Lebron James Is Ruining The Game For The Average Fan

...and Tim Duncan has got to live free of criticism. Does anyone care when he gets benched and has a 4pt, 2 rebound playoff game? No. It's a two way street.
They will, if they are better than he is.

And that's how he's ruined the game. That type of thinking right there. You gotta be better then lebron to get respect? He's not entertaing. He's not that type of good where everyone gets downgraded to ball hogs and role players.
And that's how he's ruined the game. That type of thinking right there. You gotta be better then lebron to get respect? He's not entertaing. He's not that type of good where everyone gets downgraded to ball hogs and role players.

So people who aren't as good as the best player in the league should get the same amount of shine as the best player in the league?

When has that ever happened? This is your go to logic for why he has ruined the game?
Lebron is Tim Duncan. Only difference is Bron got the streets behind him. He's out going and that's where his such high praise comes from. His game is just as boing and basic minus his transition dunks.

I never hear people praise anyone else's rebounding skills. But lebron does it in a way to help his team lookin.

If Lebron is Tim Duncan, Kobe is Jerry Stackhouse In detroit.
Lebron is Tim Duncan. Only difference is Bron got the streets behind him. He's out going and that's where his such high praise comes from. His game is just as boing and basic minus his transition dunks.

I never hear people praise anyone else's rebounding skills. But lebron does it in a way to help his team lookin.

If Lebron is Tim Duncan, Kobe is Jerry Stackhouse In detroit.

:rofl: And we're the haters?

Koopa paid Lebron a compliment comparing him Duncan, to the one of the greatest players of all time and this guy comes back with Jerry Stackhouse.

You Lebron Stans are lulz on steroids.

Tell me more lilpennymagicfan :lol:
Its great that Lebron led his team those categories. Pau Gasol led his team in points, rebounds and assists by significant margins too in 2006.

I remember Pau in 2006, he was probably the most dangerous offensive weapon on the planet, he could do it all just like Lebron :lol:

I like how you bring up incomplete stats..... when they were basically playing scrubs sometimes not even playing the 4th quarter. Bosh and Wade minutes have decreased in the playoffs! If at the end of the playoffs those numbers stay the same, we can talk

I do know if I look at the 2012 playoffs stats, Lebron got more supporting scoring help from Wade and Bosh than Jordan did during the Bulls championships, than Kobe did on his recent back to back, than Wade did in 2006.

We show you empirical evidence but like a typical Lebron Stan, you're going to talk stats but when we show you stats that don't fit your agenda...stats don't matter anymore or you're come back with thinly veiled insult like my statements are "ridiculous"

:lol: And what was the difference?? Was Pau's 2006 supporting cast regarded as one of the most stacked ever? Otherwise I wouldn't mention it, oh great Kobe stan.

So I ask again: If you are going to bring up how stacked a team LeBron is playing on, then what does it say about LeBron if he is able to lead such a stacked team in points, rebounds and assists by significant margins?

Both Wade and Bosh are averaging under 15 points per 36 minutes these playoffs. And it's not even so much their averages as it is their inconsistency. A team that is last in the league in rebounding can't be regarded as a historically stacked team. Typical Kobe stan, hyping up LeBron's supporting cast based on names alone. BTW, how's that Dwight/Pau/Nash/Metta super team working for you? Being coached by Mike Brown and all, the man responsible for Cavs best in the league records in 09 and 10?

First of all before we start comparing their playoff supporting casts: LeBron's 2012 playoffs > any playoffs Kobe ever had, however you want to look at it. Better averages, MUCH better in terms of consistency, game 6 against the Celtics > any playoff game Kobe ever had, LeBron in the 2012 finals > any finals Kobe ever had... And the 2012 Thunder > any team Kobe ever BEAT in the finals. So individually, LeBron himself was more responsible for the Heat winning in 2012 than Kobe was for the Lakers winning in any of those championships.

