Law & Order: SVU Appreciation ...Doink Doink

We back baby!

Man, Burn Notice dude is lying LYING! :lol:

Damn Jamie Ross looks old! I thought she was the actress that played the handicap doctor on ER.
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This ***** Wheatley WYLIN!

Reveals he's holding the energy grid hostage and then murders his own son in front of an audience.

What exactly is his plan? :nerd: :lol:
The Wheatley arc was a great one.

The ending was dumb to me, but interested to see if they can make OC interesting for seasons to come.

Even though next week is apart of the second season, I see it as the start of the 3rd season.

Wheatley carried the show until now, so i'll be tuning to see if that same level of writing can be had without him.

Idk, that Wheatley **** was getting kinda old. I'm glad they're done with it (for now) and we can move on to some new criminals.
Idk, that Wheatley **** was getting kinda old. I'm glad they're done with it (for now) and we can move on to some new criminals.

Yeah they dynamic between him & Stabler was just gold. Looking forward to the new criminals as well, which will be Nova's boss & congressman McBride.

Stabler undercover as stabler. This oughta be gud

How long until stabler is shoving Preston webbs wife’s panties in his face?

Dennis Leary running the nypd taxi service like in usual suspects :lol: stabler about to be king dirty cop. Can’t wait to see what antics he’ll be up to

Stabler with the tramp stamp gang tat :lol:

This arc is a nice change from Wheatley.
This show so wild.

Finding a new way for Stabler to go undercover after being so exposed :lol:

The Marcy org got some wild dangerous seeming dudes with McBride and Webb. Plus another coldblooded wife involved.
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I bet Ainsley Seiger came up with that line herself. :lol:


I’m thinking this season might be somewhat typical with the focus on the Marcy Killers as the bad guys but turns out the twist is more cops are trash corrupt killing bastards.
I can see the emotional breakdown Stabler is going to go thru when Donnelly finds out he was undercover especially since he saved his life.
Watching March Madness & they already got Wheatley on the commercials before his debut on the show. :lol:

I think it was brought up but the actor who plays Wheatley (Dylan McDermott) got casted to be the new lead on that CBS show FBI: Most Wanted. The opening scene of his debut was a trip because I was watching him go to the bakery, hit up the deli, seeing doormen give him love and the whole time thinking “Nah, what is my guy Wheatley up to” :lol: But a 1/4 of the way into the episode he is actually a good dude (other than the scene where they had him popping some pills and making it not a big deal to a member of his team).

Wheatley would be the type to manufacture a whole entire history as a storied FBI agent so I’m rooting for Remy Scott now :lol: :nthat:
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