let this thread die (NYK)

he's a smart player, can keep the pace, can't get his own sot tho. we just need some shooters really bad

Amare and JR need to get their shot back.

Going in hard on Jeremy Lin.
As a tenured fan, I do not share the same optimism for this season as y'all do lol.

I am definitely excited though.
"Tears aren't a woman's only weapon. The best one's between your legs."3

Smart advice (at least in medieval times) for the entire Knicks fan base. You only have one weapon as fans: The right to stop supporting your team. I hate to break it to you, but you have a better chance of watching this entire song 100 times in a row without stopping than seeing Dolan sell the Knicks. He will own your team until he dies, or until he's electrocuted by a suicidal microphone during a JD and the Straight Shot concert (whatever comes first). That's another 30 to 40 years. With Brooklyn launching a second New York team next October, you have a natural out — a one-time-only chance to run from Dolan, switch local allegiances and never look back. You could also renounce the Knicks and become an NBA widow. Or, you could be a loyal sap, remain a Knicks fan and be perpetually bitter … but at the very least, sleep well at night knowing that you stuck with your boys through thick and thin. I support any of those three choices. Either way, it's a shame that one of the best fan bases in any sport is saddled with an owner like that.

(Important note: As many Knicks fans have pointed out, "On paper, the Brooklyn switch makes sense … but is it really a peace-of-mind upgrade to go from James Dolan to Billy King and an absentee Russian owner?" Solid counter.)

Bill Simmons bringing up some great points about James Dolan
Only caught the end of the game so I missed Pablo. I'll def check him on the replay.

You not a real NYK fan if you see BKN playing here as a "natural out" to stop supporting the Knicks.
As a tenured fan, I do not share the same optimism for this season as y'all do lol.

I am definitely excited though.
:lol: I aint even want to say anything cuz a lot of these posts are similar to the posts last off season after we got JR and Tyson.
I won't lie though, Brooklyn does come after the Knicks.

Say our Knicks get taken out of the playoffs but the Nets are still in it. Then by all means I'm rooting for the Nets to bring my city a title. I'm not gonna change my avy and sig and start repping BK but I'll root for them before any other team.

Same way it is with the Giants/Jets. I don't watch a whole lot of football but I still hope they do well because theyre representing the city. Same with other sports.

But no doubt NYK comes first and if its BK vs NY then BK has to go :nthat:
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I won't lie though, Brooklyn does come after the Knicks.
Say our Knicks get taken out of the playoffs but the Nets are still in it. Then by all means I'm rooting for the Nets to bring my city a title. I'm not gonna change my avy and sig and start repping BK but I'll root for them before any other team.
Same way it is with the Giants/Jets. I don't watch a whole lot of football but I still hope they do well because theyre representing the city. Same with other sports.
But no doubt NYK comes first and if its BK vs NY then BK has to go :nthat:

I can't say the same. If the Knicks are knocked out the playoffs then I'm going neutral. If the Giants are knocked out then once again I'm pretty much neutral. The Nets are coming over here and trying to rekindle a rivalry, trying to split our fanbase and so on. If they win they win I guess, good for them but I ain't cheering for them. The only time I show the Jets love is when they go against the Pats/Steelers.
I won't lie though, Brooklyn does come after the Knicks.
Say our Knicks get taken out of the playoffs but the Nets are still in it. Then by all means I'm rooting for the Nets to bring my city a title. I'm not gonna change my avy and sig and start repping BK but I'll root for them before any other team.
Same way it is with the Giants/Jets. I don't watch a whole lot of football but I still hope they do well because theyre representing the city. Same with other sports.
But no doubt NYK comes first and if its BK vs NY then BK has to go :nthat:

I can't say the same. If the Knicks are knocked out the playoffs then I'm going neutral. If the Giants are knocked out then once again I'm pretty much neutral. The Nets are coming over here and trying to rekindle a rivalry, trying to split our fanbase and so on. If they win they win I guess, good for them but I ain't cheering for them. The only time I show the Jets love is when they go against the Pats/Steelers.

Word up! The Nets are like the Celtics, Bulls, Pacers and Heat to me now. I'd rather watch Kobe win than see those teams win.
Why y'all in here talking about the nets?i ain't cheering for them to win a chip before I see the Knicks win a chip **** the nets !!!!
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