Secondly, what exactly is your reason for saying that LeBron had a better supporting cast than Kobe? Kobe was 2 x first round exiter and 1 x lottery before he got the supporting cast he had between 2008-10. LeBron was in the conference finals and finals. LeBron needed his supporting cast to get over the hump and win a ring, Kobe needed his supporting cast to get out of the damn first round. Check Gasol's numbers in the 09 and 10 playoffs. Bosh missed almost half of the games in the 2012 playoffs. He had one guy playing well all throughout the playoffs and he was a guy whose game was much more similar to his own than Gasol was to Kobe's who could do way more things that Kobe couldn't.

And your statements ARE ridiculous. You are a living joke. In the other thread I brought up the Spurs record in 96-97 without David Robinson and you said it was also because they were missing Sean Elliott. Then I mentioned how their record also sucked UNTIL Sean Elliott got injured halfway through the season and you simply ignored this fact. All the while you wouldn't even mention how they also got a leading scorer in Dominique Wilkins on their roster while praising rookie Toni Kukoc to the heavens saying he was the reason why the 93-94 Bulls lost only two games less.

But then after I mentioned the significant drop in their record during the 91-92 season when Robinson missed 14 games you brought up Willie friggin Anderson. :lol: You were lauging at me for bringing up leading scorer Dominique Wilkins saying nobody remembers him even playing for the Spurs in 97 but then you bring up Willie Anderson in desperation, a guy nobody remembers playing in the league PERIOD. :lol: I just read that and laughed out loud, not even worth replying to.

Insecure? You are the one getting more insecure in your hate. I'll just sit back and laugh at the insecurity of you haters as LeBron keeps on stacking rings, finals MVPs, regular season MVPs (plural, unlike Kobe's lone "MVP", aka lifetime achievement award) and maybe a DPOY which he barely missed out on this season.

:lol: First off let's start with saying this fun.

You literally bring me lulz whenever you post and I want to thank you for that

Now ok

With the points, rebounds and assists deal, you brought it and showed you how dumb it was. But it was pointless within the argument whether Lebron an elite shooter. But here you come with D*** riding.

Its great Lebron can do all those things. He's showing he's Scottie Pippen 2.0. Good for him.

Who says a team can't be regarded as great if they are poor at rebounding? They play small ball and they do so many other things great. They are top 10 in like every other defensive category.

:lol: And I'm not a Lakers fan. Try again buddy

There you go turning this into a Kobe vs Lebron debate. Your panties are showing again. :lol:

Lebron's 2012 playoffs were very impressive.

A broken clock is right twice a day too. Its about time he had one after all the stinkers he put in the playoffs.

2007 NBA Finals,
2008 ESF game 1...2 of 18 with 10 turnovers
2010 playoffs vs the Celtics when he just flat quit games 5 and 6
2011 NBA Finals where he put the worst performance by a "superstar" ever

I can't think of any performances that Kobe has turned in like that during the playoffs even if you want to talk about Game 7 in the 2010 NBA Finals, he still contributed and ultimately his team won.

To answer some more of your stuff.

The 2009 Magic had a higher winning % than the 2012 Thunder.

Kobe's game of the 2001 Western Conference Finals is the same level as Lebron's game 6

48PTS 15-29 1-1 17-19 16 REBS 3AST 2STL 1BLK 2TO 48MIN


45PTS 19-26 2-4 5-9 15REBS 5AST 0STL 0BLK 4TO 45MIN

In regards to other thread....your original statement was that Michael Jordan shouldve only won 1-2 MVPs and that David Robinson shouldve been the 1996 NBA MVP

I love how you bring up the other thread, that you were afraid to reply to..... but bring up half the story in here.The thread speaks for itself. If you want to discuss the subject matter in that thread, go post in that thread don't bring up half the argument here. Pathetic :smh:

But I forgot who I'm talking to.:lol:

I can't wait for you to get done playing GTA, so you can reply.

I'm sure more lulz will ensue and maybe you can reactive your little buddy Lukejediknight
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If there was someway to create a virus stop most people in this thread from accessing the internet again the world would be a better place.
Wonder what u call the kobe is overrated thread?
:lol: First off let's start with saying this fun.

