Legalizing Mary Jane????

i havent smoked weed in a long while.... they started doing randoms at work... i aint trying to lose my job.. i have a family to provide for....
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.
You've known dudes who spazzed out and started fights because they smoked? Or did people get annoyed with the person being high and want to fight them.

So those two experiecnes you honestly think the threat marijuana poses to the community is people "spazzing out" and starting fights and people shooting others?

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I'm not sure why this question is relevant but to me Yes.

Well in the cases of fighting, weed seemed to enhance their stupidity. But I've also seen cases where people are laxed. Too relaxed if youcheck my earlier post. Hey maybe its just the people. I don't hate the stuff, I just don't like the actions I've seen from people after using it.But I will say out of the stuff people use to get lifted, weed seems to be the lease harmful. So maybe it just depends on the person. Hmmm so what does it feellike? I never asked anybody that one

Oh and one more thing...
iight man drop it !*%%, always have come back for something, this and that stupid religion crap, just let it go. Like a 13 year old girl, I swear. We get it your against MJ and you love Jesus.

I'm sorry young man, but this ride is only for my future wife. Thank you and have a nice day.
weed is all good until you let it take over your life... If weed hinders your daily life, you gotta fall back... If you maintain a healthy productive lifewhile smoking keep smoking.... I been smoke free for 2 weeks just cause Im looking for a new job , but if it wasnt for that I'd be burning right now....alcohol has caused me to do stupid things in the past(arrested , fights , act completely out of character , etc) weed has only caused ( sleepiness, hunger, andlaziness at times)... if you hate weed and never smoked , you need to reevaluate your stance on the plant , its NOT A DRUG
It can never be legalized because people would abuse it more than alcohol.
Also, the gov't would tax it to much. Then all the rehabs for mj would shut down
because it's perfectly legal.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.
You've known dudes who spazzed out and started fights because they smoked? Or did people get annoyed with the person being high and want to fight them.

So those two experiecnes you honestly think the threat marijuana poses to the community is people "spazzing out" and starting fights and people shooting others?

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I'm not sure why this question is relevant but to me Yes.

Well in the cases of fighting, weed seemed to enhance their stupidity. But I've also seen cases where people are laxed. Too relaxed if you check my earlier post. Hey maybe its just the people. I don't hate the stuff, I just don't like the actions I've seen from people after using it. But I will say out of the stuff people use to get lifted, weed seems to be the lease harmful. So maybe it just depends on the person. Hmmm so what does it feel like? I never asked anybody that one

That's plausible. The first time you get highyou'll probably trip out and I guarantee you won't be able to stop laughing. After a few more times you'll definitely have more control over it,and be able to do things while high.

What does it feel like? Man. Well, let me say this. I could surf msn, yahoo, and niketalk with moderate fun. The moment I smoke weed EVERYTHING becomes moreawesome. Smoking weed has definitely changed my life. I've been a pacifist and realized that there's almost nothing one can do that would get mevisibly mad and want to fight them.

If I ever want to look at something with a different point of view I smoke weed. It makes music, amazing, daytime court shows hilarious and so much more. WhenI smoke, I cannot stop the urge to go hoop so I'm literally hooping all the time and always super motivated to get better at basketball. I could shoot forhours at a gym by myself while high.

Also I don't drink alcohol for the same reasons you don't like ppl on weed. Drunk people are obnoxious, annoying, clumsy, and way too aggressive. Inever understood while anybody would do a drug that turns them into a bumbling idiot.

I know you think I'm out there for smoking weed but I want you to know I live a very conservative lifestyle (liberal mindset though). I don't evendrink soda cuz of what it does to my body. And I couldn't imagine being drunk and making a bafoon out of myself.
Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Admittedly I am too lazy to look up the data, but a simple google search will probably show that THC levels in buds have increased exponentially since the 60's. Am I complaining? heck no

But you do make a point... Advances in the science of horticulture can be seen as advances in the cultivation of what is still a naturally growing plant. That being said, some potent strains were not naturally forming in nature and were the product of cross breeding several different trains of buds to harness all the goodness that these multiple strains offer. By that note, the argument can be made that Nitrous is also a natural drug since Nitrogen and Oxygen are two common elements that are delightfully combined to create the best drug on this planet.

tom foolery at its finest, maybe the weed the government gets its hands on has become stronger but landrace stains from India and the middle east china ect... that have been cultivated to be coated in resin have been super strong (ie 15% thc and up) for hundreds of years...

