let this thread die (NYK)

Anyone see spike lee constantly telling the ref that rose is carrying the ball.

That's prob why they hate us. Fans call the refs out on their bs

But I mean for this t happen at home is ridiculous Dolan should be sending tapes to the league tonight

Shump pooped his pants against rose. But hey it's his first time against him so whatever. Rondo gonna destroy us tho we have tired legs tomorrow
I'm disgusted man. I've been gone for 8 months because of work, and my so much has accumulated during these months; I'm disgusted
you guys think anyone would be interested in douglas,schumpert and dantoni for a point guard?
Loved our defense tonight despite the bum guarding Rose. Shump tried his best to make up for it.

Why can't STAT play this way every night? Are the Chi pfs that bad? Hope he continues this. Cuz BOS and NJ forwards aint $!@+.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Loved our defense tonight despite the bum guarding Rose. Shump tried his best to make up for it.

Why can't STAT play this way every night? Are the Chi pfs that bad? Hope he continues this. Cuz BOS and NJ forwards aint $!@+.

Because Boozer is a bum. 
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