You literally bring me lulz whenever you post and I want to thank you for that

Now ok

With the points, rebounds and assists deal, you brought it and showed you how dumb it was. But it was pointless within the argument whether Lebron an elite shooter. But here you come with D*** riding.

Its great Lebron can do all those things. He's showing he's Scottie Pippen 2.0. Good for him.

Who says a team can't be regarded as great if they are poor at rebounding? They play small ball and they do so many other things great. They are top 10 in like every other defensive category.

:lol: And I'm not a Lakers fan. Try again buddy

There you go turning this into a Kobe vs Lebron debate. Your panties are showing again. :lol:

Lebron's 2012 playoffs were very impressive.

A broken clock is right twice a day too. Its about time he had one after all the stinkers he put in the playoffs.

2007 NBA Finals,
2008 ESF game 1...2 of 18 with 10 turnovers
2010 playoffs vs the Celtics when he just flat quit games 5 and 6
2011 NBA Finals where he put the worst performance by a "superstar" ever

I can't think of any performances that Kobe has turned in like that during the playoffs even if you want to talk about Game 7 in the 2010 NBA Finals, he still contributed and ultimately his team won.

To answer some more of your stuff.

The 2009 Magic had a higher winning % than the 2012 Thunder.

Kobe's game of the 2001 Western Conference Finals is the same level as Lebron's game 6

48PTS 15-29 1-1 17-19 16 REBS 3AST 2STL 1BLK 2TO 48MIN


45PTS 19-26 2-4 5-9 15REBS 5AST 0STL 0BLK 4TO 45MIN

In regards to other thread....your original statement was that Michael Jordan shouldve only won 1-2 MVPs and that David Robinson shouldve been the 1996 NBA MVP

I love how you bring up the other thread, that you were afraid to reply to..... but bring up half the story in here.The thread speaks for itself. If you want to discuss the subject matter in that thread, go post in that thread don't bring up half the argument here. Pathetic :smh:

But I forgot who I'm talking to.:lol:

I can't wait for you to get done playing GTA, so you can reply.

I'm sure more lulz will ensue and maybe you can reactive your little buddy Lukejediknight

First of all, I replied in this thread about the David Robinson issue because I wasn't trying to talk about the issue itself but to show how laughable your arguments are, which is still very relevant with regards to this thread.

The only thing dumb was your reply. Let’s start over again, shall we?

I brought up the fact that LeBron led the Heat in points, rebounds and assists per game in order to showcase LeBron’s individual brilliance because the general consensus is that this Heat team is extremely stacked. So a player must be damn good to lead a team this stacked in ALL three main categories by significant margins.

Now… What exactly was your motive for bringing up Gasol leading the Grizzlies, and now Pippen? The mere fact that I mentioned LeBron leading the Heat? To show that other players have led their teams in all three categories in the past? What?

Unlike you LeBron haters, I was NOT arguing that Gasol’s 2006 Grizzlies supporting cast was stacked. You are the one arguing that LeBron’s current squad is stacked. If you want to go with that angle: Fine. I asked you what does it say about LeBron when he’s able to lead such a stacked squad in points, rebounds and assists per game by significant margins? And then you say he’s Scottie Pippen 2.0? :lol: Not sure if you are being sarcastic. When did Pippen lead the Bulls in all categories? That 94-95 season when Jordan was retired, Grant left and before they got Rodman? Much like Gasol’s Grizzlies, I wouldn’t say that squad was stacked either. Leet me help you: You already mentioned Gasol, now Pippen, you forgot Grant Hill. That’s 3 ridiculous examples, none of which come close to LeBron’s numbers. Did Pippen ever lead the Bulls in scoring and rebounding next to Jordan and Rodman/Grant?? Which is what you LeBron haters are arguing Wade and Bosh equate to.

