let this thread die (NYK)

So you're saying you wanted dude to risk getting re-injured?

What other ways around a back injury? Work on his shot? Does that not involve jumping?
Son worked on his back the entire break, adding muscle and reinforcing it in order to not get re-injured but that's a lame excuse.

If you want to think of it this way, if this was a full season STAT would still be injured for the start of it and wouldn't have played until x-mas.
the reality of it was that many NBA players felt that there would be no season. Hence so many veteran players coming in out of shape. the young gunners/ rooks were working hard and im sure many other players too, but the ratio was definately skewed. Stat, in all likelihood must have felt the season was lost, and focused on strenghtening his body, and perhaps would get back to "basketball shape" at a later date. NOBODY on this board, has ever gone through a full 82 game season of competitive basketball at it's highest level. Let alone a condensed schedule where you'll be playing 4 games a week. I've never done it either but that must take a toll on the human body and mind.

im just defending my dude. first it was melo that the media and the internet jumped on to attack, now its amare. why cant we all just enjoy and support our players? the bi-polarness is seriously bizarre. how yall always need someone to criticize and blame? i cant wait till Jeremy has a string of bad games, that'll be real fun seeing y'all flop around like fish out of water. this stuff is ridiculous man, save this hatin' as BS for the sports writers who have to make money. Lets get back to being supportive. When Amar'e starts playing good, I don't wanna see a single pimp hat from yall fickle as "fans". yall rather see players, and the team fail just so your opinion could be proven right . get outta here with that stuff man go root for the Heat, we dont need yall.


On some real %@%%, Landry Fields can be a bum and shoot 25% for the next 10 games I'd be cool with it.

I love what he brings to the locker room, wish we could of seen Amare and Melo's faces
Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

I love what he brings to the locker room, wish we could of seen Amare and Melo's faces
Here's a video where we can see more of the team. Shump raps in it too.
Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

I love what he brings to the locker room, wish we could of seen Amare and Melo's faces
Here's a video where we can see more of the team. Shump raps in it too.
Thanks bro

I'm sure this would have to be on Knicksnow.com sooner or later right? there has to be a legit camera in there. Anyone know what event this was for?
BTW, Love how all the "Cali" dudes on our team are wearing the nerd glasses

Anyone peep Jeremy Lin btw? Dude is fitting into stardom sooner than I thought, look at his gear. Lookin fresh

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx


Where was this? Need a full video of this event.

It just happened tonight. I found another video of the event. Some pretty

@ the guy screaming "come on Amare, shoot the ball" Seems like everyone was having a blast
Wish I knew about this.

Shump got bars

@ ppl yelling shoot the ball to Amar'e
Originally Posted by petermans

Great to see this team gelling.... dudes look like they having fun outside of basketball, which is great.
hopefully all of this transcends on the court.

im lowkey excited to start the 2nd half of the season tmrw. just bc of the potential of our team. and we can make it pretty far if everything goes as planned.

Originally Posted by HyEtoTheSky

melo needs to fit in more, its like he's afraid to pass the rock
When ppl say stuff like this and there hasn't been a game in days are they watching old footage or something?
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