let this thread die (NYK)


That Jeremy Lin thread is gonna explode.
Lin should come off the bench.  Knicks have no bench support what so ever so Lin can possibly provide that spark.  
Like I said in the other thread, they should have him come off the bench. Don't think he's ready for the pressure of starting yet. They might be setting him up to fail.
I'd assume Shump would start at the 2 and Fields at the 3. The starting lineup is probably gonna be Tyson, Fields, Lin, Melo, and Shump. Unless Mike decides to play Jeffries as a PF, so then it'll be C-Tyson, PF-Jeffries, SF-Melo, SG-Fields, and PG-Lin. Now that I think of it, that's probably the more likely lineup because Jeffries is more suited to guard forwards than Fields.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx


That Jeremy Lin thread is gonna explode.

Dude lit up the sorry %$# Nets and now everyone is back on the Lin-wagon 

The last thing on Amare's mind (and frankly, the fans as well in this situation) should be basketball.  Take all the time you need.
wasnt too happy that Lin will get the start. id rather him come off the bench and provide a little energy.
but then again, who else saw this coming after the Nets game? i mean, its dantoni right? smh

i did like that Lin/Shump backcourt in the Nets game though. but that was just for that situation.
With lin starting , lets say he doesnt have a terrible game, but not a spectacular one either, do you bring him back as a starter on wednesday? Realistically , what type of numbers are yall expecting him to put up ?

To me, as long as he moves the ball, penetrates, and doesnt turn the ball over, i think around 10 and 5 would be more than enough.
Originally Posted by arrjae2

[h3]Knicks To Start Jeremy Lin[/h3]
Feb 06, 2012 11:58 AM EST


Mike D'Antoni announced that he will start Jeremy Lin at point guard Monday night against the Jazz, following Lin's 25-point performance on Saturday against the Nets.

The Knicks have already started three other point guards, with Toney Douglas, Mike Bibby and Iman Shumpert receiving the call.

“This is a system that is beneficial to attacking point guards,
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

C-Tyson, PF-Jeffries, SF-Melo, SG-Fields, and PG-Lin. 
i say this. just because the Jazz have Milsap/Jefferson starting. they also have Favours/Kanter coming off the bench. we are going to get killed on the boards and (most likely) will be in foul trouble. 
i expect to see Jordan get some playing time.

Pringles is wylin with this point guard by committee. Keep Lin as the 1st back up pg, leave Shump to start as pg and bench TD.
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

With lin starting , lets say he doesnt have a terrible game, but not a spectacular one either, do you bring him back as a starter on wednesday? Realistically , what type of numbers are yall expecting him to put up ?

To me, as long as he moves the ball, penetrates, and doesnt turn the ball over, i think around 10 and 5 would be more than enough.

I agree..About 10/5..When people were saying B Diddy wouldn't contribute much at his age/physical state, most people said "Well, he doesn't need to contribute A LOT..He just needs to keep the ball movement flowing and create pick n roll opportunities and easy baskets for the bigs."..That's exactly what Lin is doing..If he gets Tyson involved offensively and penetrates, that sucks in the defense which allows for open jumpers for guys like Melo and Fields.
Originally Posted by d5

Lin should come off the bench.  Knicks have no bench support what so ever so Lin can possibly provide that spark.  
Lin is here to be a facilitator, not to put up points. He can effectively run the offense, so he should start. Shump will provide that bench spark.
Yeah, if it hasn't been a fluke and the team really is this much more fluid with Lin running it, he should definitely start.
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Damn.. doesn't matter if he's a basketball player right now, losing a brother is brutal.
Hope Amare makes it through this as well as possible.

prayers with him and his family
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by d5

Lin should come off the bench.  Knicks have no bench support what so ever so Lin can possibly provide that spark.  
Lin is here to be a facilitator, not to put up points. He can effectively run the offense, so he should start. Shump will provide that bench spark.


If the Knicks find a PG that can keep things fluid on offense, that "spark" will barely be necessary. D'Antoni is probably too busy making sure Nash is coming next season to coach the team. The thing I don't get is how no knew Baron Davis was really hurting. Billups wouldn't have the team in this position. He's clearly not built for a D'Antoni system, but he would help the team win now.

Funny thing about Lin is that he seemed to even make Douglas feel more comfortable on the court (not that it helped his shooting at all).
Maaan I feel so bad for Amare and his family at this moment..he was probably celebrating the SB win like every one of us when he got that call. Just hope he keeps his head up and takes his time to get back on the court. Not that it matters, but we're not doing a damn thing this season anyway

Speaking of that, get Baron Davis off the squad. He is literally just another worthless assistant coach out there and lord knows we got PLENTY of those.
Originally Posted by TraSoul82

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by d5

Lin should come off the bench.  Knicks have no bench support what so ever so Lin can possibly provide that spark.  
Lin is here to be a facilitator, not to put up points. He can effectively run the offense, so he should start. Shump will provide that bench spark.


If the Knicks find a PG that can keep things fluid on offense, that "spark" will barely be necessary. D'Antoni is probably too busy making sure Nash is coming next season to coach the team. The thing I don't get is how no one knew Baron Davis was really hurting. Billups wouldn't have the team in this position. He's clearly not built for a D'Antoni system, but he would help the team win now.

Funny thing about Lin is that he seemed to even make Douglas feel more comfortable on the court (not that it helped his shooting at all).
everyone knew. this was a shot in the dark. Non-guaranteed contract. low risk, high reward type thing
Hearing about Amare's brother makes my heart go out to him and his family. I really like Amare and hope he pulls through it. Dude is having such a rough year and this isn't making anything better. I really hope he can pull out of this.
I hate Mike Bibby as much as the next dude, but B Diddy really needs to let the squad know if he truly feels he can eventually play..If the Knicks are successful in getting JR Smith, I'd rather they cut a dude that will never play this season as opposed to Bibby that can play at least a few minutes if there is an injury to a guard.
Eh,, Bibby plays like every 5 or 6 games though. Wouldn't be surprised if he's just playing through some injury with the way him being on the court has been so inconsistent.
I'm just losing optimism for Davis making a comeback after every week that passes..I know that it was originally supposed to be 8 weeks anyways, which would be around the middle-end of this month..But we keep hearing how great he feels then a few days later his back feels terrible
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