let this thread die (NYK)

This loss is on Dantoni YOU CANNOT continue to try to make Melo something he is not dude is a scorer not a point guard. I rather him play Lin if he doesn't have faith in TD and Shumpert to run the offense than to see him continue to prevent Melo from playing his game and playing to hi strengths .
Knicks can't play with these guys, not on the same level.
Bulls defense are not even forcing these turnovers, Knicks IQ and ball security is extremely low....unforced errors...never seen such careless passing.

Of course Dolan gutted the entire !!@@%%! #NYK team when Donnie offered 2-3 guys, Dolan trades like 5...now we have zero depth.....he is the reason for this, this team was improving every year and now they have gone backwards and they won't recover.
@ Chuck flaming Lebron
That was mad random
We should've been playing the rookies for a while now...could use as much help as we can get.
Also that's the second clean block they've called a foul. 
This is how Amar'e is supposed to play all the time.

Never bought into that BS about him playing that bad because we didn't have a PG.

He was just in a funk and hopefully he is out of it for good.
Knicks looking so GOOD right now.
Look@what happends when we work the inside instead of settling for a quick jumper.
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