Legalizing Mary Jane????

It would run Cigarettes, Swishers etc out of business thus hurting the economy
Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

As far as people going bankrupt overnight...
Cigarette companies - People dont smoke cigs as an alternative to buds. If anything they go hand in hand. I just kicked the habit (cigs) this year and its a damn shame cause my high is always better if I light up a cig right after a session. (I feel where you coming from, but I know ppl personally who smoke cigarettes because they are legal and because weed is not)

Liquor Stores - I dont see the correlation. Weeds gotta be sold (if legal) somewhere right? Why not at the same retailers that sell alcohol and cigarettes? (Another good point but like I said, people smoke and drink to catch a buzz, whether legal or not alcohol is just the legal alternative)

Rehab Clinics - To quote Half Baked... "You in here for some marijuana?!?!?!" I know friends/acquaintances that went to rehab for alcoholism and addiction to meth (amongst others). I never known anyone who went to rehab for buds. Debate is still out there regarding whether or not marijuana is physically addictive. I'm not saying that there arent people who go to rehab to kick their weed habit, but its not THAT serious. (Minors caught smoking weed have to due mandatory rehabiliation is many states, and addiction does not correalate with rehab, most people go to rehab for weed due to court orders to avoid marijuana convictions on their records or to keep from getting terminated from work, weed arrest have increased 900% since 1990)

Drug Testing Clinics - Whether or not weed is legal or not, companies that use drug testing will continue to use drug testing. Its not like they just test for weed, they test for all other drugs and sometimes even for alcohol. (Drug testing targets weed over other drugs because THC sticks to your body fat making it harder to leave your system, depending on your body mass weed stays from 14-30 days.Cocaine, meth, pcp, exstacy leave your system after 72 hours. MAX, and I've never heard a grown adult getting drug tested for alcohol but hey.........)

Lawyers - How many attorneys are there who specialize in marijuana law? Not that many in the grand scheme of things, and its not like they cant transition to other types of specialties. Even if it does become legal, look at the correlation between alcohol (which is legal) and attorneys specializing in alcohol related cases. Its not like the legalization of weed is going to create this free for all where you can do whatever you want without any consequence. The sale and use of marijuana will still be highly regulated and there will still be legal issues that stem from it (thus creating the need for attorneys who specialize in these types of cases). (Arrest= Court=lawyers, that was my only point, if ppl dont get arrested the demand for lawyers goes down=lawyers go broke left and right )

"The US has been so stupid about chron for so long that it would be economic suicide to legalize when they have invested so much money in making us wanna smoke it in the first place." -Human nature makes us want to do what we cant. PLAIN AND SIMPLE
bro no hard feelings but I guess I suck at typing in sarcasm
Originally Posted by gambit215

if weed was legalized they wouldnt be O' Dweeds at your local walmart, like I said, they cant rely on Cali for the Weed production of the US so they would have to import it

I dont think you know what you talking about .. LMAO

Oregon & Washington State pump so much weed is incredible

On CD (Counter Drug Missions) you used to see more fields of pot in Oregon and Washington than in Cali!
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK fine. Go ahead and legalize it.
The national weed association came out strong. But doesn't it cause memory loss?
It impairs short term memory...while you're on the drug. So no, it doesn't cause memory loss.

I'm not trying to sound mean but even if you did, why do you care? I'm assuming you won't be using marijuana.
How dare he care about other people's health.
Man, some comments ya'll say scare me.

Since when do I need someone making decision about my health for me? This America for gods sake. The land of freedom.

I wouldn't ban you from eating McDonalds something that IS proven to kill. I wouldn't ban you from driving a motocycle, something that kills thousands of people. I wouldn't ban you from drinking alcohol because I think it's unsafe for you. I wouldn't ban you from eating things with trans fat. Fast food is proven to be addictive and cause ALL sorts of health problems. I wish I had someone deciding for me whether or not I can eat it.

Why would I want someone to act like my daddy and tell me what I can or cannot do to my body. ESPECIALLY when I am adamant that I'm doing something that will never hurt me. This MIGHT be different if marijuana killed thousands of people every year instead of a whooping 0.

