Lebron is a cheapskate...

In all honesty, people really need to get over their sense of entitlement. If gratuity isnt included, dude doesnt have to tip anything.
that's not even what I'm saying. All I'm saying is it's not automatic that you're going to get a tip just because you are a waiter, earnit. All this #%#% about making 3.15 and you might be in college and might be a single mom is irrelevant, give good service, get a good tip. Don't,don't expect that I'm going to automatically tip you just because somewhere along the line somebody subjectively decided people should. Thewaitress/waitor have the burder of giving service that earns and deserves a tip, not vice versa. The customer doesn't owe you #%#%. He pays his bill, goesto the establishment. You got to get yours, because you make 3$ and you're a single mom and in college and can't get a better job and whatever elsepeople are saying, so earn it.

But I'm the devil now.
We're talking the food industry business, not every job field gets tips.

If you dudes are not going to tip b/c you feel left out of receiving anything when your NOT even in the restaurant/dining business, then do the waiters a favor(who get below minimum wage and rely on tipping as income...RELY ON IT) and stay out of restaurants. Go to foodnetwork.com and cook yourself something to eat,or hit up the Wendy's drive through.Or you can always move to Spain where its not even customary.

I wonder what your girlfriend(s) think.
X. But she probably thinks she would love to wait on some of you so she can get some tremendous 40% tip while still being a total @%@%+ to you and getting yourorders wrong.
HORRIBLE service gets you 10% and a word with the Manager (btw, by horrible im not talking about roaches in my food and crap like that.. just really badservice..)

Bad service gets you 10%

ok service gets you 15%

Good service gets you 20%

GREAT service gets you 20+% (variable on how GREAT the service really is)

ive tipped $20 on a $60 bill before because of a waiter truly doing everything he could to make sure my girlfriend and i had a nice dinner.

DatZNasty, you still dont understand... its obvious
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

HORRIBLE service gets you 10% and a word with the Manager

Bad service gets you 10%

ok service gets you 15%

Good service gets you 20%

GREAT service gets you 20+% (variable on how GREAT the service really is)

ive tipped $20 on a $60 bill before because of a waiter truly doing everything he could to make sure my girlfriend and i had a nice dinner.

DatZNasty, you still dont understand... its obvious

yea right. What don't I understand?
http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf Audio Help� �/səbˈdʒɛk
tɪv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[suh
b-jek-tiv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation -adjective
[table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought (opposed to objective).[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: a subjective evaluation.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]3.[/td] [td]placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, etc.; unduly egocentric.[/td] [/tr][/table]

http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf Audio Help� �/grəˈtu
ti, -ˈtyu-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[gruh-too-i-tee, -tyoo-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation -noun, plural -ties. [table][tr][td]1.[/td] [td]a gift of money, over and above payment due for service, as to a waiter or bellhop; tip.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]2.[/td] [td]something given without claim or demand.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]3.[/td] [td] British. [table][tr][td]a.[/td] [td]a bonus granted to war veterans by the government.[/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]b.[/td] [td]a bonus given military personnel on discharge or retirement[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td]gratuity[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
noun[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1.�[/td] [td]a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)�[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2.�[/td] [td]an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation�[/td] [/tr][/table][French gratuité, from Old French gratuite, from Medieval Latin gr
DatZ, I'd give up man.

1. Most establishments will have waiters split tips with cooks, bartenders, etc. when the tip goes over a certain amount.
2. You still haven't addressed that the establishment stayed open nearly five hours after closing time JUST for Lebron and his crew. Like that isn'tabove and beyond the service required?
I really don't want to nitpick with ya dude (or judge you for that matter), esp since dudes are going alittle too hard in here (NH), but if your going to go by vocabulary definitions to base whether or not you're going to tip for food service, then all I cansay is wow. Some of these people are mothers/fathers working there to earn a living to pay for their families (and those families could of very well been your's once upon a time), and they get paid WELLbelow minimum wage and rely on tips. Only reason its not mandatory is b/c the cheapskates would probably complain, so they use the word gratuity. They haveEVERY right to complain if you don't tip. Just because you're not in the food industry doesn't mean you should get tips.

Its shameful that some of you dude's are ignorant enough to say "if they don't like it they should find another job".

