let this thread die (NYK)

I spent 2 on one ticket to game 3 in the 400s (hi viiheaven) and about 4 for a pair in the 300s for game 4.

And I'm gonna end up doing the same this year.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

I spent 2 on one ticket to game 3 in the 400s (hi viiheaven) and about 4 for a pair in the 300s for game 4.

And I'm gonna end up doing the same this year.

lemme get a loan b!
i wonder if Ewing will end up doing some commentary like walt, bernard king, and even pearl has. kind of disappointing to be totally disconnected.

Reed doesnt say too much either. dont see him at many events
The Cavs always match up well with us...they gotta play harder if they want this win tonight. It's not gonna be a gimme game.
I hate that Lin is playing so complacent with these so called "superstars", he's not even attacking or being aggressive.

Amare & Melo bricking everything out here.... psh.
Does anyone know of a clear stream for the game. Few years back there used to be a dude on $$$#****# with a HD clear picture he would stream and people were able to chat along with the stream. Straight NY dude. Only showed Yankees and Knicks. What happened to him or is he still around. This p2p4u.net is too choppy. 
Lin is really slow around screens. He's gotta work on that. Main reason he's getting burnt by all these guards.
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