Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Serious lack of respect by the reporters from NY Post and USA Today, CBS Sports asking questions, why are you calling him Adam? You are not friends, and aren't on first name basis. He is Commissioner Silver or Mr. Silver. Very classless

Today's media.
Daymmmmmm didn't expect the ban for life. Well done
They signed binding contracts with no morality clause on behalf of the owner in it. You can't just void contracts like that.

It's probably just as much as trouble but it'd probably be easier to force him to sell than to let all the players out of their contracts. In a sense you're basically firing them since they won't be getting paid cuz keep in mind a lot of them want to be paid and be on a winning team and not many other winning teams have cap space to take in CP3 and Blake. That's restarting for them.

Plus if you let the players go you'd have to let the coaching staff go as well.
Serious lack of respect by the reporters from NY Post and USA Today, CBS Sports asking questions, why are you calling him Adam? You are not friends, and aren't on first name basis. He is Commissioner Silver or Mr. Silver. Very classless
I completely agree. 
Serious lack of respect by the reporters from NY Post and USA Today, CBS Sports asking questions, why are you calling him Adam? You are not friends, and aren't on first name basis. He is Commissioner Silver or Mr. Silver. Very classless

just how "reporters" are now bro
As much as I hate LBJ, he was right. Sterling has no place in the league. The punishment was just.
The lady who asked about African American ownership needs to go home. Trying to stir the pot, as if there's a million black guys trying to buy a team and the NBA is just stonewalling them.
Is that it?
is everyone happy?
Do we forget about this now?
I guess this is the part where is just sweep this under the "bad moment in NBA" rug.

If that's the case, we (as in black people) have fail again. :{
The lady who asked about African American ownership needs to go home. Trying to stir the pot, as if there's a million black guys trying to buy a team and the NBA is just stonewalling them.
She looked like a blogger. How did she get in there? 
"Whether these comments were made in private... it is now public."

So what did we as a public learn from this mess?

Shut your mouth cause these jumps are recording your conversations. Damn!
Is that it?
is everyone happy?
Do we forget about this now?
I guess this is the part where is just sweep this under the "bad moment in NBA" rug.

If that's the case, we (as in black people) have fail again.
You can't be serious.
Lifetime ban doesnt matter. How long does a 81 year old dude have anyway? 5-10 years.
It doesnt matter. Nothing got solved today. Whatever.
Sterling has his couple bill's, lived a full life (I presume)...........he didnt lose
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