^we never knew kwame couldn't catch a ball....can you name anyone else in the NBA that cant even catch the ball? We have two on our team, that includesChris"Glass" Mihm.
Originally Posted by QUEST UNO

i think he got some championship rings doing that
my broadcasting professor said that all employees of the team get a ring (at least for the lakers/angels because she knows people in those organizations). the ushers, parking lot attendants, etc. they're just not iced out like the players, but at least its something. can anyone confirm this?

75 mil ? no way. That's too much on the table. I'd say 40 first and if he's can walk the walk. If they give 75, i think kobe would be gone by then.
Originally Posted by AI Bundy

Man this is deja vu all over again. Lakers get off to another great start and then whammy, another crucial injury. Same exact time it happened last year.

Yes, ain't that some shh, it happened exactly around the same time as last year.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I guess everyone has forgotten that we took PHX to seven games in a playoff series a couple years ago... without Bynum... with Kwame at the helm.

He makes us entirely better, but let's not act like Bynum's absence eliminates the deepest bench in the league, or that his absence is the ONLY reason we've had success this season.

That's the same type of thinking that many Kobe fans apply to Kobe, like Kobe is the only reason the Lakers exist.

Yes, I'd be upset if I learned Bynum's out for a long while.

No, I wouldn't be worried that we're going to challenge the Heat or the Timberwolves this season for the title 'Worst Team in the League'.
Now i completely get where you're coming from...

But the thing is, our team is looking to get to that ELITE status...and wether people wanna admit it or not, we were slowly but surely creeping up...and Andrew Bynum's presence on both ends of the floor has a LARGE part of that. We're not gonna be like Minny or Miami because we have too much talent to be them...but we don't wanna settle for mediocre/average again.

Yes, we took PHX to 7 games before with K.Brown as our primary post threat...but do you honestly believe that KWAME will produce like AB has done so consistently?

AB has been our 2ND BEST player and has produced CONSISTENTLY this season. He'll be a huge loss if the injury is anything serious. I'm hoping it's just a minor tweak similar to Timmy's injury this season (something they initially thought was serious but ended up just sidelining him for 5 games or so.)

The worst part about this is that we lose our 2nd best player on the verge of the most important stretch of the about timing

I hear you, and I agree. Without Bynum, we go from being among the league's elite... to a decent team; we go from Western Conference (or evenFinals) contenders... to sleepers.

"It was pretty scary because it felt like my knee twisted all around. Luckily I'm all right," he said, his knee encased in a heavy brace.

"I didn't hear any pops. I'm able to put weight on it and it doesn't really hurt. Just when I bend it, it hurts."
Rukawa sj:
Oh my god, thank goodness... It can't be that bad now right? right???

Honestly, that is a good sign.

That's a great sign.

Like I said, I've torn both of my ACLs, and it felt similar to what you guys are describing. BUT... it was definitely audible, the popping noise thathappened when they tore. The first time, I was playing sandlot football and I had tried to cut RIGHT when dude came in low at my knees; the timing was dead on.I had a defender in front of me and I had just made my move on him, then right when I planted my foot to cut past him, my boy came in from the side to wrap mylegs up, stopping me from going anywhere. But like I said, the timing of me planting my foot and him hitting my knee was right in line, and that snapped myknee inward.

Why do I describe that? To say this; the defender in front of me, my friend that tackled me, and myself... we were the only 3 that heard my knee tear, but wedefinitely all heard it. It was loud, and my boy that tackled me thought he broke my leg.

The second time, I was in a pretty empty gym playing ball, and it freaking echoed; everyone playing and everyone not playing claims to have heard it.

So the fact that Bynum says there was no popping is a GREAT sign, and I definitely don't think he tore his ACL if that's the case. I'd say it'sa severe sprain, and the reason I say 'sever sprain' and not 'mild sprain' is because of how much pain he appeared to be in, and the fact thathe couldn't put any weight on it at first. If it were a mild sprain, son wouldn't have been acting like his leg just fell off, and he would have atleast been able to put SOME weight on it as he was helped off the court.

I think he'll be alright; maybe miss 2-3 games, which would give him a good week or so of rest.