Until then thank you, I'm competent enough to make my own decisions. Stop imposing your dysfunctional moral decisions (or whatever biases you have against weed) and allow me to live in the pursuit of happiness.
First of all, I was only responding to your second line. This isn't all about you so stop being narcissistic. If it was proven to be bad for the mind, why in God's green earth (pun) would I want it to be a legal option for my community, family and child? I have no idea why you would call it a "dysfunctional moral decision" line. I guess it would be a pretty bad decision to tell someone do their homework. It's a basic set principle to look out for people.
FYI, I am pro the legalization of marijuana because it's benefits out weight any detrimental affect.
Too bad we can't have a discussion without personal attacks.
Don't worry about it duke. I'm used to it. But I don't know about anybody else but I'd rather have a anti-drug community.
i agree with you %100. and all that talk about it being a gateway drug is BS imo.
Thanks man. Yeah, the gateway theory is BS to the ultimate. Research always shows this as bunk. Even if there was a correlation, "Correlationdoes not imply causation".

Just for arguments sake lets pretend that EVERYONE does coke or heroin did it right after smoking weed. A very extreme scenario which we all know isn'tthat case at all. Reports that 31% of high school seniors have done marijuana withinthe past 12 months while 5.2 and .9 have done coke (5.2%) and heroin(.9%). Together that's a total of 6.1%.

Out of 100,000 people 6,100(6.1%) would have done Coke and OR heroin.
Out of 100,000 people 31,700 (31.7) would have done marijuana.

So if everyone who does coke or heroin does it as a direct result of smoking weed that would still leave 80% ofmarijuana smokers who don't do coke or heroin. .
First of all, I was only responding to your second line. This isn't all about you so stop being narcissistic. [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]If[/color]it was proven to be bad for the mind, why in God's green earth (pun) would I want it to be a legal option for my community, family and child? I have no idea why you would call it a "dysfunctional moral decision" line. I guess it would be a pretty bad decision to tell someone do their homework. It's a basic set principle to look out for people.
FYI, I am pro the legalization of marijuana because it's benefits out weight any detrimental affect.
Too bad we can't have a discussion without personal attacks.
Um...I don't know what being passionate about marijuana legalization has to do with narcissism. That "if" is a mighty big if youpresented. An "if" that hasn't happened yet after years and years of trying.

It sounds like you're searching and reaching to justify a reason for marijuana to be bad. What affect on your mind could marijuana have that could possiblynegatively affect your community, child and family? We're not going to find out someday that marijuana causes people to break into cars or rape kids. Ithas no threat to the community. I think you're stuck in the mindset that just cause it's a "mind-altering drug" it has to negatively affectthe mind. Otherwise I would see no sense in proposing a hypthetical "if" that hasn't happened and has no evidence of happening.

As far as your child and family, until their 18 it's up to you to make sure they don't use it. Marijuana will be just as accessible legal as it is now.

I guess it would be a pretty bad decision to tell someone do their homework. It's a basic set principle to look out for people.
Yes, if it was a law that put me in jail for not doing my homework that would be an awful decision. Either way, you're comparing tellingsomeone to do their homework with prohibiting weed. In your perception, telling someoen to do their homework is good. And in the perception of prohibitioniststelling someone not smoke weed is good as well. My arguement is, I'm a grown #+# man and I don't need someone to tell me what's good or bad for meespcially the law. Again, I absolutely believe that smoking weed is not at all harmful to me( i only smoke out of vaps). Why would I have somebody forcingtheir views on me when I'm not hurting anyone at all.

Too bad we can't have a discussion without personal attacks.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean any personal attacks. I hope we can keep with the discussion. Whenever I'm talking in the 2nd person I'mrefering to all prohibitionists.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Don't worry about it duke. I'm used to it. But I don't know about anybody else but I'd rather have a anti-drug community.

Please don't use that scapegoat word "drug" to demonize marijuana by dragging it into the category of coke, heroin and other hard drugs. Or evenalcohol, a drug which has this as a mortality rate.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 21,634

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 12,928
That's 44,000+people a year NOT including drunk driving, homicides or accidents.

So on the basis that we're talking about marijauana I'm going to replace "anti-drug" with "anti-marijuana" and ask you why?