Being pro-marijuana is fine (I am a staunch supporter) but you have to keep an open mind and look at all the information provided, and not just assume thatresearch from pro-marijuana groups is 100% correct and research backed by govt organizations or anti-drug non profits is 100% lies. I wasnt saying that therewerent highly concentrated strains of marijuana available (for what its worth, I wasnt aware of these landrace strains you speak of, but its definitely piquedmy interest and something I will look into). The point I was making is that on average, the THC levels has increased dramatically over the years.

Again. I'm not saying that the following article is 100% truth or that I support it in any way, but just an example of a research study done. Flame awayif you wish, but I am merely using this as an example. FYI, ONDCP = Office of National Drug Control Policy aka "the bad guys/govt" so take it with agrain of salt.

"The potency of marijuana in the United States has doubled since the mid-1980s," said Rafael Lemaitre, spokesperson for ONDCP.

In 1983 the THC level was just under four percent, but Lemaitre said the current samples indicate the level has swollen to 9.6 percent.

According to their most recent quarterly report, the University of Mississippi used marijuana samples obtained by law enforcement in the confiscationprocess. In one sample, the THC level registered 37.2 percent.
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by nickthesneakerkid

personally, im against it. it's just another substance to impair drivers and i don't want people that are smoking to be near me on the road. just my opinion.
You are assuming that people arent already blazing and taking to the roads. Its not like a bunch of people are all of a sudden gonna start tokin up just cause its legal and then going on crazy joyrides. I burn and drive or burn while driving all the time. I know it sounds cliche and stuff, but I really am a safer driver when I'm high cause I am extra careful bout followin all the rules, keeping it at a manageable speed, etc.. etc... so I dont get pulled over for some BS traffic infraction and get run for DUI, posession, or anything stupid like that.

i obviously know people are doing this right now. it's just that if it were to be legalized, people would be less afraid of smoking out in the open. a lotof people would probably start smoking weed like they do cigarettes and that means smoking in their car. it's great that it makes you a more cautiousdriver, but i highly doubt that that it's going to make the majority of you more aware rather than less aware. i just don't see a benefit inlegalization, only the downfall and i dare someone to give me a legitimate benefit of legalizing weed without bringing up the economy.
Originally Posted by nickthesneakerkid

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by nickthesneakerkid

personally, im against it. it's just another substance to impair drivers and i don't want people that are smoking to be near me on the road. just my opinion.
You are assuming that people arent already blazing and taking to the roads. Its not like a bunch of people are all of a sudden gonna start tokin up just cause its legal and then going on crazy joyrides. I burn and drive or burn while driving all the time. I know it sounds cliche and stuff, but I really am a safer driver when I'm high cause I am extra careful bout followin all the rules, keeping it at a manageable speed, etc.. etc... so I dont get pulled over for some BS traffic infraction and get run for DUI, posession, or anything stupid like that.

i obviously know people are doing this right now. it's just that if it were to be legalized, people would be less afraid of smoking out in the open. a lot of people would probably start smoking weed like they do cigarettes and that means smoking in their car. it's great that it makes you a more cautious driver, but i highly doubt that that it's going to make the majority of you more aware rather than less aware. i just don't see a benefit in legalization, only the downfall and i dare someone to give me a legitimate benefit of legalizing weed without bringing up the economy.
But again, its not just going to be a free for all. There will still be restrictions. Its legal to puchase and consume alcohol but you cant justbe cruising down the street sippin on a 40, nor can you do that while sitting in traffic.

As far as a legitimate benefit of legalizing weed not related to the economy. Someone else had already mentioned it, but since marijuana is illegal you areforced to acquire it through unregulated channels (street dealer, local hookup, effectively the black market). The relationship between drugs... heck anythingblack market related whether it be stolen tv's or bootleg viagra.... and violence is easy to see. If you get robbed for your product, you cant go throughthe proper channels to file a claim and try to bring the perpetrator to justice. How you gonna roll up to the cop station and file a police report sayinsomeone jacked a bag of grass off of you? You protect your interest by other means, and problems get dealt with by street justice. The legalization ofmarijuana can only decrease the amount of influence that gangs (or other violence prone individuals) have.
Originally Posted by nickthesneakerkid

