let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by endemic415

Rubio made it tough for Lin tonight
He really did though.. If it wasn't for Shumpert, Knicks would've been in deep !!%* tonight. Nice W either way 
Both teams looked tired but Lin had ZERO and I mean ZERO in the tank the last 5 minutes it took everything to make that second free throw, all my ball players know that feel this one was straight from the heart
Lin was gassed, they defended him well, all those turnovers, and they still stole a win.

Wasn't pretty but these wins are great. For the D'Antoni critics, I saw some well used timeouts.. when the game could have gotten away from us. Still don't like all the minutes, but I blame Melo and Amare being out for that. Once they're back keep the bench playing too... Novak, Shumpert, Jeffries.. and Walker has been struggling so give Douglas a shot without the pressure of running point.

Five in a row is nice.
This knicks team is really benefiting from amare & Melo being out. Obviously they aren't a better team, but that second unit is beginning to gel and create roles for themselves. you add in Amare & Melo, and possibly diddy in a few weeks and this Team is looking like they may finally live up to expectations 
Rubio did frustrate Lin with his smothering defense. Good thing, everyone else stepped up..

#BandwagonFan FromThaTown
Team definitely gutted out that win. Great stuff. You can tell that these players are pulling for each other. Good to see.
Shump kept this team in the game with some timely baskets. Lin had no legs all night. But a win's a win so good for these guys.
Nice win tonight. Should've given Lin some time to rest during the 4th, he wasn't even getting off the ground on those layups. This team fights and plays defense every play. Hope that stays when amare and melo come back, but it's at the least been a fun week
The referees were pretty terrible. What a comeback win!

Remember we allowed the Wolves to score 62 in the first half. The Wolves scored 36 in the second half. Knicks players stepped up their defense in the second half.
D'Antoni is such a poor coach. I didn't realize it was this bad until this year. I never thought he was great. Thought he was a good coach but some things he does just makes me smdh.
Shump with a Melo like 4th to keep us in it. And if Novak can do his Korver thing off the bench consistently that would be key. And props to Jeffries (except for the blown layup late in the game) for hitting his jumpers and being physical on the boards.

Wasnt pretty but they cant all be. Ill take this one on a back to back with a plane ride in the middle. I gotta think thats tough to do if your not used to it.
Originally Posted by swooshallday

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Steve Novak is disgusting from outside.

he has to take more shots, he tends to only shoot when he is wide open

Novak isn't good off the dribble, he can't create his own shot you have to find him open which Lin has been doing which is why he has been playing great.
Originally Posted by d3simet

The referees were pretty terrible. What a comeback win!

Remember we allowed the Wolves to score 62 in the first half. The Wolves scored 36 in the second half. Knicks players stepped up their defense in the second half.

Yeah great d second half won us this game. I want to see stat play angry when he comes back
Please bench Bill Walker, aside from the free throw with a sec left, he was pretty much useless the entire game.

You can tell Lin was dead tired in the 4th. The conditioning will come along as he plays more games.
His conditioning needs to improve, he has said that he doesn't do the thread mill or the elliptical for cardio, maybe he should start.
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