Latino Basketball Players

On a somewhat related note, is Dwayne Wade part Filipino? That last name is Filipino and when you really look at him he doesn't look all n' if you knowwhat I mean.
Originally Posted by man listen

On a somewhat related note, is Dwayne Wade part Filipino? That last name is Filipino and when you really look at him he doesn't look all n' if you know what I mean.
That's supposed to be a secret.
Originally Posted by man listen

On a somewhat related note, is Dwayne Wade part Filipino? That last name is Filipino and when you really look at him he doesn't look all n' if you know what I mean.
You have to be kidding. You have to be. That dude looks 100% knee grow.
at you asking if he is part Filipino because his last name is.
how about the Gasol brothers and the rest of the Spaniards.

I thought Farmar was partially hispanic though? I know someone said his mom is Jewish but that's a religion not race/ethnicity.
*EDIT, Gasol is Euro...

AND Latinos have been taking over the ring too.......
Originally Posted by Greezee

Originally Posted by man listen

On a somewhat related note, is Dwayne Wade part Filipino? That last name is Filipino and when you really look at him he doesn't look all n' if you know what I mean.
You have to be kidding. You have to be. That dude looks 100% knee grow.
at you asking if he is part Filipino because his last name is.
You act like that doesn't make sense
. Filipinos haveFilipino names, no? But if I asked if Jose Juan Barea was Latino because of his name, you would say no shhh.
Originally Posted by man listen

Originally Posted by Greezee

Originally Posted by man listen

On a somewhat related note, is Dwayne Wade part Filipino? That last name is Filipino and when you really look at him he doesn't look all n' if you know what I mean.
You have to be kidding. You have to be. That dude looks 100% knee grow.
at you asking if he is part Filipino because his last name is.
You act like that doesn't make sense
. Filipinos have Filipino names, no? But if I asked if Jose Juan Barea was Latino because of his name, you would say no shhh.
Jose Juan Barea... LOOKS Latino. Dwyane Wade is clearly black.

and since when is Wade only a Filipino name?

The Barea example was because of the name not the look. Of course he looks Latino, he's full blooded as far as I know. I asked if Dwayne is PART Filipino.You can't look at that dude's face and tell me he doesn't look "different".


Anyway there's no way for anyone to know so why are we talking about it?
ummm.. no. he looks like a black man.

just give it up fam. this is a classic case of filipino NTers trying to claim everybody...
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