Lakers at Rockets Game 6 Thread 5/14 6:30 pm Vol No Heart

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

at Artest trying to play the victim

If Scola is abusing Gasol, imagine what Nene would do to him
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]JR Smith and Melo is going to have a field day... and LBJ would walk all over these dudes.. The way LAL is playing, they don't even wanna see the Cavs.[/color]
What you talking about cavs for
..They aint gonna see those bums..Theyre gonna see the Celtics my man
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't see the Celtics as comp for the Cavs, I skipped to theFinals (if LA makes it).. No one on the east is gonna stop the Cavs[/color]
Originally Posted by freshhh

i logged in just to say i wish jeff van gundy would


if rockets werent killin right now (
id turn my tv off.

dumb annoying.


Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

at Artest trying to play the victim

If Scola is abusing Gasol, imagine what Nene would do to him
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]JR Smith and Melo is going to have a field day... and LBJ would walk all over these dudes.. The way LAL is playing, they don't even wanna see the Cavs.[/color]
why this just coming to yall

it has to be something in the water in LA cuz it makes everybody soft
how was that a foul on farmar?

... and i need a .gif of artest the so called "tru warrior" running and crying about gettin' poked in the face
!%++ outta here.
well rockets are doing a good job without the help of the refs but stern is puting it work just to make sure there is a game 7.
@ the refs.

There's been some bad calls both ways. Chuck's 3rd foul was no foul. Farmar's foul was no foul. Kobe shouldn't have gotten T'd up for sure.

Aint nobody wants a Rockets/Lakers Game 7, which has a good shot of being a blowout.

And they didn't cause the Lakers to shoot jumpers early on and let Luis live in the paint on the offensive end
lol i think they are making Cav vs Lakers look dramatic and if the refs keep like this they are gonna make it Lakers VS Boston 2 since they can make Miami vsMav calls
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

refs didnt kill nothin...LA just playin horrible like usual

what game are you watching?

did you not see the terrible calls by the refs

we are playing horrible, but some of the refs calls are just bull$#%&
this game aint over. Lakers have the ability to score 40 in a quarter if they show up. It's brutal but it's not over.
the houston doenst need help from the refs so stop calling those fouls. and once again, why the **+* we always leave the shooter wide open? Please fire KurtRambis.
Originally Posted by 2wenty thre3

how was that a foul on farmar?

... and i need a .gif of artest the so called "tru warrior" running and crying about gettin' poked in the face
!%++ outta here.
Anyone with half a brain knows that Artest reacted that way cause of the incident in LA. Ref's are prejudiced against him so he went extrahard to sell it.

Should have been called a personal, look for the NBA to rescind it after the game.

Reasons the Lakers are loosing are Gasol getting abused on D
andshooting jumpers.
Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

the refs didnt cause the lakers to start the game 17 - 1.

true but they did stop 2 huge runs 1. Kobe blocks Battier and has a CLEAR lane and they call 24 2. Kobe drives and the charge instead of 3 point play AND DONTGET ME STARTED ON THOSE CHARGERS!
1. Refs having nothing to do w/outcome of this come...Rockets are just thoroughly outplaying the Lakers...
2. This officiating is getting beyond's going to be an embarassment for the league when Kobe gets his 7th technical and has to sit out a WCF/Finals game. He'll have a tech for bumping Artest and tech for telling Shane Battier that "you can't guard me" for the 34th time in the game.

It's not even enjoyable to watch anymore...this entire playoffs EVERY game has had a ref controversy at the center of it.
Originally Posted by Executive76

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

the refs didnt cause the lakers to start the game 17 - 1.

True, but they aren't calling a fair game either.

But nevermind them, we must play better in the 2nd half. Top to bottom, Houston has out hustled and out shot us.

It ain't over, but we need to get our @$@* together.
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