1. Why would you rather have an anti-marijuana community? (Please don't' answer by saying it's a drug)
2. Do you think it being illegal makes your community anti-marijuana?
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Don't worry about it duke. I'm used to it. But I don't know about anybody else but I'd rather have a anti-drug community.

Please don't use that scapegoat word "drug" to demonize marijuana by dragging it into the category of coke, heroin and other hard drugs. Or even alcohol, a drug which has this as a mortality rate.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 21,634

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 12,928
That's 44,000+ people a year NOT including drunk driving, homicides or accidents.

So on the basis that we're talking about marijauana I'm going to replace "anti-drug" with "anti-marijuana" and ask you why?

1. Why would you rather have an anti-marijuana community? (Please don't' answer by saying it's a drug)
2. Do you think it being illegal makes your community anti-marijuana?
Somebody is angerrry.

I don't want a bunch of pot heads being in my community. People have been high and got into car accidents and I'vebeen around many high people who can't handle their weed. It was just like being around drunk people. I don't like either.

No of course not. People break the law to do what they want.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I've asked this question in other threads with no response: Where are the health risks if I vaporize my bud?

Significantly less than if you smoke out of a piece. But smoking out of a piece is significantly less harmful than smoking blunts. I got real into vaporizers acouple of years ago. I think they're great. Even despite the health advantages you save a ridiculous amount of weed.
Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I've asked this question in other threads with no response: Where are the health risks if I vaporize my bud?

Significantly less than if you smoke out of a piece. But smoking out of a piece is significantly less harmful than smoking blunts. I got real into vaporizers a couple of years ago. I think they're great. Even despite the health advantages you save a ridiculous amount of weed.
I'm copping a vape on Friday. I was convinced I needed one after me and a homie from work got faded off like .5 the other day.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Don't worry about it duke. I'm used to it. But I don't know about anybody else but I'd rather have a anti-drug community.

Please don't use that scapegoat word "drug" to demonize marijuana by dragging it into the category of coke, heroin and other hard drugs. Or even alcohol, a drug which has this as a mortality rate.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 21,634

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 12,928
That's 44,000+ people a year NOT including drunk driving, homicides or accidents.

So on the basis that we're talking about marijauana I'm going to replace "anti-drug" with "anti-marijuana" and ask you why?

1. Why would you rather have an anti-marijuana community? (Please don't' answer by saying it's a drug)
2. Do you think it being illegal makes your community anti-marijuana?
Somebody is angerrry.

I don't want a bunch of pot heads being in my community. People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed. It was just like being around drunk people. I don't like either.

No of course not. People break the law to do what they want.
People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed.
People have been high and gotten into car accidents? Really, be honest with me. You know people who have gotten into car accidents because theywere high?

When you say you've been around many high people who can't handle their weed what do you mean by that?
They couldn't handle their weed so they went on a shooting spree? They couldn't handle their weed so they stabbed a child? They couldn't handletheir weed so they fought their best friend? Please give me specific examples of what people do when they can't handle their weed and how this affects youor your community.

About the only thing you have is that somebody somewhere sometime got in a car accident while high. I wish I had stats of the amount people who've crashedtheir car high. I bet way more people have crashed while using a cellphone or even talking to someone in the passengers seat.

And no, weed is nothing like alcohol. I've been around ALOT of potheads and I have never ever seen anybody commit and act of violence while high.

And lastly, if you acknowledge that weed being legalwon't make it anymore accessible then isn't it counter-intuitive to keep it illegal?
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by purplehazze96

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

I've asked this question in other threads with no response: Where are the health risks if I vaporize my bud?

Significantly less than if you smoke out of a piece. But smoking out of a piece is significantly less harmful than smoking blunts. I got real into vaporizers a couple of years ago. I think they're great. Even despite the health advantages you save a ridiculous amount of weed.
I'm copping a vape on Friday. I was convinced I needed one after me and a homie from work got faded off like .5 the other day.

which one are you copping? i'm looking into order the Vapor Brothers hands free joint on friday.
Originally Posted by YoungTriz

the should make it legal... treat it like alcohol...
sell it in liquor stores only.. 21 and up....
the government can control it.. and tax the hell outta it ( help the economy )
A LOT LESS DRUG DEALERS.... why? who the hell buys alcohol on the streets...
more jobs... government grow house.... and nobody failing drug test...
people still sell alc in the street, welcome to new york city, nemo's and nutcrackers 20$ gallons...

