Leaked audio of Donald Sterling telling his girlfriend "Don't bring black people to my games"

Gotta give props to Silver. 1st big decision as commish and he aint falter at all
Serious lack of respect by the reporters from NY Post and USA Today, CBS Sports asking questions, why are you calling him Adam? You are not friends, and aren't on first name basis. He is Commissioner Silver or Mr. Silver. Very classless
Unless they are friends. Adam Silver has been deputy commissioner for over a decade. He's very familiar with the press media.
I think the league took it too far with a lifetime ban. I believe there was something else that caused him to get a life time ban. Theres got to be more to this story.
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-I just know NBA owner gonna be on that "slippery slope" steez like Cuban was talking about and no what to go through with the vote against Sterling :{

-Watch Donald Trump say something stupid real soon
Lawd!!!!! Please let Magic be the one who buys the team that would be

I live in LA, and Magic and his Guggenheim group can't even negotiate the Dodgers on Direct TV and it's been how many weeks since opening day? Dudes around here can't even go to Buffalo Wild Wings to catch a game. No thank you Magic! Fix the mess you created with the Dodgers first please.
Lifetime ban doesnt matter. How long does a 81 year old dude have anyway? 5-10 years.
It doesnt matter. Nothing got solved today. Whatever.
Sterling has his couple bill's, lived a full life (I presume)...........he didnt lose
What did you want?
so perma ban and 2.5 million fine? whoopty freakin do

ban just means from going to the games? he still getting dat guap doh?
what else can he do? Public hanging? You're just salty Clipper players arent being released lol


...I know
not at all its withing the content of the subject fully

It was not within the context of the subject. There's no speculation about African-Americans not being allowed to be owners. Stop it, bro.

but there should be , dudes like DS are everywhere & her question wasnt a pot shaking or anything it was within the context

dont be blind from laziness
Lifetime ban doesnt matter. How long does a 81 year old dude have anyway? 5-10 years.
It doesnt matter. Nothing got solved today. Whatever.
Sterling has his couple bill's, lived a full life (I presume)...........he didnt lose

I don't understand what else the NBA could have done in this situation. They did everything to their extent to punish him. If you want street justice then go out there and get it.
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I think the league took it too far with a lifetime ban. I believe there was something else that caused him to get a life time ban. Theres got to be more to this story.

Too far? Sterling DESERVED a lifetime ban a long long long time ago just for being a horrible owner who didn't care about winning. This is icing on the cake for us Clipper fans. *expletive* him!
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