Lakers at Rockets Game 6 Thread 5/14 6:30 pm Vol No Heart

Van Gundy is going for the rockets and even he is questioning the calls

The lakers did play horribly in the half though
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

this game aint over. Lakers have the ability to score 40 in a quarter if they show up. It's brutal but it's not over.

this game isnt close to being over

kobes gonna come out on fire and the team will follow



Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by FlyNY

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

at Artest trying to play the victim

If Scola is abusing Gasol, imagine what Nene would do to him
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]JR Smith and Melo is going to have a field day... and LBJ would walk all over these dudes.. The way LAL is playing, they don't even wanna see the Cavs.[/color]
What you talking about cavs for
..They aint gonna see those bums..Theyre gonna see the Celtics my man
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I don't see the Celtics as comp for the Cavs, I skipped to the Finals (if LA makes it).. No one on the east is gonna stop the Cavs[/color]

The way the playoffs have been so far with all the twists and turns, I wouldn't be surprised if KG suited up to play the Cavs and that goes 7 games withmultiple ot's...this has to be the most up and down playoffs I've ever seen and I can't even say I'm mad at that. It seems so doctored though
actually im not a rockets fan

jvgs voice is dumb annoying

and i know that wasnt a tech.
yea tho, as bad as the refs has been, they damn sure aint the reason the Lakers is losing this game...

Gasol playing like he has no pride and dont give a damn. He's gettin anally raped and seems to be completely comfortable with it...
refs aint the one to blame for scola droppin 14 or wahtever it is in the first quarter...tell ur man gasol to grow some genitial and bynum to be the dominantbig man that ya said he would be...let me know when LA decides to play like a "championship like team"
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

we cant blame the refs...theyre part of the game...we cant blame anyone but ourselves we didnt come out to play today

There's still 2 quarters left and you have Kobe...the game is never over
I don't want to hear crap about the refs.

This is just crap. Its CRAP.

Phil Jackson is so stupid IMO. Why do you keep starting fisher? You might as well give the rockets 10 points from the tip.

Gasol is looking so bad right now. I see why folks say the nuggets will kill us. Gasol makes the talk come easy.

This had better turn around now.
I really don't want to hear anything about the refs. They didn't make us come out to shoot like crap. Yeah they made some bad calls, but this damn teamIS SOFT AS HELL!!! They learned absolutely nothing from last year and it's just sad.

If the Lakers win this...

Will we see the haters after the game?

I think not.

pleeeasee god, let jackson play farmar and brown the rest of the game, say fisher pulled a groin or something just dont put him back in
this is the same ref that officiated the mavs nuggets screw job game 3

stern is trying to build up kobes technicals and then have him suspended in the finals against the cavs.

nba=wall street
Originally Posted by streethoopkilla

refs aint the one to blame for scola droppin 14 or wahtever it is in the first quarter...tell ur man gasol to grow some genitial and bynum to be the dominant big man that ya said he would be...let me know when LA decides to play like a "championship like team"
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]BYNUM is a big $!%@+! I wasn't hyped at all when he was making hisreturn from that injury.. Dude is soft and has no heart and doesn't show any aggression or intensity... Get rid of this fool and get LaMarcus Aldridge orsomeone of that stature.. Bynum is a %#!*@%% !%%%%[/color]
Originally Posted by Kobefan23

1. Refs having nothing to do w/outcome of this come...Rockets are just thoroughly outplaying the Lakers...
2. This officiating is getting beyond's going to be an embarassment for the league when Kobe gets his 7th technical and has to sit out a WCF/Finals game. He'll have a tech for bumping Artest and tech for telling Shane Battier that "you can't guard me" for the 34th time in the game.

It's not even enjoyable to watch anymore...this entire playoffs EVERY game has had a ref controversy at the center of it.
Totally agree with everything you wrote. Refs have been horrible this entire playoff season. It's been sickening to see the game beingcompromised by poor decisions and favoritism in practically every game, however the refs have nothing to do with the way this game is being played by bothteams as well as the current score.
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