let this thread die (NYK)

Moving on to Friday's game going for 8 
Steve Popper
Would've been more popular. RT @JerryPetuck: @JLin7 Isn't it true that Al Gore originally called it the LINternet?
Postgame starts with a shot of the street in front of MSG with a taxi passing by with the the ad of "Adultery is Back"

Also Al Trautwig needs to work on his dental game. Pepped that back @ the half
Basically tried to get as many cheap baskets at the end as humanly possible. Nobody was really playing defense so he just took advantage and padded his stats.
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Basically tried to get as many cheap baskets at the end as humanly possible. Nobody was really playing defense so he just took advantage and padded his stats.

Even worse...
He literally stole the ball at the last second and made a buzzer-beating layup. Jeffries was looking around for a ref to toss the ball to.
 Extra whack. Funniest thing I've seen in a while. 
am i only one who feels jefferies is benefiting us more than amare as of RIGHT now? His hustle, defense, and rebounding makes up for his lack of offense and amare brings none of that tenacity. for some reason i just feel that amare's presence isn't felt anymore and its not due to the whole linsanity craze.
Originally Posted by mannyfresh106

am i only one who feels jefferies is benefiting us more than amare as of RIGHT now? His hustle, defense, and rebounding makes up for his lack of offense and amare brings none of that tenacity. for some reason i just feel that amare's presence isn't felt anymore and its not due to the whole linsanity craze.

Yeap, always was a fan of jeffries
Melo said on Francesa earlier today that he finally gets to play his position here. He is going to go off when he comes back.

And Dan Patrick knows his shhhh, said when the Knicks are relevant, the Garden is the single best sports event to attend.
From ESPN:

The Knicks' offense was at its best Wednesday with Jeremy Lin on the floor.

New York averaged 1.17 points per possession with Lin on the floor, compared to under a point per possession with him on the bench, and was more effective getting to the rim.

With Lin on the court, 16 of the Knicks' 39 shots (41 pct) came within five feet of the basket; New York attempted just eight of their 38 shots (21.1 pct) at that distance with Lin on the bench.
Yo if yall were watching Gametime Kenny as the Rookie/Soph commish just put in the request that Chuck and Shaq get to choose one player not on the current list to be on their team as a bonus just for Lin
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