Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

My have tides have turned. Laker fans want that Clipper roster so bad. Just praying Silver releases them all...
Sterling isn't racist. Racist people don't hire the race they hate and pay them millions Racist don't smash girls of the race they hate and by her a condo 2 bentleys a land rover and give her 1 million dollars Dude is just ignorant

Racism = asserting the superiority of one race over another.

Everything you mentioned Donald Sterling has done is not mutually exclusive with being racist.

You can profit from the work of minorities while still believing you are inherently better than them, and you can seek sexual gratification from someone while still believing they are beneath your station.
Kareems pov

What bothers me about this whole Donald Sterling affair isn’t just his racism. I’m bothered that everyone acts as if it’s a huge surprise. Now there’s all this dramatic and very public rending of clothing about whether they should keep their expensive Clippers season tickets. Really? All this other stuff I listed above has been going on for years and this ridiculous conversation with his girlfriend is what puts you over the edge? That’s the smoking gun?

He was discriminating against black and Hispanic families for years, preventing them from getting housing. It was public record. We did nothing. Suddenly he says he doesn’t want his girlfriend posing with Magic Johnson on Instagram and we bring out the torches and rope. Shouldn’t we have all called for his resignation back then?

Shouldn’t we be equally angered by the fact that his private, intimate conversation was taped and then leaked to the media? Didn’t we just call to task the NSA for intruding into American citizen’s privacy in such an un-American way? Although the impact is similar to Mitt Romney’s comments that were secretly taped, the difference is that Romney was giving a public speech. The making and release of this tape is so sleazy that just listening to it makes me feel like an accomplice to the crime. We didn’t steal the cake but we’re all gorging ourselves on it. (Via TIME)

Whole piece
. http://time.com/79590/donald-sterling-kareem-abdul-jabbar-racism/

Glad I read the whole article, cause with just that excerpt posted, Kareem was basically giving that deflecting the real issue point of view. But the actual article is on point.

I'm starting to take issue with all the people minus Bomani who keep saying "why all the outrage now when..." Mother ****** you knew too, where was your outcry?
I don't think Doc knew how deep it was to be honest, same goes for Blake and CP3 when they signed extensions.

Sterling's last incident on record was back in 2009, so maybe they thought he toned down his antics since then and finally learned his lesson. It's not that farfetched since the Clippers organization as a whole finally started to look like a real NBA franchise over the last 2-3 years.

Just throwing that out there.
My have tides have turned. Laker fans want that Clipper roster so bad. Just praying Silver releases them all...:lol

hahaha we just want what's owed to us, with a side of blake. We aren't racist, we'll take the black side.
What is the REAL possibility of players starting their own League... you would think players after the last lockout would have inquired about this, it's surely a Loss in the beginning but after 10 years i could see them booming bigger than Ever.

Basketball is already an 80% Black League, the fans wouldn't have issues with the owners being black ... however how would venues and these billion dollar corporations handle having to do business with young black millionaires directly.
What is the REAL possibility of players starting their own League... you would think players after the last lockout would have inquired about this, it's surely a Loss in the beginning but after 10 years i could see them booming bigger than Ever.

Basketball is already an 80% Black League, the fans wouldn't have issues with the owners being black ... however how would venues and these billion dollar corporations handle having to do business with young black millionaires directly.

uhmm less than 0%. i mean i supposed .0001%

There literally would be no point. For one, all of there bread put together, wouldn't be near enough. We're talking billions. Second, nba is so dominate, it's deep rooted into markets. The new league would have to completely start over, from scratch. It just wouldn't be a good decision at all. Not saying it can't be done, but those struggle years, would absolutely destroy the prime years of most of the stars.

There should be some other league though, it's a monopoly. Guys only have one choice in playing pro sports in the states.

The goodman league and drew league is cool. but I just don't see this working out. The foundation has been laid too deeply. As 'bad' as the nba is, it's equally as 'good'. The way it's been run as a business is nothing short of brilliant.
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NBA money is long, but not that long.

