let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Looks like Ronnie is finalizing a deal with the Heat............................

I swear the Heat are so desperate for role players
Any time a past his prime player, or a player that is injury prone becomes a free agent, you always hear that the Heat are trying to sign them. Let them have Ronnie. Dude will miss 4 games for every 1 game he plays
Exactly. Dudes are so desperate to get any kind of big man they jump after anyone. I mean they signed Curry for Christ sake. And he has played a total of like 10 minutes for the season cuz hes still out of shape. 
As long as we keep winning it won't even matter. It's not right, but it's understandable...your gonna have a hard time giving 100% effort for a coach you have no real faith in. Good timing by the media to try and create more drama.
Well we did lose 6 straight, Melo like the rest of the team realized something had to change, i don't think it was just because of the coach. So i'm glad he found this energy. They did however need someone to better direct and coach this newfound intensity. It would've been lost on D'Antoni.
If Knicks lose this game Philly will have the series tie breaker AND 5 fewer losses. With so few games left it's virtually impossible to win 6 more than Philly, which means a loss here Knicks can just forget about Atlantic Division title and anything better than a 5th seed. This is the Atlantic Division title game right here tonight
Regardless of what happens tonight I don't see the Knicks moving from that 8th spot, let too many games slip away, tough games ahead.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Let me start off my saying I am a fan of Melo. Have been since he dribbled up the court in the McD's game with his knees. With that said I give you this...

I think Melo's comments about playing with more energy is being blown out of proportion. If I am not mistaken, right before he said that he also said that the team was forced to come together after MDA quit/was fired. Wouldn't this renewed team spirit automatically mean more effort?

Here's my thing, if you had a boss that let you slack, you will slack. But if your boss is constantly on you to perform you will step up.

Barry can suck a #$%................We all know you hate the Knicks. Dont act like you on the bandwagon now. Keep hatin and rooting for the Lakers and the Heat %@%%%!
Edit: Whoa, didnt know the nickname for Richard wasnt blocked anymore. YUKU tryin to catch dudes slippin
Here's my thing, if you had a boss that let you slack, you will slack. But if your boss is constantly on you to perform you will step up.

Nah man, I hate micro-managing bosses, I used to have a supervisor who just absolutely trusted me and my production was its best
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