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by nickthesneakerkid

personally, im against it. it's just another substance to impair drivers and i don't want people that are smoking to be near me on the road. just my opinion.
You are assuming that people arent already blazing and taking to the roads. Its not like a bunch of people are all of a sudden gonna start tokin up just cause its legal and then going on crazy joyrides. I burn and drive or burn while driving all the time. I know it sounds cliche and stuff, but I really am a safer driver when I'm high cause I am extra careful bout followin all the rules, keeping it at a manageable speed, etc.. etc... so I dont get pulled over for some BS traffic infraction and get run for DUI, posession, or anything stupid like that.

i obviously know people are doing this right now. it's just that if it were to be legalized, people would be less afraid of smoking out in the open. a lot of people would probably start smoking weed like they do cigarettes and that means smoking in their car. it's great that it makes you a more cautious driver, but i highly doubt that that it's going to make the majority of you more aware rather than less aware. i just don't see a benefit in legalization, only the downfall and i dare someone to give me a legitimate benefit of legalizing weed without bringing up the economy.
Hmmm seeing how this thread is 9 pages deep....I dare you to look for a legitimate benefit. Anyway since when was this is about benefits? Thebenefit would be you couldn't go to jail for just SMOKING WEED. What are the benefits of alcohol and cigarettes?

So maybe it just depends on the person.

Take a seat.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.

THANK YOU! I swear people dont take everything into consideration
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.

THANK YOU! I swear people dont take everything into consideration
But my point was, what if the weed brought it out of him. Calm down Chico.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.

THANK YOU! I swear people dont take everything into consideration
But my point was, what if the weed brought it out of him. Calm down Chico.

If dude was rollin to a party with a piece, he definitely had an agenda. Anything could have brought it out of him. The problem is not the bud, its the dudehimself.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.

THANK YOU! I swear people dont take everything into consideration
But my point was, what if the weed brought it out of him. Calm down Chico.

He's upset cause that's what an argument about marijuana always turn to. Hypothetical "ifs" and gross exaggerations about weeddoing something weed simply does not do.

It's really frustrating trying to have this argument and someone will bring up a case of someone somewhere that is a #%## up and also smokes. I mean,c'mon you seem like a reasonably intelligent man. I know that you can at least concede to the possibility that the guy who touts a gun has more importantfactors influencing his violence than weed.

It's even more frustrating when research continually shows marijuana reduces aggression and everyone who smokes weed knows they are much more likely tojust ignore an aggravating situation while high thano be a big man and fight.

Either way, ya'll know people who don't smoke marijuana do bad things as well?

I once saw a parents who didn't smoke beat his kids. I guess not smoking weed makes you beat your kids. People get into thousands of accidents everydaybecause they weren't smoking. All my friends who don't smoke are still at home while I ,a smoker, am about to graduate from college. I guess notsmoking weed makes you not graduate college.

Do you see how silly making reckless casual relationships are?

As someone with a year of research under my belt I'm telling ya'll finding a significant correlation b/w marijuana and violence would be damn nearimpossible. Even if by some stroke of crazyness there was one found, it would be very very weak. Even at that, it still wouldn't be a causual relationship.That wouldn't mean marijuana causes violence. You'd have to control for 100s of independent variables that could affect the dependent varible ofviolence. After doing that, the thought that the 1 variable of marijuana, would have enough significance to tie a causual relationship (know that there are100s of other variables that could be affecting violence) is I would say damn near impossible, even if there was a significant correlation b/w violence andmarijuana.

I promise you, if you tried to find a correlation b/w the IV of not smoking weed and violence you'd get the same exact results. Piss poor andnon-significant .
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.

THANK YOU! I swear people dont take everything into consideration
But my point was, what if the weed brought it out of him. Calm down Chico.
He's upset cause that's what an argument about marijuana always turn to. Hypothetical "ifs" and gross exaggerations about weed doing something weed simply does not do.

It's really frustrating trying to have this argument and someone will bring up a case of someone somewhere that is a #%## up and also smokes. I mean, c'mon you seem like a reasonably intelligent man. I know that you can at least concede to the possibility that the guy who touts a gun has more important factors influencing his violence than weed.

It's even more frustrating when research continually shows marijuana reduces aggression and everyone who smokes weed knows they are much more likely to just ignore an aggravating situation while high thano be a big man and fight.