They'd be just a notch above the and1 tour.
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At least now the world knows, that his gf supports racism against african Americans. so this speaks volumes on both ends. at the end of the day its all about moneyyyyyyy
What is the REAL possibility of players starting their own League... you would think players after the last lockout would have inquired about this, it's surely a Loss in the beginning but after 10 years i could see them booming bigger than Ever.

Basketball is already an 80% Black League, the fans wouldn't have issues with the owners being black ... however how would venues and these billion dollar corporations handle having to do business with young black millionaires directly.

Better chance of Sammy Sosa not bleaching his skin anymore than there is for the players to form their own league.

C'mon man...that will NEVER happen. Despite what's going on w/ Sterling, the NBA is a multi-billion dollar business. League isn't anywhere close to folding or losing it's star players over principle.
Olbermann is right, just like Van Gundy was right in a telecast a couple of days ago: the players have to stand up and not let the moment pass them by. They have to take accountability for their actions. Continuing to play and take the NBA's money while doing toothless little before-game protests that the media hardly even covers is unacceptable.
I get where everyone is coming from but if we learned nothing from this entire ordeal is that Money talks. If somehow players were to stick together and say we are starting are own league how long would it be until other billion dollar industries follow suit. The owners, & business people aren't what's selling the NBA, its the players and the quality of the Basketball Players.

If they decide not to play under the NBA then the NBA has NOTHING. Do you think arenas are gonna sellout with B grade players? Media coverage will still benefit off covering players nobody knows?

The players would be able to sure up Arenas and TV deals because the Money would be guaranteed for those venues. The only thing that could stop them from really taking the League is early monetary issues, but if people were really concerned about creating generational wealth and getting rid of this complex of Owner's not understanding their players... this would be the perfect avenue to do it.

Within ten years i could only Imagine the power and control that these guys would have and the amount of businesses who would be "forced" to listen to them.
I get where everyone is coming from but if we learned nothing from this entire ordeal is that Money talks. If somehow players were to stick together and say we are starting are own league how long would it be until other billion dollar industries follow suit. The owners, & business people aren't what's selling the NBA, its the players and the quality of the Basketball Players.

If they decide not to play under the NBA then the NBA has NOTHING. Do you think arenas are gonna sellout with B grade players? Media coverage will still benefit off covering players nobody knows?

The players would be able to sure up Arenas and TV deals because the Money would be guaranteed for those venues. The only thing that could stop them from really taking the League is early monetary issues, but if people were really concerned about creating generational wealth and getting rid of this complex of Owner's not understanding their players... this would be the perfect avenue to do it.

Within ten years i could only Imagine the power and control that these guys would have and the amount of businesses who would be "forced" to listen to them.

You also have to take into consideration that there are a lot of players who are thankful, and do like the owners of the teams they play for.
What is the REAL possibility of players starting their own League... you would think players after the last lockout would have inquired about this, it's surely a Loss in the beginning but after 10 years i could see them booming bigger than Ever.

Basketball is already an 80% Black League, the fans wouldn't have issues with the owners being black ... however how would venues and these billion dollar corporations handle having to do business with young black millionaires directly.

Blah blah blah blah
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^^ Truth be told, players don't even have to form a league. Imagine if Paul, Griffin, and other stars from other teams just left for Euro-leagues. They would make less, but it would still be great money and the NBA would feel the pain as their advertising dollars followed the players overseas.

CP3 and Blake Griffin don't kick around a soccer ball. Wont work out.
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^^ Truth be told, players don't even have to form a league. Imagine if Paul, Griffin, and other stars from other teams just left for Euro-leagues. They would make less, but it would still be great money and the NBA would feel the pain as their advertising dollars followed the players overseas.

Ain't no one in the NBA who is going to leave money on the table, the lifestyle in the US, etc. to go play in Europe. If ANY of these dudes cared about principle and making a stand, someone would have said something about Sterling YEARS ago.
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