Admittedly I am too lazy to look up the data, but a simple google search will probably show that THC levels in buds have increased exponentially since the 60's. Am I complaining? heck no

But you do make a point... Advances in the science of horticulture can be seen as advances in the cultivation of what is still a naturally growing plant. That being said, some potent strains were not naturally forming in nature and were the product of cross breeding several different trains of buds to harness all the goodness that these multiple strains offer. By that note, the argument can be made that Nitrous is also a natural drug since Nitrogen and Oxygen are two common elements that are delightfully combined to create the best drug on this planet.

tom foolery at its finest, maybe the weed the government gets its hands on has become stronger but landrace stains from India and the middle eastchina ect... that have been cultivated to be coated in resin have been super strong (ie 15% thc and up) for hundreds of years...
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Don't worry about it duke. I'm used to it. But I don't know about anybody else but I'd rather have a anti-drug community.

Please don't use that scapegoat word "drug" to demonize marijuana by dragging it into the category of coke, heroin and other hard drugs. Or even alcohol, a drug which has this as a mortality rate.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 21,634

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 12,928
That's 44,000+ people a year NOT including drunk driving, homicides or accidents.

So on the basis that we're talking about marijauana I'm going to replace "anti-drug" with "anti-marijuana" and ask you why?

1. Why would you rather have an anti-marijuana community? (Please don't' answer by saying it's a drug)
2. Do you think it being illegal makes your community anti-marijuana?
Somebody is angerrry.

I don't want a bunch of pot heads being in my community. People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed. It was just like being around drunk people. I don't like either.

No of course not. People break the law to do what they want.
People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed.
People have been high and gotten into car accidents? Really, be honest with me. You know people who have gotten into car accidents because they were high?

When you say you've been around many high people who can't handle their weed what do you mean by that?
They couldn't handle their weed so they went on a shooting spree? They couldn't handle their weed so they stabbed a child? They couldn't handle their weed so they fought their best friend? Please give me specific examples of what people do when they can't handle their weed and how this affects you or your community.

About the only thing you have is that somebody somewhere sometime got in a car accident while high. I wish I had stats of the amount people who've crashed their car high. I bet way more people have crashed while using a cellphone or even talking to someone in the passengers seat.

And no, weed is nothing like alcohol. I've been around ALOT of potheads and I have never ever seen anybody commit and act of violence while high.

And lastly, if you acknowledge that weed being legalwon't make it anymore accessible then isn't it counter-intuitive to keep it illegal?

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and startedfights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because butI've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?

Try it, don't fight it, light it...

if its to much at first... think about why...

one thing is will say is mary jane saved my life... i'd be dead or in jail w/o my baby girl.... and thats real talk...
Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?

Try it, dont fight it light it...

if its to much at first... think about why...

one thing is will day is mary jane saved my life... i'd be dead or in jail w/o my baby girl....

See my whole problem is the people that use it I guess. Some people let it take COMPLETELY over. I don't see myself trying it though.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Don't worry about it duke. I'm used to it. But I don't know about anybody else but I'd rather have a anti-drug community.

Please don't use that scapegoat word "drug" to demonize marijuana by dragging it into the category of coke, heroin and other hard drugs. Or even alcohol, a drug which has this as a mortality rate.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 21,634

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 12,928
That's 44,000+ people a year NOT including drunk driving, homicides or accidents.

So on the basis that we're talking about marijauana I'm going to replace "anti-drug" with "anti-marijuana" and ask you why?

1. Why would you rather have an anti-marijuana community? (Please don't' answer by saying it's a drug)
2. Do you think it being illegal makes your community anti-marijuana?
Somebody is angerrry.

I don't want a bunch of pot heads being in my community. People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed. It was just like being around drunk people. I don't like either.

No of course not. People break the law to do what they want.
People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed.
People have been high and gotten into car accidents? Really, be honest with me. You know people who have gotten into car accidents because they were high?

When you say you've been around many high people who can't handle their weed what do you mean by that?
They couldn't handle their weed so they went on a shooting spree? They couldn't handle their weed so they stabbed a child? They couldn't handle their weed so they fought their best friend? Please give me specific examples of what people do when they can't handle their weed and how this affects you or your community.