Either way, ya'll know people who don't smoke marijuana do bad things as well?

I once saw a parents who didn't smoke beat his kids. I guess not smoking weed makes you beat your kids. People get into thousands of accidents everyday because they weren't smoking. All my friends who don't smoke are still at home while I ,a smoker, am about to graduate from college. I guess not smoking weed makes you not graduate college.

Do you see how silly making reckless casual relationships are?

As someone with a year of research under my belt I'm telling ya'll finding a significant correlation b/w marijuana and violence would be damn near impossible. Even if by some stroke of crazyness there was one found, it would be very very weak. Even at that, it still wouldn't be a causual relationship. That wouldn't mean marijuana causes violence. You'd have to control for 100s of independent variables that could affect the dependent varible of violence. After doing that, the thought that the 1 variable of marijuana, would have enough significance to tie a causual relationship (know that there are 100s of other variables that could be affecting violence) is I would say damn near impossible, even if there was a significant correlation b/w violence and marijuana.

I promise you, if you tried to find a correlation b/w the IV of not smoking weed and violence you'd get the same exact results. Piss poor and non-significant .

See this is how I feel when someone knocks my beliefs. As for weed I had to bring up what ifs to see y'all reasoning for it. Question is, ifits truly harmless, what does it do that the government has a huge problem with? I've been wondering that one for a while.
Takes out tons of dealers and ups the economy.

Couldnt be sold in regular stores though. Robberies would be on the rise. Tons of cash PLUS a large inventory of chronic...

On a side note -
Mojodmonky1 wrote.

"The potency of marijuana in the United States has doubled since the mid-1980s," said Rafael Lemaitre, spokesperson for ONDCP.

In 1983 the THC level was just under four percent, but Lemaitre said the current samples indicate the level has swollen to 9.6 percent.

According to their most recent quarterly report, the University of Mississippi used marijuana samples obtained by law enforcement in the confiscation process. In one sample, the THC level registered 37.2 percent.

Impossible, maybe by voulme but theres no way by weight it would be 37.2 percent... either way, mj has been strong since forver... when i said 15+i mean averages for lanrace stains ( ie wild)... im sure if we had indoor grow methods and selctive breeding in the past... it would be just as stong...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

He's upset cause that's what an argument about marijuana always turn to. Hypothetical "ifs" and gross exaggerations about weed doing something weed simply does not do.

It's really frustrating trying to have this argument and someone will bring up a case of someone somewhere that is a #%## up and also smokes. I mean, c'mon you seem like a reasonably intelligent man. I know that you can at least concede to the possibility that the guy who touts a gun has more important factors influencing his violence than weed.

It's even more frustrating when research continually shows marijuana reduces aggression and everyone who smokes weed knows they are much more likely to just ignore an aggravating situation while high thano be a big man and fight.

Either way, ya'll know people who don't smoke marijuana do bad things as well?

I once saw a parents who didn't smoke beat his kids. I guess not smoking weed makes you beat your kids. People get into thousands of accidents everyday because they weren't smoking. All my friends who don't smoke are still at home while I ,a smoker, am about to graduate from college. I guess not smoking weed makes you not graduate college.

Do you see how silly making reckless casual relationships are?

As someone with a year of research under my belt I'm telling ya'll finding a significant correlation b/w marijuana and violence would be damn near impossible. Even if by some stroke of crazyness there was one found, it would be very very weak. Even at that, it still wouldn't be a causual relationship. That wouldn't mean marijuana causes violence. You'd have to control for 100s of independent variables that could affect the dependent varible of violence. After doing that, the thought that the 1 variable of marijuana, would have enough significance to tie a causual relationship (know that there are 100s of other variables that could be affecting violence) is I would say damn near impossible, even if there was a significant correlation b/w violence and marijuana.

I promise you, if you tried to find a correlation b/w the IV of not smoking weed and violence you'd get the same exact results. Piss poor and non-significant .
See this is how I feel when someone knocks my beliefs. As for weed I had to bring up what ifs to see y'all reasoning for it. Question is, if its truly harmless, what does it do that the government has a huge problem with? I've been wondering that one for a while.

It doesnt DO anything. I'm not a conspiracy theorist by any means, and I dont think the govt is holdin out on it because it uses marijuana to controlminorities or anything like that. I honestly believe it just boils down to $$$$$. Lobbyist for many industrys that would stand to lose tons of bucks ifMarijuana/Hemp became legal are working overtime to make sure this stuff stays illegal. Its not a moral or ethical issue. That is just an easy excuse/reasonthe govt can give as to why they want to keep it illegal.

