let this thread die (NYK)

dude's just come in here blurting words out on the keyboard without formulating thoughts for themselves that's all
I'm very intrigued to see how this team comes out tonight and plays against this Cavs team. This is a team that for some reason the Knicks have had trouble beating in the past. A lot of people would say "matchup problems" are the causes of these unexpected losses, but when you consider yourself a team to be reckoned with in the playoffs, you have to beat non-playoff teams, regardless of how poorly you matchup against them.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by HyEtoTheSky

melo needs to fit in more, its like he's afraid to pass the rock
When ppl say stuff like this and there hasn't been a game in days are they watching old footage or something?

Sooooo annoying.
Originally Posted by HyEtoTheSky

melo needs to fit in more, its like he's afraid to pass the rock play his game.Him playing timid is not helping
Fix me a sandwich when you get back to the kitchen
Love stuff like that video from last night 

Really makes it seem like the team is coming is coming together on and off the court. I know that's probably not the entire video but it would've been cool to see Melo and Amare be more vocal like the rest of the team.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

So if Dwight gets traded we getting that third seed. Book it right now

A positive post? J/p fam. 

If the team starts to gel and we start to gameplan for teams better like Melo and im sure other guys want we could definitely be a problem for anyone in the playoffs. Excited to see how things pan out. 
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by tim teufel

So if Dwight gets traded we getting that third seed. Book it right now

A positive post? J/p fam. 

If the team starts to gel and we start to gameplan for teams better like Melo and im sure other guys want we could definitely be a problem for anyone in the playoffs. Excited to see how things pan out. 

We still gotta catch Philly tho
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Originally Posted by tim teufel

So if Dwight gets traded we getting that third seed. Book it right now

A positive post? J/p fam. 

If the team starts to gel and we start to gameplan for teams better like Melo and im sure other guys want we could definitely be a problem for anyone in the playoffs. Excited to see how things pan out. 

We still gotta catch Philly tho

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

the reality of it was that many NBA players felt that there would be no season. Hence so many veteran players coming in out of shape. the young gunners/ rooks were working hard and im sure many other players too, but the ratio was definately skewed. Stat, in all likelihood must have felt the season was lost, and focused on strenghtening his body, and perhaps would get back to "basketball shape" at a later date. NOBODY on this board, has ever gone through a full 82 game season of competitive basketball at it's highest level. Let alone a condensed schedule where you'll be playing 4 games a week. I've never done it either but that must take a toll on the human body and mind.

im just defending my dude. first it was melo that the media and the internet jumped on to attack, now its amare. why cant we all just enjoy and support our players? the bi-polarness is seriously bizarre. how yall always need someone to criticize and blame? i cant wait till Jeremy has a string of bad games, that'll be real fun seeing y'all flop around like fish out of water. this stuff is ridiculous man, save this hatin' as BS for the sports writers who have to make money. Lets get back to being supportive. When Amar'e starts playing good, I don't wanna see a single pimp hat from yall fickle as "fans". yall rather see players, and the team fail just so your opinion could be proven right . get outta here with that stuff man go root for the Heat, we dont need yall.

A Knicks fan that isn't a clown on here. Never thought I'd see the day. If I knew how to post gifs you'd get a soul clap
Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

the reality of it was that many NBA players felt that there would be no season. Hence so many veteran players coming in out of shape. the young gunners/ rooks were working hard and im sure many other players too, but the ratio was definately skewed. Stat, in all likelihood must have felt the season was lost, and focused on strenghtening his body, and perhaps would get back to "basketball shape" at a later date. NOBODY on this board, has ever gone through a full 82 game season of competitive basketball at it's highest level. Let alone a condensed schedule where you'll be playing 4 games a week. I've never done it either but that must take a toll on the human body and mind.

im just defending my dude. first it was melo that the media and the internet jumped on to attack, now its amare. why cant we all just enjoy and support our players? the bi-polarness is seriously bizarre. how yall always need someone to criticize and blame? i cant wait till Jeremy has a string of bad games, that'll be real fun seeing y'all flop around like fish out of water. this stuff is ridiculous man, save this hatin' as BS for the sports writers who have to make money. Lets get back to being supportive. When Amar'e starts playing good, I don't wanna see a single pimp hat from yall fickle as "fans". yall rather see players, and the team fail just so your opinion could be proven right . get outta here with that stuff man go root for the Heat, we dont need yall.


Second paragraph: refreshing.
Originally Posted by DubA169


Yea I know. But atleast Melo came out in the media and said he wants to gameplan better like Miami does. Might kick start something with Antoni. Im sure he talks to Bron and Wade and knows how they gameplan rather than what the Knicks do. Which is prolly like a Rec league practice where they just run scrimmages after 20 minutes of team work. 
Plus if STAT can shed some weight and regain just a little bit of the explosiveness we should be more than good enough to challenge anyone in a 7 game series. He needs to just stop falling in love with the jumper too early. Its like if one falls hes stuck on that the rest of the night. And who knows maybe thats because he doesnt feel like he can beat his man to the rim. We will see. 
G ride definitely says alot of things that I agree with . especially with the team support . I've said it a couple days ago... This is our team and lets support it. Of course we know things aren't perfect. Butt I'm still supporting. Shoot I'm 23 years old and been a fan for 22 years. I guess I've got no problem with rooting for my squad no master what.