LeBron is not an elite shooter. Neither is Kobe… nor Carmelo. The only ELITE shooter that is a true superstar in today’s league is Kevin Durant.. And Stephen Curry, if he’s crossed that line yet even though he technically isn’t even an all-star yet. LeBron is a very good shooter though, much better in this area than you haters give him the credit for, as is the case with every aspect of basketball. First of all, he shot .406 from the three point line on 3.3 three point attempts per game this year. Now, unlike his main FG% that you haters argue is due to layups/dunks, there is no way of getting around that shooting 40+% behind the line is impressive. Even if every single 3 pointer he took all season was completely wide open, it’s still a 3 pointer. His mid range jumper isn’t always falling, but overall, he’s improved in this area slightly but surely every single season since 2008. On the floor shooting has never been his main issue. Prior to 2011, his low post game was. Then he developed a legit post game which was a deciding factor in the 2012 finals and took that excuse away from you. Current LeBron does not have a single aspect of his game that can be described as a flat out weakness. The thing that comes closest to it is his free throw percentage. He’s shooting 75% which isn’t that bad, but he could definitely improve it and realistically get to 80%. He can always polish certain areas of his game more and constantly try to improve his low post game and mid range shot, but as things are now, LeBron is not only the best but most complete player in the game.

BTW, it’s great that Kobe can be a volume scorer and have great broken clock/twice a day scoring games where his poor shot selection happens to be falling in the basket and he looks unstoppable. He’s showing he’s David Thompson 2.0. Good for him.

The Heat are not merely “poor” in rebounding. They are dead LAST in rebounding. Yeah, they are going small which has its advantages as well as disadvantages… And?? What are you trying to prove exactly? That a small player is quicker than a bigger player? Thanks for the lesson. They are still last in the league in one of the most fundamental categories. That is not historically stacked.

And I know damn well you're not a LAKERS fan, you don't have to tell me that. I have eyes. I can see your avatar. :lol: A Kobe avatar with a constant agenda trying to play the “stick to the subject” card. Who the hell do you think you’re fooling? You really think that you and your Kobrick stan brethren can fool anyone rational into believing that your LeBron hate posts are supposed to be an objective analysis and not salty agenda filled trash because LeBron is widely regarded as a better player than Kobe by anyone who isn’t a troll?

I’ve yet to meet a single person who thinks that LeBron isn’t good for the sole reason because he sincerely thinks that LeBron simply isn’t good. ALL of them have an agenda and ALL of their agenda is related to the fact that LeBron is by far the best player in the league. I’ve learned to categorize many different types of LeBron haters:

Your typical Kobe stan – the most common type of hater. Salty because LeBron is widely regarded as the better player. The group you and the vast majority of haters who have posted in this thread belong to.
Jordan fan – Many of them dislike Kobe as well, not nearly as much as LeBron though because they know that there is no way Kobe can threaten Jordan as the GOAT whereas LeBron still at least has a theoretical chance, even though I personally don’t think he’ll match MJ
Cavs fan – No need to explain this one
Fans of various franchises who were hoping to get LeBron in 2010 but ended up being disappointed – Mostly Knicks fans
Butthurt fans of teams that were beaten by the Heat in the playoffs the recent years – Mostly Bulls and Celtics fans

But you, a Kobe avatar with an obvious agenda, trying to tell me not to bring Kobe into this discussion? Priceless.

2000 NBA Finals where he averaged a phenomenal 15.6 ppg on .367 shooting and was on the other end of the record setting finals ppg differential between the #1 scorer and #2 scorer when he averaged 22.6 points less than Shaq that series
2004 NBA Finals
Post Shaq and pre-Gasol seasons when he led the Lakers to the lottery and two first round exits
2006 playoffs vs the Suns when he just flat out quit and when went on to demand a trade as a cherry on a quit sundae

:lol: @ not being able to think about any performances where Kobe stunk. The 2004 finals is the most cancerously unjustifiable finals performance ever, where an extremely salty Kobe desperately trying to escape the inescapable FACT that Shaq CARRIED him to 3 titles put all his eggs into one basket and said “**** it! I don’t give a damb if we don’t win a championship without me being the Finals MVP.” The end result? Kobrick averaging 22.6 points on 22.6 shots and .381 shooting in 46.2 minutes per game compared to Shaq averaging 26.6 points on 16.8 shots and .631 shooting in 42.6 minutes. He was so filled with salt that he was unable to give Shaq the shots he deserved and decided to lay an insane amount of bricks. His all round numbers were great as well. 2.8 rebounds and 4.4 assists. I repeat: In 46.2 minutes per game.

