let this thread die (NYK)

no Stat, no Melo and little TD = superb defense?
Even though i hate you guys
i gotta admit i like the win Lin is playing for you guys.

Those pick and rolls he ran with Tyson were a beauty to watch as a basketball fan
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

any giants players in attendance? 
  (they did it in the last superbowl)

Nicks and Webster are, probably some others. Cruz has been at a lot over the last few weeks so he's probably there
Lin & the defense
.  Lin drops dimes has 0 Turnovers.  Pure PG.  Saving Dantoni right now.
playing great. i love how we're using novack. his shot is money.

one question though. how prone is he to being played to his left? it looks like thats what teams will start doing.
Lin almost with a double-double by half-time.

should have had at least 10 assists but jeffries missed at least 3 x wide open lay-ups.
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

playing great. i love how we're using novack. his shot is money.

one question though. how prone is he to being played to his left? it looks like thats what teams will start doing.

Lin has NO left, he needs to work on that if he wants to stay in the league... watch his highlights, he's not comfortable at all goin to his left.

Knicks should play Novak more, he can stretch the floor when teams double Melo/Amare.  Knick's bench scrubs play hard.
im sure our coach's will recognize that weakness in lin's game and get him working on it. its really up to him though, how great he wants to be. im glad he got the door open for himself. just gotta keep palying under control.
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