We got 2 special players on our team and a pretty decent roster. I think I'm probably thankful for that in itself knowing the trash talent we had before... So I'm cool
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

the reality of it was that many NBA players felt that there would be no season. Hence so many veteran players coming in out of shape. the young gunners/ rooks were working hard and im sure many other players too, but the ratio was definately skewed. Stat, in all likelihood must have felt the season was lost, and focused on strenghtening his body, and perhaps would get back to "basketball shape" at a later date. NOBODY on this board, has ever gone through a full 82 game season of competitive basketball at it's highest level. Let alone a condensed schedule where you'll be playing 4 games a week. I've never done it either but that must take a toll on the human body and mind.

im just defending my dude. first it was melo that the media and the internet jumped on to attack, now its amare. why cant we all just enjoy and support our players? the bi-polarness is seriously bizarre. how yall always need someone to criticize and blame? i cant wait till Jeremy has a string of bad games, that'll be real fun seeing y'all flop around like fish out of water. this stuff is ridiculous man, save this hatin' as BS for the sports writers who have to make money. Lets get back to being supportive. When Amar'e starts playing good, I don't wanna see a single pimp hat from yall fickle as "fans". yall rather see players, and the team fail just so your opinion could be proven right . get outta here with that stuff man go root for the Heat, we dont need yall.

A Knicks fan that isn't a clown on here. Never thought I'd see the day. If I knew how to post gifs you'd get a soul clap

your opinion doesn't matter
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

the reality of it was that many NBA players felt that there would be no season. Hence so many veteran players coming in out of shape. the young gunners/ rooks were working hard and im sure many other players too, but the ratio was definately skewed. Stat, in all likelihood must have felt the season was lost, and focused on strenghtening his body, and perhaps would get back to "basketball shape" at a later date. NOBODY on this board, has ever gone through a full 82 game season of competitive basketball at it's highest level. Let alone a condensed schedule where you'll be playing 4 games a week. I've never done it either but that must take a toll on the human body and mind.

im just defending my dude. first it was melo that the media and the internet jumped on to attack, now its amare. why cant we all just enjoy and support our players? the bi-polarness is seriously bizarre. how yall always need someone to criticize and blame? i cant wait till Jeremy has a string of bad games, that'll be real fun seeing y'all flop around like fish out of water. this stuff is ridiculous man, save this hatin' as BS for the sports writers who have to make money. Lets get back to being supportive. When Amar'e starts playing good, I don't wanna see a single pimp hat from yall fickle as "fans". yall rather see players, and the team fail just so your opinion could be proven right . get outta here with that stuff man go root for the Heat, we dont need yall.

A Knicks fan that isn't a clown on here. Never thought I'd see the day. If I knew how to post gifs you'd get a soul clap
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by GRideBounca11

the reality of it was that many NBA players felt that there would be no season. Hence so many veteran players coming in out of shape. the young gunners/ rooks were working hard and im sure many other players too, but the ratio was definately skewed. Stat, in all likelihood must have felt the season was lost, and focused on strenghtening his body, and perhaps would get back to "basketball shape" at a later date. NOBODY on this board, has ever gone through a full 82 game season of competitive basketball at it's highest level. Let alone a condensed schedule where you'll be playing 4 games a week. I've never done it either but that must take a toll on the human body and mind.

im just defending my dude. first it was melo that the media and the internet jumped on to attack, now its amare. why cant we all just enjoy and support our players? the bi-polarness is seriously bizarre. how yall always need someone to criticize and blame? i cant wait till Jeremy has a string of bad games, that'll be real fun seeing y'all flop around like fish out of water. this stuff is ridiculous man, save this hatin' as BS for the sports writers who have to make money. Lets get back to being supportive. When Amar'e starts playing good, I don't wanna see a single pimp hat from yall fickle as "fans". yall rather see players, and the team fail just so your opinion could be proven right . get outta here with that stuff man go root for the Heat, we dont need yall.

A Knicks fan that isn't a clown on here. Never thought I'd see the day. If I knew how to post gifs you'd get a soul clap

your opinion doesn't matter
You must be one of "those" guys huh. Funny dude, I see theres a few solid fans in here though, who woulda thought 
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by Wade187

A Knicks fan that isn't a clown on here. Never thought I'd see the day. If I knew how to post gifs you'd get a soul clap

your opinion doesn't matter
You must be one of "those" guys huh. Funny dude, I see theres a few solid fans in here though, who woulda thought 
Wade isn't referring to Dwayne, alleniversonfan01 a Knicks fan too, damn y'all a diverse bunch 
. Funny how you guys have no comment on what Gride had to say, mad cause I showed respect to one of your fans
. Ganging up on me like I'm one of your players. Guess your just negative at all aspects
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