Kanye - you are spot on with your analysis and I couldnt agree with you more. I am kind of an angry dude myself, and I 100% agree with your statement thatwhen I am faded I am more inclined to walk away from an aggravating situation and not escalate the matter.

"All my friends who don't smoke are still at home while I ,a smoker, am about to graduate from college." I found this particular statement to befunny, cause the same applies to me. Within my crew, theres 4 of us who are really close, who are like my brothers. Of the 4, 2 have never puffed or touchedany drug of any kind cept alcohol and/or tobacco. The other 2 (myself included) been smokin buds since we were 16 (most of us are just about 30). Its sillyto make any sort of correlation (but i'll do it anyways), but the 2 smokers both have college degrees with stable jobs. Hell, my boy works his !*# off asa small business owner with a company that grosses over $2MM a year. The other 2 dropped out of community college and work menial wage jobs.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

See this is how I feel when someone knocks my beliefs. As for weed I had to bring up what ifs to see y'all reasoning for it. Question is, if its truly harmless, what does it do that the government has a huge problem with? I've been wondering that one for a while.

That's the million dollar question my friend. As I've come to frustratingly find out, our government rarely reflects research. Lets justsay the government has a lot of special interests and lobbyists. Cigarettes, alcohol, cotton, diesel and other people who have FAR more of an influencepolitical than you and me.

While others tenaciously hold on to the fallacies that marijuana is some awful society killer. Making marijuana legal means the government has been wrong forso long. It means every congressman who's won a campaign by promising to be tougher on weed has been wrong. Do you know how many politians have made theircareer on drugs? Lets just say politicans don't like to be wrong.

If I was so convinced that marijauna was the devil and I got moral satisfaction that I was doing good for people by making it illegal, it would be hard for meto change my tone.

Plus there are still alot of religious extremists in office who believe "drugs" are immoral while alcohol is ok. Ironic that alcohol is the much moredangerous drug.
It was villanized by Harry Anslinger. He had a largley successful anti-drug campaign against marijuana during the 1930's.

He was openly racist and most likely had other motives for banning marijuana. Critics argue he wanted to eliminate hemp as a industrial competitor.

He launched a mass media & propaganda blitz that rose from a state to national movement around the same time hemp was being introduced as the "newbillion dollar crop." (1931)

He would cite ridciulous and heinous police blotter type reports linking marijuana use to extreme cases of madness & violence. They were false andexaggerated.

From then on out marijuana was miss concieved by the public!

Random fact: Marijuana would be legal in Japan right now had American not occupied it after World War II. The USA made marijuana illegal there!
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

It was villanized by Harry Anslinger. He had a largley successful anti-drug campaign against marijuana during the 1930's.

He was openly racist and most likely had other motives for banning marijuana. Critics argue he wanted to eliminate hemp as a industrial competitor.

He launched a mass media & propaganda blitz that rose from a state to national movement around the same time hemp was being introduced as the "new billion dollar crop." (1931)

He would cite ridciulous and heinous police blotter type reports linking marijuana use to extreme cases of madness & violence. They were false and exaggerated.

From then on out marijuana was miss concieved by the public!

Random fact: Marijuana would be legal in Japan right now had American not occupied it after World War II. The USA made marijuana illegal there!
As you'll come to find out the U.S foolishly bullies other countries into obliging to our sense of "morals". The U.S is always onCanada's @%! for their marijuana use yet as "The Union" pointed out we kill thousands of their citizens yearly by importing cigarettes overthere.

The U.S bullied/bullies south american countries for their coca leave chewing. Keep in mind that coca leaves when it isn't refined into 1000x more potencythat is coke has about the same addictive qualities and danger as caffenine. Yet we're in other countries, telling the indigenous citizens there what theycan or cannot do while we shameless promote soda for kids. Ironic isn't it.

I mean, why the hell would a substance like hemp that has limitless utilities be illegal. You'd have to smoke 25+ pounds of hemp to get the most remoteeffects. How is our country protecting us by making it illegal.
Ducktales to people who say they drive better high...overtime weed just makes u do loaded stupid moves...I watch people dothis everyday
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