Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

As nice as it sounds nobody is about to start an all black league simply because the money wouldn't be the same. And you know a lot of them are all about money.

Half of these dudes don't even date/marry black women, what makes you think they're gonna be all pro black all of a sudden :lol
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[thread="591320"]^^ Truth be told, players don't even have to form a league.  Imagine if Paul, Griffin, and other stars from other teams just left for Euro-leagues.  They would make less, but it would still be great money and the NBA would feel the pain as their advertising dollars followed the players overseas.[/thread]

Wait you think joining an Euro-league is the way to combat racism?
Ain't no one in the NBA who is going to leave money on the table, the lifestyle in the US, etc. to go play in Europe. If ANY of these dudes cared about principle and making a stand, someone would have said something about Sterling YEARS ago.
like I said before, slaves to money.  Players, Owners, All of us.
That Olberman piece really shows why this game needs to be protested to let the owners, the fans, & the league know who really runs this ****.

If they said their not playing under these circumstances, so many things will be affected, most importantly the entire playoffs would come to a screeching hault. Other owners wouldn't give two ***** about the law or sterlings life if it came to them losing millions per week.

Not only that but the NBA being so strategic on how their brand is represented would take a media killing penalizing players for not wanting to play for an Owner who literally hates them.

Not only can this be used as a literal change to the League but as a view of blacks actually coming together for a change and demanding **** be done, **** sports, **** opinions, **** people's "precious" playoff games for once i would like to see someone say we're tired of rich Older people telling us "just Play through it" WE ARE TIRED OF BEING DISRESPECTED.
Wait you think joining an Euro-league is the way to combat racism?
It's not about the destination, that was stated just as a point of emphasis of the existence of other gainful employment for NBA players.

It's about the act of leaving and refusing to tolerate the ownership of a Donald Sterling.
Starting their own league? :lol Give me a break. You guys must be too young to remember the 99 lockout. These clowns tried to do a PPV exhibition game that failed miserably. I would love to see them just play for free at local parks. That I would support.
As nice as it sounds nobody is about to start an all black league simply because the money wouldn't be the same. And you know a lot of them are all about money

It wouldn't initially be the same money at all, but sponsorship dollars would still be there, public interest would still be there, and opportunities to make money would become higher after every successful season. If players really were granted percentages or future stock in this league it would literally be the biggest monetary change in African American History.

We are talking about a business that would be creating a possible coalition of young black hundred million dollar BUSINESS OWNERS, forget sports a move of that magnitude could potentially help kickstart a new way for Blacks in America.
Good quote from Kareem's article ..

"I hope the Clippers realize that the ramblings of an 80-year-old man jealous of his young girlfriend don’t define who they are as individual players or as a team. They aren’t playing for Sterling—they’re playing for themselves, for the fans, for showing the world that neither basketball, nor our American ideals, are defined by a few pathetic men or women."

That quote is stupid ....because as long as Sterling is the owner of the clippers , he is making money off of them. Which means , they are playing for him .

You got to understand how money works ...

The NBA is a white league period , with just black players , All the big wigs , from the commissioner ,execs and 90 % of the owners are all white
The NBA don't care about black people they care about money.

This situation has put their billion dollar machine in jeopardy and that is the only reason they even care to put this situation behind them. Everyone in LA knew Sterling was a racist but they all kept quiet but now that people's money is on the line , they want to "do something about it. "

I know this is a hard pill to swallow for black people but Sterling is not the only owner and boss that have these beliefs about us.

Like brother Malcom X said "do for self and racism will come to a end".

Own your own businesses , houses , companies out right and you will not have to beg "owners" like sterling for jobs and opportunities.

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That quote is stupid ....because as long as Sterling is the owner of the clippers , he is making money off of them. Which means , they are playing for him .

You got to understand how money works ...

The NBA is a white league period , with just black players , All the big wigs , from the commissioner ,execs and 90 % of the owners are all white
The NBA don't care about black people they care about money.

This situation has put their billion dollar machine in jeopardy and that is the only reason they even care to put this situation behind them. Everyone in LA knew Sterling was a racist but they all kept quiet but now that people's money is on the line , they want to "do something about it. "

I know this is a hard pill to swallow for black people but Sterling is not the only owner and boss that have these beliefs about us.

Like brother Malcom X said "do for self and racism will come to a end".

Own your own businesses , houses , companies out right and you will not have to beg "owners" like sterling for jobs and opportunities.


All i've been saying since this ******** rationale has begun. If this team wins a championship Sterling gets paid more Dollars after directly saying he and his counterparts Hate everything about you except for the part where you continuously flip his investment for him.

It's like people are making basketball success to mean more than having dignity. I am under no circumstance saying that this is an easy verdict, but at what point do people realize the difference between entertainment & real life.

