Legit Check on OG 12s


(From 1st post pics)
-On XIIs the first two lace holes (or the ones closets to the toe box, depending on how you look at it) should be farther apart and should not be gettingcloser to each other, all lace holes should have an approximate same distance between each pair or at least close to it, nothing as obvious as the ones above.(This is what told me they were fake since pic one)
-leather is cheap and shiny??
-tongue is too short
-all pics ive seen of these XIIs the reds and almost exact same shade even after age, on these you can tell the difference (might be an age thing but like isaid ive never seen this before but there is a possibility of it not being same shade.

(From pics above)
-CF is not real CF
-Jumpman on bottom should be black
I'm ashamed of myself

I wonder if it makes a difference since I had bought them from someone on ISS as well...

Sorry about all the contriversy this has caused...

Feel like a total *#*$!** right now....
Tree4, I don't know what to tell you I guess my vision is better than most. Poster, you say you bought them from ISS, well give the mods the guys id. Youboth are going to be banned I believe.
Originally Posted by ogmj23

^Make it $21 so I get a full $20 after the fee. I'll bet you my DS CHICAGO X's that that jumpman IS white.

Also, I know those are fake and I'm 100% positive that the jumpman is white.

The metal lace holders look cheap and the color isn't correct it's too dark.

The area toward the back midsole it protrudes out too far.

Add that with the guy who stated the other reasons why they were fake and what do you get? LOL
Dang man i could have sworn that the jumpman was black. Glad i didn't bet you.
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