About the only thing you have is that somebody somewhere sometime got in a car accident while high. I wish I had stats of the amount people who've crashed their car high. I bet way more people have crashed while using a cellphone or even talking to someone in the passengers seat.

And no, weed is nothing like alcohol. I've been around ALOT of potheads and I have never ever seen anybody commit and act of violence while high.

And lastly, if you acknowledge that weed being legalwon't make it anymore accessible then isn't it counter-intuitive to keep it illegal?
Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?

I've seen worse from people who were completely sober and people who were drunk and were using other drugs. All I have been seeing you do islook at weed in a negative light. As for the people who you saw do those things while high, they couldn't control themselves. They were weak-mindedindividuals. They did not do the drug; they let the drug do them.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
Try it, dont fight it light it...

if its to much at first... think about why...

one thing is will day is mary jane saved my life... i'd be dead or in jail w/o my baby girl....

See my whole problem is the people that use it I guess. Some people let it take COMPLETELY over. I don't see myself trying it though.

Those people that let it take over would have been failures reguardless... it it wasn't weed it's been coke, sex, stealing, ect... weeddoesn't change anyone it simply awakens then... people that smoke all the time had addictive personalities... they were bound to fail...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Don't worry about it duke. I'm used to it. But I don't know about anybody else but I'd rather have a anti-drug community.

Please don't use that scapegoat word "drug" to demonize marijuana by dragging it into the category of coke, heroin and other hard drugs. Or even alcohol, a drug which has this as a mortality rate.

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcohol-induced deaths, excluding accidents and homicides: 21,634

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]
[/font]Number of alcoholic liver disease deaths: 12,928
That's 44,000+ people a year NOT including drunk driving, homicides or accidents.

So on the basis that we're talking about marijauana I'm going to replace "anti-drug" with "anti-marijuana" and ask you why?

1. Why would you rather have an anti-marijuana community? (Please don't' answer by saying it's a drug)
2. Do you think it being illegal makes your community anti-marijuana?
Somebody is angerrry.

I don't want a bunch of pot heads being in my community. People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed. It was just like being around drunk people. I don't like either.

No of course not. People break the law to do what they want.
People have been high and got into car accidents and I've been around many high people who can't handle their weed.
People have been high and gotten into car accidents? Really, be honest with me. You know people who have gotten into car accidents because they were high?

When you say you've been around many high people who can't handle their weed what do you mean by that?
They couldn't handle their weed so they went on a shooting spree? They couldn't handle their weed so they stabbed a child? They couldn't handle their weed so they fought their best friend? Please give me specific examples of what people do when they can't handle their weed and how this affects you or your community.

About the only thing you have is that somebody somewhere sometime got in a car accident while high. I wish I had stats of the amount people who've crashed their car high. I bet way more people have crashed while using a cellphone or even talking to someone in the passengers seat.

And no, weed is nothing like alcohol. I've been around ALOT of potheads and I have never ever seen anybody commit and act of violence while high.

And lastly, if you acknowledge that weed being legalwon't make it anymore accessible then isn't it counter-intuitive to keep it illegal?
Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?

iight man drop it !*%%, always have come back forsomething, this and that stupid religion crap, just let it go. Like a 13 year old girl, I swear. Weget it your against MJ and you love Jesus.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Oh actually I knew a dude who got high and shot a chick in the neck at a party. I've known dudes who got high and spazzed out and started fights mainly from playing too much. Very annoying. But hey maybe its the people we've been around. No I don't know anyone who has wrecked because but I've seen and read news stories about accidents caused by people under the influence of weed.

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?

I think the fact that the guy owns a gun and decided to carry it to a party explain more for the violence than him smoking weed.
You've known dudes who spazzed out and started fights because they smoked? Or did people get annoyed with the person being high and want to fight them.

So those two experiecnes you honestly think the threat marijuana poses to the community is people "spazzing out" and starting fights and peopleshooting others?

Is weed that good? I mean really is it that good?
I'm not sure why this question is relevant but to me Yes.
Im not goin to knock it cause smokin got me through college. But now that im in the real world its something of my past. Not saying I'll never do it again,esp if its legalized, but I'll never be addicted to the stuff again.
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