let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Serious ?


its all in good fun lol
I peeped the title like word?! uh-oh.........
Only down 11 after an AWFUL first half...

Time for the halftime film session.

Anthony Carter is a great PG at pushing the pace, but he always give the opponents a chance to come back with turnovers (he over does it trying to lead players with passes.
Originally Posted by DubA169

chandler sets some of the best picks ive seen so i would hope he could teach amare

the details dont seem to be a strong point for us tho
Amare is a pro so it shouldn't be an excuse, but years of playing with Nash allowed him to get away with less than stellar picks, so I'm not surprised if he's weaker there.
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

Does anyone know where I can get New York Knicks gear like this? I checked the NBA store online and they only sell the T-shirt
I have been looking for the ash grey long sleeve forever!
This reminds me of how games would look when Melo was the primary ballhandler. Role players aren't making the defense pay when they leave them open and double/triple the ball handler off the pick and roll. Ballhandler is forced into a bad shot or a forced pass. Add in the fact Lin is a borderline rookie and well...you get this.
Amare looks pretty bad on both ends....Lin trying to do too much. On the bright side landry playin well
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