I wonder if some of you dudes even tip bartenders/waitresses when your out at a bar (assuming you guys are old enough). I love to tip for every drink I get,and you know what, dudes certainly remember you, you will be attended to first, and even have some free drinks thrown your way.
The social contract in this country is that patrons tip wait staff. It is not about whether or not you agree with this policy. It is not about whether or notyou can afford it. It's the social obligation you're agreeing to when you enter a restaurant. You may not agree that pharmaceutical companies be ableto charge what they do for prescription drugs. But that doesn't mean you go behind the counter at CVS and just help yourself to your meds, and tell thestaff there you do not agree with the charges so you won't pay them. You may not agree with this country's policy of charging for education. But thatdoesn't mean you show up at Cornell, sit in on classes and tell the professors you aren't paying tuition because you don't believe in it, but youexpect to be graded anyway. Tipping is the same thing. You don't get to inflict your disagreement with the social contract on the waiter in a restaurant.If you drop your prescription off at the drugstore, you pay for it. If you want grades that count from Cornell, you pay tuition. If you want a meal in arestaurant, you tip the waitress. This is simple. If you don't want to tip, then stick to McDonalds. You can't go to a nice a restaurant, if youcan't behave yourself.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

that's not even what I'm saying. All I'm saying is it's not automatic that you're going to get a tip just because you are a waiter, earn it. All this #%#% about making 3.15 and you might be in college and might be a single mom is irrelevant, give good service, get a good tip. Don't, don't expect that I'm going to automatically tip you just because somewhere along the line somebody subjectively decided people should. The waitress/waitor have the burder of giving service that earns and deserves a tip, not vice versa. The customer doesn't owe you #%#%. He pays his bill, goes to the establishment. You got to get yours, because you make 3$ and you're a single mom and in college and can't get a better job and whatever else people are saying, so earn it.

But I'm the devil now.

No see, I agree with you. In my post, I said as much. They have to earn it. And for the most part, my co-workers when I was a waiter did. If theydidn't, they couldn't really get mad at anyone but themselves. HOWEVER, in regards to THIS post, I think then general outrage is at the people who aredefending Lebron on some "They're JUST waiters who couldn't get better jobs, if they don't like get shafted, they should get another job"type thinking. THAT thinking is not only insulting, its, for the most part, wrong and irrelevant...
DatZ, I'd give up man.

1. Most establishments will have waiters split tips with cooks, bartenders, etc. when the tip goes over a certain amount.
2. You still haven't addressed that the establishment stayed open nearly five hours after closing time JUST for Lebron and his crew. Like that isn't above and beyond the service required?

I'm being semi facetious, but not all the way. Furtherm
2. Yea, that's above and beyond. I would've dropped a nice tip assuming something just horrendous didn't happen.

The social contract in this country is that patrons tip wait staff. It is not about whether or not you agree with this policy. It is not about whether or not you can afford it. It's the social obligation you're agreeing to when you enter a restaurant. You may not agree that pharmaceutical companies be able to charge what they do for prescription drugs. But that doesn't mean you go behind the counter at CVS and just help yourself to your meds, and tell the staff there you do not agree with the charges so you won't pay them.

I hope you weren't the same one trying to sully my comparisons. You're comparing stealing to not tipping. Stealing would be like leaving and not payinganything. Invalid dude. Invalid. Fail. Abort. Does Not Compute. Paying the retail price and not tipping the "standard" 15 or 20% is like, it'slike, paying the retail price and not tipping the "standard" 15 or 20%. It's not like running behind the counter and stealing something becausethat's stealing. Taking something and not paying for it at all would be stealing, like if I dipped out the backdoor after eating. I've never done that.I'm just not automatically going to give you 20% because some, again subjective, non existant and therefore unsigned by me and invalid "socialcontract."

And frankly, if they don't like it they really should get another job. Just like how I don't like how my job has me working irregular hours sometimesand is a long #%@ drive from home, I should get another job if that's bothering me so much.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

2. You still haven't addressed that the establishment stayed open nearly five hours after closing time JUST for Lebron and his crew. Like that isn't above and beyond the service required?

Excellent point.

