LeBron Haters Call To Arms! (The Haters Unification Thread)


Le3-6 looking for sympathy after getting swept :rofl:
Pretty Cavalier to be messing with a broken hand like this (6 minute 10 second mark if it doesn't start there and you don't want to watch all of the rest of this BS)...

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Ain't that what we all in here have been saying ?????

It's not that hard of a concept to understand.

Let's look at the video above with the cast.

He specifically said he was frustrated because the "game was taken from us". A champion, self proclaimed GOAT publicly said the game was taken from him, when 1. They had a chance to win it in regulation (remember he pass the ball in fear of taking the last shot) and it went into overtime and he could of have imposed his will (remember he was so mad at JR for at least grabbing the rebound and giving them a chance), but he went scoreless.

Now, to sum that up. Is not a leader I would follow.
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