That's just my person, uneducated opinion from the little small clip I've seen, the descriptions you guys gave, and Bynum's little quote.
damn...this really sucks.. i dont care what other laker fan say about we dont need him and it wont affect us that much but he was our number 2 scorer who wasavg 13 rebounds per game and at least 2.5 BPG ...anyone notice in the game last night, right after he got injured the grizzlies started making lay-ups andattacking the baket more .. we need him in the middle..
I can't stand watching laker highlights on sportscenter anymore. They act like kobe was the only person to do something. This team is making him look evenbetter now, and its about time that bynum and some of the other role players get some shine on sportscneter.
I just had to go with the flow. :b
the way the Lakers have been playing has actually made me a happier person, and made dealing with school easier.
Originally Posted by kobefan88


Not only does the starting 5 improve (we finally get to move Odom back to the small forward position to create mismatches)

Odom is already playing small forward.
Originally Posted by tupac003

Did anybody see what he just said?


How many player can you have on a roster during the regular season?

i'm all for pj...he fit in well with the triangle with time and is a veteran the lakers can depend on.
and the max you can have is 15 i believe (12 active during games).
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

If you guys look at the role that Kobe has now in comparison to....

Shaq at his prime, when he had a young 19 year old kid, named Kobe Bryant.


Kobe at his prime, waiting for the young 20 year old kid, Andew Bynum to develop.

Kinda weird now that Kobe is the new Shaq, maybe 2 years from now, Bynum will drive Kobe out of town

j/k. (I hope not)

Just weird how everything came back full circle.

That comparison is on point.

To be honest, I thought Bill Walton was smoking that good stuff when he said the Lakers were the 2nd best team in the West,
but the more I think about the more true it is.
In a 7 game series, I think we could take every team in the West except San Antonio.
If someone can knock off San Antonio for us, we could win a championship.

Barring any injuries(don't remind me of last year, ugh)
and a consistent Lamar Odom, we got a chance
such a sad and depressing day for me.....this kid was having such a great year and to see him get injured like that is just heartbreaking. I just hope we cango .500 in his absense
Re-sign Kwame?

Who the heck suggested that?
I did. Ok let kwame walk. That leaves us with no D playing mhim and bynum. At least every once in a while kwame can get a dunk. You saw what mhimdid tonight. Kwame would have thrown that down. Plus kwame can actually play some d. I am not saying by any means that we should do what ever we can to re signthis guy but unless they can get another big body in here you might as well keep him. Bynum can't do it by himself and I mhim is worse then Samaki Walker.
Originally Posted by SoHi 23

If that trade went down, we would be a top 4 team in the west with Dallas, San Antonio, and Phoenix.
The only problem is Kwame is our only interior defence guy, we need him

I doubt we would improve if the Kidd trade happened; I think we'd stay the same. It would weaken our bench, which has been a huge part of our earlysuccess.


This actually may be VERY close to happening. Before the game yesterday (Saturday) Kidd was messing around taking half court shots and one of the assistant coaches told him to stop fooling around and start warming up for the game. Kidd's response was "Why, I'll be in LA in a week." I have a good feeling this trade will occur.

I heard it from his mouth with my ears. From what I know of Kidd, he isn't the type to create controversy so I think there's something more than just talk going on here. I can't say its 100% going to happen just because he said it. We all know Kobe told those kids to go buy Bulls jerseys... But I wouldn't be surprised in the least if this happens in the near future.

From some dude on CL who also broke the Ariza trade before it happened. Take it with a grain of salt I guess; just because Kidd said that doesn't mean thetrade is imminent (since we all know he went to bad one night last year thinking he would be a Laker when he woke up :/ )

Don't get too excited Ska, but there looks to be more than just a chance.
You can also buy the patches here.

Center Kwame Brown practiced Monday, but was not on the Lakers' list of active players Tuesday. He is almost recovered from sprains of his left knee and ankle, but he wasn't sound enough to run with the Suns on Tuesday. "I wouldn't put Kwame out there in this game," Jackson said. "He's not ready. I think it gave him a little idea (Monday) of how he's doing. "He's doing some more individual things. We'll resume practice Thursday and get after it." LA Daily News

Chris Mihm's soaring dunk in the second half of Sunday's victory over the New York Knicks prompted a reporter to wonder if the 7-foot center had turned a corner in his recovery from a pair of ankle surgeries that forced him to miss all of last season. Jackson wasn't sure about that. "In my physiological analysis of how that dunk happened, don't read too much into it," Jackson said. "I think he had to get himself prepped to do it. It wasn't just, up." LA Daily News
I really think maybe we should pull a deal for kidd still but no farmar. That's my only wish.
Thanks again, Kidskillz!

@ Bynum dropping the F-bomb, then just trying to play it off.
"You know, L-O getting all the effing rebo... OOP!
... gettingall the rebounds..."

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