soriano also didn't really dig deeper on lineups with AD and Hayes, which according to the EYE TEST has proven largely successful in the little minutes Ham used Hayes with AD despite what the super small sample size and numbers may indicate.

The fact Ham doesn't have the balls nor the wherewithal to utilize Hayes and AD together is a complete travesty to the game of winning basketball.


But it's ROCKET SCIENCE tho for some the NT Laker buddy buddies on this thread just like it is for their favorite clown of a coach, Darvin Ham.

THE CHAMPIONSHIP season starts when Ham gets fired.
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The only BIG big they could've signed realistically was Robin Lopez and he's cookt. Whiteside retired and Biggie cool dropping 30/20 in China. I don't think they have any options. **** it, play Giles and see what he's got.
You'd have to be blind to not see that this team is no longer responding nor playing for their coach.
"That guy has a lot of effort" and "It doesn't seem like that guy is playing for that coach" are 2 very, VERY different things.
Wanna debate this?
As much as I want to debate any 2 unrelated things.

You could tell Kobe was a DOG even when Del was coaching.
"That guy has a lot of effort" and "It doesn't seem like that guy is playing for that coach" are 2 very, VERY different things.

As much as I want to debate any 2 unrelated things.

You could tell Kobe was a DOG even when Del was coaching.
But why couldn't they get past Utah or San Antonio in the playoffs when Del was "coaching" PRIME Shaq, Kobe, Nick, Eddie, Elden, etc?

Why do teams in the workforce Fail when they have poor leadership aka poor management aka poor coaching until new leadership is put into place to manage the same team/employees?

It ain't rocket science

Yes, the Lakers are still missing 1-2 pieces to win a title.

But more importantly, if this team had BETTER COACHING, the players' effort would translate to a record that's much better than .500

Considering AD and Bron been relatively healthy all year, this team, at worst, should be 42-22, if they had a competent coaching staff.

Trust. You will see once Ham is out of Los Angeles
Attitude reflect leadership
So if the team's leader (Ham) displayed competency and a winning attitude (instead of never taking accountability and always deflecting blame unto others), then players would mirror their coach and play with a better, more consistent "attitude." Which in turn would lead to net positive results aka more wins.

Instead what we are seeing is pure inconsistency as evidenced by the fact the Lakers cant even win more than 3 games in a row.

I rest my case.
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Bron and AD have given up on their coach. That's why you are all witnessing what you have been witnessing this season.

It's clear as night and day and if you cant see it.....that's on you to figure out.
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Attitude reflect leadership
AD just came out recently and said it doesn’t matter where the Lakers end up as long as they get into the playoffs… so basically he’s not tripping if they win or lose during the regular season.

So… is this a reflection of the attitude of this team because he is one of it’s leaders.
But why couldn't they get past Utah or San Antonio in the playoffs when Del was "coaching" PRIME Shaq, Kobe, Nick, Eddie, Elden, etc?
This is the second time you're moving the goalposts.
The topic is effort. Not missing 1-2 pieces. Not your obsession with Ham.
If a player is a dog, the coach has nothing to do with that. If he's not, coach has nothing to do with that, either.
AD just came out recently and said it doesn’t matter where the Lakers end up as long as they get into the playoffs… so basically he’s not tripping if they win or lose during the regular season.

So… is this a reflection of the attitude of this team because he is one of it’s leaders.

Plus Bron out here ball watching and looking around every time like he didn't let someone come in and steal his rebound multiple times :lol:
This is the second time you're moving the goalposts.
The topic is effort. Not missing 1-2 pieces. Not your obsession with Ham.
If a player is a dog, the coach has nothing to do with that. If he's not, coach has nothing to do with that, either.
Let me make things simple....

Can people coach their employees and players into putting more effort? If your answer is no, then it's invalid and there won't be any need to continue the conversation.

And if those players who don't put forth the requisite effort despite their coaches "coaching" them to put more effort, then they aren't fit to be part of a winning organization and you get rid of them because they become what you call LIABILITIES.

Same goes for the coach/leader/manager.
If the coach can't get 100% effort from a talented group of players or employees and the team is underachieving big time, you get rid of the coach because guess what, the coach IS the liability.

Bottom line: the leadership aka coach aka manager aka CEO aka Boss has EVERYTHING to do with its team's OUTPUT, and part of that includes the effort of its team members.

And oh btw...you don't gotta be a "Dog" to give max effort in your job or on the court or on the field. So you're right, coach has nothing to do with one being a dog or not. But the coach has A LOT to do with the effort his team displays night in and night out. No ifs ands or buts about it.
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Let me make things simple....

Can people coach their employees and players into putting more effort? If your answer is no, then it's invalid and there won't be any need to continue the conversation.

And if those players who don't put forth the requisite effort despite their coaches "coaching" them to put more effort, then they aren't fit to be part of a winning organization and you get rid of them because they become what you call LIABILITIES.

Same goes for the coach/leader/manager.
If the coach can't get 100% effort from a talented group of players or employees and the team is underachieving big time, you get rid of the coach because guess what, the coach IS the liability.

Bottom line: the leadership aka coach aka manager aka CEO aka Boss has EVERYTHING to do with its team's OUTPUT, and part of that includes the effort of its team members.

And oh btw...you don't gotta be a "Dog" to give max effort in your job or on the court or on the field. So you're right, coach has nothing to do with one being a dog or not. But the coach has A LOT to do with the effort his team displays night in and night out. No ifs ands or buts about it.
You just want to argue. I see that.
All those words, built on ANOTHER goalpost movement.
'More effort' isn't the talking point. There's no point in engaging the validly of that point, because it's not what you originally posited.
'Effort comes from coaching.'
That's simply false.
If we get the 10 seed and get bounced from the play in, with Lebron and AD playing 70+ games….. what does that tell us about this team/coach/front office?
You just want to argue. I see that.
All those words, built on ANOTHER goalpost movement.
'More effort' isn't the talking point. There's no point in engaging the validly of that point, because it's not what you originally posited.
'Effort comes from coaching.'
That's simply false.
Pls put the comment where I SPECIFICALLY SAID "effort comes from coaching"??? The operative phrase "comes from." I bet you can't quote me saying that. Stop twisting my words to make it assume I'm moving goal posts so it can fit your narrative.

Let's not act like I said effort comes 100% from coaching. Now you putting words in my mouth.

Again. Let me make myself crystal clear.

"Effort comes from coaching" is completely different from "can coaches or leaders coach effort and cause players to play with better effort?"

You can coach someone to put more effort. But this does not mean that effort comes solely 100% from coaching.

You can lead a horse to water....

But if the coach can't even find a way to lead the horse to water....then effort doesn't even come into play. You either get rid of the coach or get rid of the player if the desired results (aka the requisite effort I speak of) aren't producing winning results.

Sorry buddy, but the only person moving goal posts is you.

I'll ask again. Do you think effort can be coached?? NOT "does effort come solely from coaching?"

Because THE POINT I'm making is....when players are no longer playing with the requisite effort it takes to consistently win games aka being a legit title contender, then it likely means the players are no longer buying in to the coach since the coach no longer has the influence to get his players to play well, follow directives, and give full effort, the players being or not being a "dog" notwithstanding.

Does that make sense?
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OKC may be the only top tier team we beat during this stretch. They’re not beating the bucks, minn, kings or gsw
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