Lebron's Triple Double*

So how many rebounds did Wally lose then? Because if Ben gets credited for that, he's owed for all the back taps too. So which is it Stern?
I was taught when I first started playing hoops, that you have to secure the loose ball for a rebound.

I guess opposing fans can't argue that the league is all over LeBron's nuts now....



I've never felt more disrespected as a Cavs fan. Mo snubbed twice, and LBJ's milestone reversed.

Stern is a tool.

Bloggers own his a**
Ah well, that sucks. Would've been nice if he had the first 50 pts triple-double since Kareem in 1975.

However, one very good thing has come out of this: LeBron haters have FOREVER lost the rights to their hate rampages about how the NBA is constantly onLeBron's !###. From now on, you're all alone.
big deal 52 11 and 9 is still a heck of a stat line and they still won the game, this is crazy though i mean if this was magnified and they took away thatrebound then there should be a whole lot of corrections to be done because there's always going to be some statistical errors from all the games beingplayed.

if they took out that rebound then they should have took at the assist on this one:
If the league can retract the stats for the negative, then why can't they do the same for the positive?

Hakeem Olajuwon has two career quadruple-doubles. Only one of them is officially recognized by the league, despite the fact that the other game was seenthrough and it was confirmed that Hakeem also had a quadruple-double in the other game as well. But the league still won't give it to him. What gives?
Ben Wallets working the hearts of all Kobe stans. He didn't need to touch ball/direct it to Lebron. DAMN shame.

just wondering, how often were the knicks bad in kobe's early years and MJs career? the mystique of the garden was based on hard fought battles betweenboth squads.. now its just record after record being broken.. sad times for knick fans
Originally Posted by jepeh21

big deal 52 11 and 9 is still a heck of a stat line and they still won the game, this is crazy though i mean if this was magnified and they took away that rebound then there should be a whole lot of corrections to be done because there's always going to be some statistical errors from all the games being played.

if they took out that rebound then they should have took at the assist on this one:

This will forever be the most random video of all time, from the Borat music to the Big Bird even the gangster with his nipples pierced, what a classic video!
Originally Posted by mosk33toe

Originally Posted by jepeh21

big deal 52 11 and 9 is still a heck of a stat line and they still won the game, this is crazy though i mean if this was magnified and they took away that rebound then there should be a whole lot of corrections to be done because there's always going to be some statistical errors from all the games being played.

if they took out that rebound then they should have took at the assist on this one:

This will forever be the most random video of all time, from the Borat music to the Big Bird even the gangster with his nipples pierced, what a classic video!
i know but this was the best quality video i could find,they should have edited the reaction of sloan at the end of the video
lebrons performance at the garden > anyone elses perofrmance this season anywhere
Originally Posted by jepeh21

Originally Posted by mosk33toe

Originally Posted by jepeh21

big deal 52 11 and 9 is still a heck of a stat line and they still won the game, this is crazy though i mean if this was magnified and they took away that rebound then there should be a whole lot of corrections to be done because there's always going to be some statistical errors from all the games being played.

if they took out that rebound then they should have took at the assist on this one:

This will forever be the most random video of all time, from the Borat music to the Big Bird even the gangster with his nipples pierced, what a classic video!
i know but this was the best quality video i could find, they should have edited the reaction of sloan at the end of the video

Sloans reaction would be a good gif.
mosk33toe wrote:
Originally Posted by jepeh21

big deal 52 11 and 9 is still a heck of a stat line and they still won the game, this is crazy though i mean if this was magnified and they took away that rebound then there should be a whole lot of corrections to be done because there's always going to be some statistical errors from all the games being played.

if they took out that rebound then they should have took at the assist on this one:

This will forever be the most random video of all time, from the Borat music to the Big Bird even the gangster with his nipples pierced, what a classic video!

what the $*$#

someone from NT had to have made that vid
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

However, one very good thing has come out of this: LeBron haters have FOREVER lost the rights to their hate rampages about how the NBA is constantly on LeBron's !###. From now on, you're all alone.
Word. If this doesn't prove that Stern is a Dirty Snake lover, then nothing will. There was no reason to take that board away. I mean, howmany questionable rebounds, assists, blocks happen in every single game that someone else mistakenly gets credited for?
The hate for Bron is thick.

Originally Posted by Verdykt

SMH at Kobe reviewing the tape.


Oh well, Bron will either come back to MSG and drop 62 (or 50-11-11 leaving room for the L to steal one of his boards or assists).
Or he will come out on a mission vs LAL this Sunday.
I pray for the latter.
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