let this thread die (NYK)

@ Clyde saying YES! at the end of that broadcast.

I have to be very clear with this. If you still think Melo will hurt this team and not help when he returns YOU ARE AN IDIOT.

This lame *%!+@ Bill Walker just proved why he is the worst player in the league to be filling in a starting spot for an injured guy. It's like he's trying to make up for all that time TD aint stink it up on the court. Son is pure trash. I seriously wanna hear yall crazy @$* **%$%@*+%%$!! talk about Melo is a ball stop. I just watched Lin and Shump dribble the ball one on one the entire game. THE ENTIRE GAME.

As for the game I dunno about Lin. I think he has something against Rubio more so than believing his own hype. Rubio was hounding him. He was delaying him which gave the athletic bigs a chance to block his shots but I will say this was a HORRIBLY officiated game. Lin did get fouled a lot but son was not on fire as usual in the paint or with passing to Tyson, too many times he coughed it up, too many missed layups (wish he had the hang time of Rose) but if 20 pts from him is a bad game I'll take it even though Rubio out played him. Shump needs to drive in more. I feel he can get in the paint as much as Lin on certain matchups, son still needs to work on his jumper.


Bill Walker is trash

This was a close one in the end. Too many turnovers but I like how we pulled this out defensively. Minny gave a nice blueprint to the league on how to guard Lin if teams have the right personnel. I'm happy STAT is coming back and Melo eventually.

Great comeback win. Something we have rarely done. Just that the offensive execution worked was amazing enough
I've seen a Harvard assistant coach on twitter say the kid looks he's going to pass out during warmups..him looking gassed is normal. So, in that case..I'm not too concerned with him playing 38 minutes.
Lin looked exhausted out there tonight. i really expected Dantoni to give TD some playing time. i thought he shouldve. but its whatever.
never knew that K. Love finished with 21 boards...

a good ugly win for us. 5 in a row? ill take it.
jeez. 5 in a row...



at Agua screaming wooooooo in the background of Novakaines interview with Tina...

and this game was all thanks to Shump/Novakaine

Great win on the road tonight coming from a back to back.  Much needed two days rest with STAT coming back will rejuvenate this team going into Toronto.  
.  WINS = Cloud 9 for me!
anyone that hates on melo is an idiot... he isos all day but whats the difference in his game compared to kobe, durant and any other great player? don't they chuck just as much? funny how knicks fans are so quick to turn on him when they were the same ones beggin for melo to come here and saying the deal just had to be done when justifying the trade... you take melo out this team there is no closer period...and now that lin is playing great everyone can play their natural role instead of doing something they can't... no more isos all day for melo or amare trying to create his own shot... there will be constant ball movement starting with lin and amare in the pick and roll and everything will go from there...melo works on this team... look how well he played towards the end of last season
Lin wasn't looking himself in the 3rd, not coming to the ball as much, or taking control.... Maybe, Rubio, got in his head. Maybe, it was fatigue. I give it to Lin, he was still trying to get into the lanes in the 4th, and being aggressive, sign of mental toughness.
If you're going to bench Walker, who are you going to start? Novak? I'd rather him come off the bench where he's most effective. At the moment we really have no one else to start in front of him. However, when Amare comes back on Tuesday I think he comes in and they still keep Bill in the lineup. Jared will just come off the bench.

Another thing, Lin has to cut down on the TOs. He's turnover prone just a bit.
I really can't believe this team has only practiced once since the game against the Nets.

This condensed schedule really underplays the amount of time teams have to practice. Not that he does a lot but that's when coaching offensive and defensive schemes are done.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

If you're going to bench Walker, who are you going to start? Novak? I'd rather him come off the bench where he's most effective. At the moment we really have no one else to start in front of him. However, when Amare comes back on Tuesday I think he comes in and they still keep Bill in the lineup. Jared will just come off the bench.
We can't bench him yet really but I'd give Pringles dap if he started Balkman just to see if there was some improvement. If Balkman can play defense with out fouling I'd be fine with him starting playing a role similar to Jeffries, not a lot of shots and solid D. In my mind I'm hoping we get JR ASAP so Walker can join TD.

Yeah as of now STAT coming back doesn't change Bill starting for Melo.
Originally Posted by you go boy

anyone that hates on melo is an idiot... he isos all day but whats the difference in his game compared to kobe, durant and any other great player? don't they chuck just as much? funny how knicks fans are so quick to turn on him when they were the same ones beggin for melo to come here and saying the deal just had to be done when justifying the trade... you take melo out this team there is no closer period...and now that lin is playing great everyone can play their natural role instead of doing something they can't... no more isos all day for melo or amare trying to create his own shot... there will be constant ball movement starting with lin and amare in the pick and roll and everything will go from there...melo works on this team... look how well he played towards the end of last season
I don't think people should be worried about Melo and Amare offensively. Give melo the ball for the same plays Bill Walker had and Amare in for the plays Jefferies had and we probably put up 10-20 more pts, if not more. I think they'll both do better w/ a real pg, and they needed one all year. The problem I have is what they do on the other end. Jared Jefferies plays better defense and rebounds better than Amare. Melo gives up 3-4 easy plays a game by not guarding anybody at all. If they can show some heart and hustle on both ends, we might actually have a serious team, but we haven't really ever seen that out of both of them yet. That should worry everyone, and until we see Amare actually boxing out and Melo actually staying with his man, people are going to continue to doubt them
melo actually makes an effort to play D and it has showed compared to last year... hes no lock down defender but hes decent... the same cant be said about amare... its like he doesn't even try
Melo and STAT can only make this team more deadly.  I don't see how it doesn't. 

Any time frame till JORTS comes back??

This team should be beast when everyone is healthy. 
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Now let's trade all these new assets for a third superstar!
lehh dew it!
Lin for Nash straight up. 



and another career high for Shao Lin. 6 boards
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Now let's trade all these new assets for a third superstar!

Lol. We already have a third superstar. Although he didnt match last nights game, this kid had the building buzzing tonight. So glad i was at this game.
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