let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by l Knicks Fresh Knick l

damn TD looked great, but only in them vids hahah
He looks like a star but only on replay only on replay
It depends who you trade Stat for. If it's Deron, I'm in, anyone else meh, rather keep dude. My thing is, though, I don't wanna trade him and then D'antoni gets another pass and we see him here for another 4 years.
What makes Blake Griffin a better PF than Amar'e in terms of skill? Obviously Blake at this point of his career could outjump Amar'e with ease, but Amar'e still gets up as high as most PFs in the league not named Blake and Amar'e has a better perimeter jumper..Blake's footwork is not all that great.The only time his footwork looks good is when he's being defended by a doofy defender like Pau..Yet, Blake is having a great year because he's playing with an All-Star PG..Let Blake play with Toney Douglas and Shumpert and let's see how many people refer to the Clippers as "Lob City"
how do we get a point guard with no picks and no money though?

baron is hurt. we gotta hope for nash? tahts it? then dantoni stays here SMH
Ray Felton is unrestricted in 2012 unless the Blazers sign him to an extension which I don't see happening

Andre Miller is unrestricted..yes he's old but he still has about 2 serviceable seasons in him

DJ Augustin from the Bobcats is unrestricted..Not a bad option. Dude averages close to 7 assists on a team full of scrubs

Goran Dragic from the Rockets is unrestricted. He'd work great in D'Antoni's system..He played behind Nash for years so he learned some things

Mo Williams-Player option but with the overflow of PGs on the Clippers, I wouldn't be surprised if he left. Plus, he knows he'll never start over CP3 but in NY he could start off the bat

Deron Williams..This obviously is a long shot unless the Knicks can get rid of Amar'e for some role players which gives the team more depth and more cap space to sign Deron. Again, I'm not counting on this going down.

I know none of these guys are Chris Paul-esque but they're better than the garbage PGs we have now. There are also a few restricted free agents but most of them are contributing to their team's success so I doubt they'd be an option
raymond felton aint coming back here guys. he beleives we did him dirty as hell why would he come back?

at this point, i;d be happy with steve nash. the possibility of him leaving pheonix is slim but if he has anywhere to go, it definately is NY. he loves the city. he knows the system. he can help immediately.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

What makes Blake Griffin a better PF than Amar'e in terms of skill? Obviously Blake at this point of his career could outjump Amar'e with ease, but Amar'e still gets up as high as most PFs in the league not named Blake and Amar'e has a better perimeter jumper..Blake's footwork is not all that great.The only time his footwork looks good is when he's being defended by a doofy defender like Pau..Yet, Blake is having a great year because he's playing with an All-Star PG..Let Blake play with Toney Douglas and Shumpert and let's see how many people refer to the Clippers as "Lob City"

Blake's numbers this year and last year are identical. Baron was his PG but he was always injured or benched cause he was out of shape then he was traded for Moe Williams who is not a true PG. We can't compare Amare to Blake because in his rookie season with no PG to set him up and no jumpshot he was able to drop 20 plus on just inside shots and dunks. Amare is useless when he's not knocking down that midrange jumper which he isn't doing right now .
I don't know why yall dudes are talking about next year, looking for the next pg (that's next season problems) and fitting in the system. It's sickening to think yall think Pringles will get a new contract.

After this season, I no longer want to hear %*$! about fitting in the system unless it's "Melo is thriving in the triangle" As far as I'm concerned this is Pringles last year as a NYK head coach.
Blake knows how to score, right now Amare doesn't.
I don't want Nash really either. Dude is old, can't play d, and at best will give us 2 years. Much rather make a play for Augustin.
I don't think stat should be traded away if HE was the guy doing just fine before someone else came along. Its sad really.
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

raymond felton aint coming back here guys. he beleives we did him dirty as hell why would he come back?

at this point, i;d be happy with steve nash. the possibility of him leaving pheonix is slim but if he has anywhere to go, it definately is NY. he loves the city. he knows the system. he can help immediately.

   I would like to see us go after Nash at the trade deadline.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Blake knows how to score, right now Amare doesn't.
I don't want Nash really either. Dude is old, can't play d, and at best will give us 2 years. Much rather make a play for Augustin.

You watch any Suns games this year?  Their roster is atrocious and he's still posting a career high PER and leading the league in assists.  There's no reason to think that wouldn't carry over here and I would take him for two years over having Augustin for the rest of his career.  Exaggeration, I know, but my point is pretty clear.
I actually haven't, caught like 10 minutes of one game. I'm obviously biased because I'm afraid if we bring in Nash, jerk-off gets to stay and play with his boy toy, but idk. He plays pretty effortlessly so it's not farfetched to say he could contribute for a couple of more years, I'd just rather have someone younger running this team. Nash + Augustin would be ideal.
I've been saying that he's going to get Nash and have one more crack at it with this team. He's not getting fired.
He wanted to stay, was willing to take less to do it and Tyson got here in a sign and trade.
We would not have lost him.

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