And the article mentions nothing about poor service, in fact, the serving is supposed to have been above average, at the least:
During this time the waiter obsequiously pours drinks and fetches anything else His Greatness needs.
Not to mention that the restaurant is one of his favorite establishments. The very fact that they stayed open late for him warrants at least a10-15% tip.
Everybody calm down for one doggone minute.

I'm from Cleveland, and XO Prime Steaks is a fine establishment. Having eaten there before, I am almost certain that they have an automatic gratuity forparties larger than a certain number. I'm sure this was already factored into the bill, and because it was LeBron James, the waiter expected a whole lotmore than the calculated gratuity. However, he probably got the extra ($10) and felt insulted, compelling him to reveal this anecdote.

My opinion on tipping is that 15% should be tipped for good service, 20% for GREAT service. Tipping is mandatory for a true gentleman, no if's, and's,or but's about it. If LeBron (one of my favorite athletes EVER) truly left a $10 tip on a bill that already did not include a gratuity,then
at him. It does not change my thoughts about his athletic ability, but it will change my thoughts on him as a person.

But, as I stated earlier, I am almost certain that XO has an automatic gratuity for large parties, as do most dining establishments do. LeBron probably thoughthe covered this and then some, and this is where the misunderstanding occurs.
Is it not redundant to use the word "obsequiously" when talking about a waiter? And again, pouring drinks and fetching is in the job description sothat sentence does nothing at all to imply if the service was above average or not. She's SUPPOSED to do that. I would've broken them off, probablyjust given a whole stack, for staying open late, but again pouring drinks and "fetching" is her job.
a lot of you still dont get it...

its not required, but its proper etiquette to tip

i guess some of you guys dont tip your barber either, smh
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Is it not redundant to use the word "obsequiously" when talking about a waiter? And again, pouring drinks and fetching is in the job description so that sentence does nothing at all to imply if the service was above average or not. She's SUPPOSED to do that. I would've broken them off, probably just given a whole stack, for staying open late, but again pouring drinks and "fetching" is her job.

"fetching?" are you serious? how condescending can you possibly be?

you talk about others' entitlement, but the only one i see here trying to act entitled is you dude. get real
lol show me a job other than waiting tables where you get paid under minimum wage and relye on tips.. how hard is that to understand that theres that built inagreement for customers to follow.

lebron probably thought he spent enough as it was and somehow that $800 would be divided somehow to cover the costs of the food and other stuff. at adiscounted level. Ive seen it before. A rich dude may have just donated $500 to some church fund, and in the parking lot of the church, the dude doesnt want topay the $3 dollar parking. in his mind he has done his part so to speak.

rules dont apply to these sorts of people when money gets thrown out there
Originally Posted by ultrasur1

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Is it not redundant to use the word "obsequiously" when talking about a waiter? And again, pouring drinks and fetching is in the job description so that sentence does nothing at all to imply if the service was above average or not. She's SUPPOSED to do that. I would've broken them off, probably just given a whole stack, for staying open late, but again pouring drinks and "fetching" is her job.

"fetching?" are you serious? how condescending can you possibly be?

you talk about others' entitlement, but the only one i see here trying to act entitled is you dude. get real

I took fetching directly from the article. Get a clue. Sheesh

lol show me a job other than waiting tables where you get paid under minimum wage and relye on tips.. how hard is that to understand that theres that built in agreement for customers to follow.

If you work on a Military base at the Christmas tree lot, tips are your entire wage. If you bag groceries and take them to the customer's cars at theCommissary (grocery store on Militar installations), tips are your entire wage.
I am not a waiter and never have been and I am also a Cavs/Lebron fan but this is just horrible. I can't believe people in here trying to justify hisaction I'm honestly sad to say I'm a member of this community to read what some of you have posted. What if the waitress had to stay those extra hourswas a single mother and had to pay the babysitter to stay longer and she only received 10 dollars. And some of you guys act like you can just get a better jobthat easy or graduate from college some people just don't have the opportunities to do that. This is how they live and feed there family dont act like yourbetter than them becuase they wait tables. SMH Yes I'm mad
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

LeBron does enough in the neighborhood (Glenville PJs, Akron area) to not be label cheap.

Some of you have NO idea. You read a parahgraph and it's "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!"


So that should give dude NO excuse to stiff someone who makes their living off of tips...
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