LAKERS @ rockets 11/14

I don't think Evans did it TO Mutumbo, he wasn't facing him I don't think. supposedly the reason why Mutumbo doesn't get a tech is cause hedoes it to the fans and not to the player.
The finger wave is fine as long as you don't wave it in front of the player's face.

Mo Evans didn't do anything wrong, his waved the finger as he was running back on defense.
Holy %*%! this thread is at 19 pages after only 1 day

Knicks SEASON thread is only at 13 even with all the %*%! thats happening to us right now
^^Cosign, luke definetly has not been fillin up the stat sheet lately...he's been forcin a couple shots a game early in the shot clock, making me smh.

Hes not lettin the offense come to him this season, he just...doesnt look right

but anyways... Im very happy about the win, i was nervous for a minute but when Rafer had the last shot i was very relaxed. :tongue:
Kobe is ballin this season to an EXTREMELY HIGH LEVEL... a level that only a few others are ALMOST reaching (AI, Bron, etc)...both offensively and defensively,hes doing a great job facilitating the game, and he's just MURKIN dudes on defense... it may be early but kobe is puttin in a good showing for DPOY.

I swear, if kwame would lay in 3 of the 9 close range shots kobe sets him up with ... kobz would be avg. 8 or 9 assists a game along with his 30 pts... smh,when he ends up with 35 pts and like 4 assists people go "omg only 4 assists? ball hog!!"... so anoying, but just glad that there are alot of knowledgable laker fans, as well as basketball fans, to discuss laker games well as the performances of each of our players.

Theres still the occasionaly nut rider who will act immature and make all us laker fans look bad
...but for the most part Team Lakers is in full force andwe're lookin pretty good so far this season (except for that San Antonio performance -.-).

Lets go lakerrrrrrrs
ive been on nt for a while now if we had an archive we can go back to i can put out a bunch of %%%$ youve talked about kobe in the past.
@ this fool thinking he aint said %%%$ about kobe before. what a clown.
at this fool getting all emotional talkin about how italked bout his butt buddy Kobe in the past. Man, you more sensitive then my car alarm.

Please...I got Kobe fans on here who could vouch for me that i dont' just talk out my%@+# when it comes to kobe. If i say something negative, it'sabout the game he was in and how his performance was. You act like i just go into Kobe threads and say stupid stuff like a lot of Tmac haters do.
The thing with Kobe Riders like YOU is y'all act like if they aren't a kobe fan, they're an automatic hater. I ALWAYS, ALWAYS openly admit idon't root for him but i never just go into threads and go "H.O.E.-Be is gay" or %+%% like that. #@+* outta here.
^ If you plan on staying here for awhile longer, you'll need to watch the personal attacks. And comments like "your butt buddy Kobe" are personalattacks, and are unacceptable.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

^^ Fair enough Ska, but what about him calling me a clown?


how am i emotional? i was laughing at the irony of yourpost talking about kobe riders/tmac haters when youre one of the biggest tmac jocker/kobe hater on here before you started catching feelings and crying abouthow i dont know you. believe me i could care less about your opinions on kobe since im not even a kobe jocker. im just laughing at how ridiculous you soundtalking about nutriding/hating on a certain player.

at this girl calling me out to the mod. what are you 12?
Originally Posted by MJGREATXII

Tmac is gifted and talented even more than Kobe,


no way
he's good but better than kobe get the !%%% outta here

Offensively. Because of his size and wingspan, he can do some things kobe can't, and vice versa, Kobe, is better on the baseline and spin moves,...ButKobe is only and average passer, never gives his teammates the ball in the right positions to score like Bron. Kobe also has average court vision. Don'tlet his highlight plays distract you.
how am i emotional? i was laughing at the irony of your post talking about kobe riders/tmac haters when youre one of the biggest tmac jocker/kobe hater on here before you started catching feelings and crying about how i dont know you. believe me i could care less about your opinions on kobe since im not even a kobe jocker. im just laughing at how ridiculous you sound talking about nutriding/hating on a certain player.

at this girl calling me out to the mod. what are you 12?
I'm catching feelings? Yet YOU were the one to throw a "personal" attack first? And this female says she's notemotional...
$!@+ outta here.

So again, with your non-reading%#!#, how am i one of the biggest kobe haters??? Oh, cause i don't root for kobe. Man you faker than a three dollar billtalking bout you aint' even a "kobe jocker." That's why you getting all EMOTIONAL NOW cause you think i "made fun" of your idolKobe in the past.

Trust, let it roll man, I'm pretty sure they gonna call that strike two. Don't worry about the Kobe TMac stuff
Right on CP, but it's not even about the Tmac/Kobe thing. I was more responding to him talking about "it's ironic," actinglike i'm doing or "did in the past" what the guy i called a Kobe fan/Tmac Hater, was doing. Like i said earlier, i never just go into threadsmaking up little "cute" nicknames about Kobe to bash him so how is he labeling me a "kobe hater" was all i was getting at.

And i don't really see how what i'm saying can earn me a second strike.
Trust, let it roll man, I'm pretty sure they gonna call that strike two. Don'tworry about the Kobe TMac stuff, they still got two left this season. Unless you already have a backup account, be easy.
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