let this thread die (NYK)

^^ should be a requirement of all Knicks fans on this thread... we beat LA and Lin goes off, and we each post a 20 second clip of us dancing to that song...

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Obviously the scoring is going to go down when Melo and Amare come back. But if he can keep it around 12-14 pts with 8+ assists a game and keep the turnovers to around 2 or 3 per. I see no need to have Baron come back anytime soon. The kid single handedly brought the energy back to the Garden. You can tell he just out there living the dream.

And the fact that him and Chandler have that P&R working like clockwork with Lin taking no first team reps in practices is amazing. It will only get better between them. A real PG is clearly what the Knicks needed all along.
Yea. I think we were all caught up in the big 3 not working right to realize this.


Has Linn been on the court with melo,stat and chandler?
Idk because once he passes Fisher. Bynum has to leave his man or stay and leave him open. Plus I think Mike is gonna spread the floor with Novak.

I might be getting a little head of my self. I'm not expecting a W. I expect Lin to not have a bad game
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

^^ should be a requirement of all Knicks fans on this thread... we beat LA and Lin goes off, and we each post a 20 second clip of us dancing to that song...


Originally Posted by MrDozo

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Obviously the scoring is going to go down when Melo and Amare come back. But if he can keep it around 12-14 pts with 8+ assists a game and keep the turnovers to around 2 or 3 per. I see no need to have Baron come back anytime soon. The kid single handedly brought the energy back to the Garden. You can tell he just out there living the dream.

And the fact that him and Chandler have that P&R working like clockwork with Lin taking no first team reps in practices is amazing. It will only get better between them. A real PG is clearly what the Knicks needed all along.
Yea. I think we were all caught up in the big 3 not working right to realize this.


Has Linn been on the court with melo,stat and chandler?
I was being facetious with that post. And lin's first game with real mintues (Nets) he played with all three. I believe one play Stat had the ball and gave it to a cutting Melo and then he hit Tyson on the baseline for an and 1. Not that Lin had anything to do with that specific play, but his play through out inspired the Knicks.
Originally Posted by arrjae2

Originally Posted by endemic415

Originally Posted by d3simet


i think Landry is presenting him a pair of sunglasses
Lin is brushing them, puts them on, puts them away

must be from a movie they both watched when Lin was sleeping over
yea i think theyre putting on glasses. and the first part, i would assume that theyre reading/studying (Stanford/Harvard)
and the last part, this might be a stretch but i think theyre fixing their collars or their button up shirts 

 at a movie when Lin slept over 
You got that right for first two parts. On the last part, they put a pen in their shirt pocket or take off their glasses and put them in their shirt pocket.. 
You guys are right I think Lin can be very beneficial to stat and melo.... I mean Tyson has been benefitting like hell and he's not even a true scorer. So imagine with melo or stat? I was also thinking that Lin can't solve all the problems on this Squad.

Especially defense... but when you really think about it, defensive futility is very much impacted by a smoothly flowing offense.
I mean we have seen it before, with the Knicks or even other teams. They need something positive to hold on to in order to catapult them.
Lin like we all know isn't gonna avg 20+ but I could see him getting 7 dimes a game if he keeps it up. That might be all the help we need. Just please get melo a different role as Point Forward because its not consistent .... he has shown flashes of being a decent distributor but it isn't his role.

Even if we lose to LA, I just hope the kid has a decent game again.
For TWC subscribers. The Knicks games on NBA tv are not blacked out when it's a re-run

Recorded yesterday's game at 3 am and it works
Why was Landry Fields so dark in that animated video? Dude was lookin like Wesley Snipes

I love how the dude says "Chandelurrr" instead of Chandler
Originally Posted by DubA169

Am I the only one who thinks they are putting on a tie in that handshake?

Looks like they're putting glasses away in their pocket protectors
so i made these during my classes today. super quick PS' but i thought they were pretty funny 

here we go....

for the next PS. the 'JL17' logo i made myself. most of you can see the inspiration is from the Wu-Tang 'W'. (i was bumping 36 Chambers on the way to school. and i figured Wu-Tang>Staten Island/Shaolin + NYK >Jeremy Lin = SHAO LIN) so thats the logo 

Spoiler [+]
Chandler better not get into foul trouble against LA because Bynum is gonna drop Chamberlain #'s on us
Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

I don't know if LA is great test for Lin if he is real cause Fisher is the opposing guard. But Lin the last 3 games wasn't facing trash.
I been thinking it's a test cuz of Bynum. I know Fisher can't guard anybody.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by CDonWasHisName

I don't know if LA is great test for Lin if he is real cause Fisher is the opposing guard. But Lin the last 3 games wasn't facing trash.
I been thinking it's a test cuz of Bynum. I know Fisher can't guard anybody.

I read that Steve Blake might be back for the Lakers today or tomorrow but dude is probably not in NBA shape. Lin should have no problem with any of our PG's. In fact, our PG's are so atrocious that Lin
will probably even impact the game defensively
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