I'm sitting here watching fans say they can't do this to us... the poor fans who spent all this money and energy rooting for something that is just a game, sacrifice your dignity and your respect because YOU OWE US :{. this is what has upset me through this whole process, why should someone have to sit through disrespect and hate to entertain some fans of a ****** game.
It wouldn't initially be the same money at all, but sponsorship dollars would still be there, public interest would still be there, and opportunities to make money would become higher after every successful season. If players really were granted percentages or future stock in this league it would literally be the biggest monetary change in African American History.

We are talking about a business that would be creating a possible coalition of young black hundred million dollar BUSINESS OWNERS, forget sports a move of that magnitude could potentially help kickstart a new way for Blacks in America.

I agree with everything you just said.

My point is I highly doubt most players are willing to take that initial hit in their pocketbook for the greater good.

I could be wrong tho, but that's just my opinion.
I think what disgusts me about the inactivity of the players, particularly the african-american players, is that these guys have sons and daughters.

How does Lebron, or Chris Paul continue to play and take league money, when the league is permitting an owner who degrades their humanity and the humanity of their offspring.

How do you go home and look your kids in the face, and say, "well, daddy turned his warm-up inside-out for 15 minutes".  Stop it. 

The legacy of those who made strides against racism and prejudice is sacrifice and risk.  Back then, it was your freedom and bodily harm that you chanced.  Now its only money.

Even if the league does perma-ban Sterling, this will be remembered as a shameful moment for players who did nothing and left it up to the commissioner.
Nothing is going to happen. So few people actually care about this, and 90% of the ones that do are just feigning caring because it's the hot thing to care about.

Give it a week, no one is going to care about this and we're all going to go back to watching the Playoffs. It's unfortunate, but whatever, it's just a racist old guy. He'll die soon anyway.
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I agree with everything you just said.

My point is I highly doubt most players are willing to take that initial hit in their pocketbook for the greater good.

I could be wrong tho, but that's just my opinion.

P posted this yesterday, and I'm gonna post it again....


What did the million dollar man say? Everyone has a price? Welp, that's it right there. Dudes ain't leaving money on the table to form their own leagues or go overseas. I think Rivers' sentiments echo many of those who work for the LAC.
That Olberman piece really shows why this game needs to be protested to let the owners, the fans, & the league know who really runs this ****.

If they said their not playing under these circumstances, so many things will be affected, most importantly the entire playoffs would come to a screeching hault. Other owners wouldn't give two ***** about the law or sterlings life if it came to them losing millions per week.

Not only that but the NBA being so strategic on how their brand is represented would take a media killing penalizing players for not wanting to play for an Owner who literally hates them.

Not only can this be used as a literal change to the League but as a view of blacks actually coming together for a change and demanding **** be done, **** sports, **** opinions, **** people's "precious" playoff games for once i would like to see someone say we're tired of rich Older people telling us "just Play through it" WE ARE TIRED OF BEING DISRESPECTED.

THIS. It's truly a shame that the players haven't done anything.
The burden shouldn't just only be on the Clippers players. At the very least, it should be on the Warriors players as well. Both teams should come to an agreement to not play the rest of the games until it is resolved.

You can't tell the Clips to put their lifelong dreams of being NBA Champions aside and tank/forfeit games.

Also, in an ideal world, the fans of both teams should boycott the games, but not too many of them are concerned with the matter or directly affected by it to not watch such a good series.
I agree with everything you just said.

My point is I highly doubt most players are willing to take that initial hit in their pocketbook for the greater good.

I could be wrong tho, but that's just my opinion.

Oh no I completely Agree that unfortunately that would be the hardest selling point. Guys aren't gonna want to hear the word paycut in order to hear the words ownership in the future... and that's what has been erased and opposed for us in America for a long time.
Anyone know what websites, if any, will broadcast the 2pm est conference being held today?
All the NBA players should stop playing. All the fans should boycott. All the sponsors should pull out of the NBA.

Only when this occur will things change. But will it? The simple answer is NO.

NBA will fine and suspend Sterling... finish and done.

And it's not just the NBA.. MLB, NCAA, NFL all have the same type of owners with this mindset.
The burden shouldn't just only be on the Clippers players. At the very least, it should be on the Warriors players as well. Both teams should come to an agreement to not play the rest of the games until it is resolved.

You can't tell the Clips to put their lifelong dreams of being NBA Champions aside and tank/forfeit games.

Also, in an ideal world, the fans of both teams should boycott the games, but not too many of them are concerned with the matter or directly affected by it to not watch such a good series.

Exactly and will this happen though realistically? Are NBA fans that much in disgust over these comments to not attend the game? NO. Will the sponsors pull out their ads for the Clips vs GS Warriors game? NO. Will the Warriors and Clipper players risk fines, suspension from the league for not playing? NO.
I also agree that fans should be held equally accountable, but it's much easier to get 12 players to agree then tens of thousands to agree. I'm just upset because like stated their is no other risk outside of money.

This sin't a guy living check to check at a company who may risk losing equal employment for some time... these are millionaires who's strike would honestly last no more than a few days max
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