let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

People are definitely out to make Melo a villain. Idk what it is but he catches so much unnecessary criticism from fans and the media. When CP3 demanded a trade, everyone was so happy for him for finally being on a team with good pieces. Dwight looked like he was playing basketball in Iraq the first half of the early season and nobody said a word about him impacting the team. Everyone knows he wants out of Orlando, and when he's gone, people will say "Good for him."

When Deron Williams had such a bad attitude his final year in Utah that a HOF coach quit because of him, then got sent to NJ, everyone said "Poor Deron..Going to rot in America's armpit." And even though the Nets have made no improvement at all since he got there, he's still considered an "elite" PG in the NBA.

Yet, Carmelo comes to NYC and he's a villain because he demanded a trade and this that and the third. I'm pretty sure the Jazz have a better record than the Nets since Deron got traded, but you never hear about that. Yet, every other day on ESPN I have to see a bar graph of how many more games the Nuggets have won since Melo came to NY.

well my take is this..fans still remember the brawl a few years ago and it was not a good look for melo especially when it happened at the garden. the way it happened, the way it ended,the cheap punch and the back peddling to the bench, it just looked bad.

and knicks fans remember everything

i just think knicks fans are being careful with melo whether to trust him or not. if melo behaves well and plays nicely then all is forgiven. I actually see this as a great opportunity for melo to make up for that incident.
get out of this thread please
As much as people say ,Lin's points will be coming down, which it will. I think Lin still has to show defenses that he means business as a scorer. Or else they're just gonna clog up the passing lanes, cause they already know he's gonna pass off the pick and roll.
Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Why doesn't Melo sit with his team but stands right outside tunnel and just chats it up during home games?
He was on the bench for the whole game last night and he has been on the bench for not just home games either
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by heLiumcLinton

Why doesn't Melo sit with his team but stands right outside tunnel and just chats it up during home games?
He was on the bench for the whole game last night and he has been on the bench for not just home games either
You gotta excuse these kids who think you supposed to be jumping around on the bench making up dances to draw attention to yourself while you are out hurt. Plus like you said they showed him a dozen times laughing and joking around with Lin and Fields right in the middle of the bench last night. 
Dudes just reaching for things to hate on Melo now.
did melo's reputation not take a big hit after that brawl?
knicks fan or not, basketball fans in general hated melo after that incident and the villain tag had stayed with him ever since
people may or may not have forgotten but their impressions of melo havent changed
The closer we get to Melo's return, the more I feel he will adjust just fine to the way the Knicks are playing. He may feel as if he won't need to burden the load anymore (wishful thinking), I could see him EXAGGERATING his first few games back though

Lets see how it plays out, nobody is more aware of the situation than Melo is.
Melo's been disliked since he got caught with the bud in the airport
this whole perception vs. reality thing has been going on for years. He's always been the villain. As long as the team plays well, it's whatever.
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by PauliePeppas

Originally Posted by mannyfresh106

am i only one who feels jefferies is benefiting us more than amare as of RIGHT now? His hustle, defense, and rebounding makes up for his lack of offense and amare brings none of that tenacity. for some reason i just feel that amare's presence isn't felt anymore and its not due to the whole linsanity craze.

Yeap, always was a fan of jeffries

Im not kidding .....ya its annoying when he airballs lay ups but he helps out inso many different ways...but most fans will hate him regardless
He has a chance to change his legacy. Let's see what happens.

I've been going backhand fourth. But I think melo will help alooot.
They trying to corrupt our boy Lin...

I know its MTO, but take it for what its worth, probably nothing...

NBA player Jeremy Lin is about to get a REAL TASTE of what it's like to be FAMOUS. According to one of KIM KARDASHIAN'S FRIENDS, Kim's publicist arranged for her to go on a "date" with NY Knicks player Jeremy Lin.
Kim's pal told MediaTakeOut.com, "She thinks [Jeremy] is cute, and she's good friend's with [Jeremy's teammate Carmelo Anthony's wife] Lala. It's going to be a double date."

Oh . . and we're told that Jeremy is EXTREMELY EXCITED to be meeting Kim.

Jeremy, our advice to you is: SMASH IT . . . but watch your BACK, that chick is RUTHLESS!!!
nothign wrong with that. I think every man, given the chance should at least tap Kim. Its like a right of passage
Back at 500 I didn't expected them to get there until next month

I can't wait until Friday's game so we can stop the speculation. So one of the groups between the real Knicks fans and the "new" Knicks fans one can be proven right about Melo
Originally Posted by YEEUPP

Originally Posted by tommykairaa

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Please break Duhon's assist record.


Please Do
and will someone break his consecutive FT record too?

Gallo was the closest one. but the cot damn announcer had to mention that he was one away from tying it, then he missed. 
Dunk Contest

Iman Shumpert (Knicks)
Chase Budinger (Rockets)
Paul George (Pacers)
Derrick Williams (Timberwolves)
Originally Posted by nightruans

Dunk Contest

Iman Shumpert (Knicks)
Chase Budinger (Rockets)
Paul George (Pacers)
Derrick Williams (Timberwolves)
if so...



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