LeBron’s 2012 playoffs are more than great, they are legendary. His lowest scoring of the 23 playoff games was 19 points against the Knicks and his worst shooting: 35% against the Celtics where he had 34 points, 10 rebounds and 7 assists.

Other than that, he had had plenty of impressive playoff runs. His 2008-09 playoffs are statistically the best playoff run ever for a player that was in the playoffs for more than one round. His supporting cast in Cleveland sucked, and went on to lose 26 games in a row the first season he left. I have proven to you that it was not mainly because of their injuries because their strongest possible starting 5 went 1-8 in the 9 games they did play together. The bottom line:

Seasons where LeBron didn’t win a championship but had a supporting cast where he could have won a championship: 2010-11
Seasons where Kobe didn’t win a championship but had a supporting cast where he could have won a championship: 1998-99, 2002-03, 2003-04 (no telling how many championships he ruined by running Shaq out of town after this season), 2007-08, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13

And are you really going to compare that 2001 WCF game when the Lakers were up 3-0 and about to sweep the Kings to LeBron’s game 6??? :lol: :lol: :lol: Man, I tell ya.. You Kobe Stans are something else. I don’t know what I would do without you. I don’t know what’s more ridiculous. That or trying to argue that the 2008-09 Magic were better than the 2011-12 Thunder. First of all, on a purely statistical level, that game STILL isn’t as good as LeBron’s game 6 with field goal percentage and LeBron hitting 4 shots more while taking 3 shots less being the obvious difference, which as we all know Kobe stans always ignore. Nor is it as good as Bron’s 40 point, 18 rebound, 9 assist, 2 steal and 2 block game against Indiana earlier that playoffs when the Heat were down 2-1 in the series.

But considering how important the games were, that 2001 game isn’t even in the same stratosphere as Bron’s game 6. Down 3-2 and facing elimination while having to win AWAY in Boston compared to being up 3-0? :lol: Once again, I repeat Game 6 against the Celtics > any playoff game Kobe ever had. The same goes for the game against the Pistons in 2007 when Bron willed his team to victory.. But the Celtics game was even more impressive.

Hope that you can find some time and reply in the handful of minutes during the day when you’re not sticking needles in a LeBron voodoo doll.
I'm not gonna address everything in that long *** post cus I don't disagree with it, but I would like to point out this is like the 3rd time I've seen xta bring up Kobe averaging 15.6 ppg in the finals while ignoring that he had one game cut massively short and scored like 4 points when Jalen Rose stepped under his ankle. He missed the next game as well. So that 15.6 ppg is completely misleading, just saying.

I won't argue anything else your said, but if you're gonna completely overlook Lebron going ghost in the 2011 Finals you can't knock Kobe for the series against the Pacers where he got injured. 04 series? Yea that's justifiable :lol:
You know what though OP? I don't blame you. Part of your views may be stemming from The Decision and his signing with Miami. Because they're making it look to easy.

I firmly believe that if he would have won 1 in Cleveland, he'd be crowned King from all NBA fans - whether they like him or not.

My father is a big LeBron fan and I am a Kobe fan and I always tell him this. I have the same exact opinion. If he would have won one in Cleveland it would have probably equaled Jordan's 6 for most people. But, now since he has such a good team he has to win at least 6 to be in the conversation with Jordan and at least 5 to be up there with Magic and Kobe. In my opinion of course.
Championships are a team accomplishment. Lets not act like Lebron was knocking down spot up threes after a drive and kick out from himself.

To OP, Not sure what you want Bron to do. He's dominating the league like he was suppose to.
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