let this thread die (NYK)


Originally Posted by d5

Yea never thought Doug Collins would ever let that happen.
You didn't see him screaming at his team to foul? He was the only paying attention to the score.

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

if Melo doesn't drop 25 against the Raptors and takes at least 16 shots in gonna be pissed. he's not even half the player he was in Denver. GREAT WIN THO
Why should that matter if the team plays this way and it results in W's? We see the difference in energy and effort now on defense and overall team ball. I'll take super role player Carmelo Anthony in the regular season...it's working better than whatever was going on before. Obviously you never want poor shooting but there's been a decrease of forced shots because he knows the other guys can be relied upon. Come playoff time, he should (hopefully) have the kinks worked out.

All I ask is to get out of a possible Heat/Bulls 1st round match-up. We know they're capable of beating Philly/Indiana/Atlanta when they play like this.
I wanted Lin to shoot the technical earlier in the game since he's been so hot from the free throw line, instead Melo shot it and missed it.
Originally Posted by warriors510

I wanted Lin to shoot the technical earlier in the game since he's been so hot from the free throw line, instead Melo shot it and missed it.


Thought the game was starting @ 7:30 so I missed the 1st quarter but it was great to see we were winning this game with our defense. Kinda sucked that our offense wasn't there but this win felt better cuz how we won with defense.

Almost didn't understand the lineup Woodson had out there in the end until I noticed he was just matching up with the small lineup Philly put out there.

Lin did his thing in the 4th

As for Melo it seems obvious to me he's just on cruise control, especially if he's having a bad shooting game now. Not taking whether his hsot falls or not as serious anymore. Focusing on other parts he can make a difference. Hopefully he turns it on in the playoffs.

Best thing about this game was STAT though. That dunk at the end of the half, the quickness, the blocks, the agility, son had me hype. Took me back to the playoffs when he was roasting KG.
Lin's Facebook status

Jeremy Lin
Gutsy team win! Thanks to my teammates for bailing me out tonight. Time to rest my hands because tyson and amare give the hardest high-fives lol
Originally Posted by onewearz

Lin's Facebook status

Jeremy Lin
Gutsy team win! Thanks to my teammates for bailing me out tonight. Time to rest my hands because tyson and amare give the hardest high-fives lol
Originally Posted by NiceLikeChrist

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Melo doesn't give high fives apparently.

Selfish bum.
If he did he'd probably give some weak *+% daps 
like them soft *#% dunks of his

and you seen them shooting sleeves? so disrespectful.
An NT'er predicted in this thread that the Knicks would win 5 straight when Woodson got the job and majority of the thread laughed at him..I don't recall his Username but dude deserves some props for making that bold statement while the Knicks were on that losing streak looking horrible.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

I'm heated.

I thought I was recording. Walked in with 2 mins left in the 4th like
No recording...


Feels bad. And the re-run isn't till 2am ?
Same thing here. 
Gonna DVR the encore and check it out tomorrow. 
I love the way Amar'e has been playing lately..This guy is blocking shots, grabbing boards, playing defense (locked down Elton Brand in the 2nd half) dunking on dudes, and hustling like it's a playoff game every night...He had one of his best overall seasons in Phoenix the year after Pringles was gone..No coincidence that he's blossoming again after he resigned
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

An NT'er predicted in this thread that the Knicks would win 5 straight when Woodson got the job and majority of the thread laughed at him..I don't recall his Username but dude deserves some props for making that bold statement while the Knicks were on that losing streak looking horrible.
Son was crazy bold with the rest of his post though

Props to him.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

if Melo doesn't drop 25 against the Raptors and takes at least 16 shots in gonna be pissed. he's not even half the player he was in Denver. GREAT WIN THO
Why should that matter if the team plays this way and it results in W's?
Isn't the goal to win a championship?

You're certainly not doing that if your stars don't play like stars.
Knicks fans are so funny 
. Anyway, I turn to MSG to see the replay and there's no game, instead they are re-running Boomer and Carton with the great Bo Jackson 
Great win. So proud of our DEFENSE the last 5 games. We truly look like we've made a transformation. Loving the energy and hustle, about time.
Our offense is still pretty much the same tho, looks like we're just coming out with more confidence. Melo's overall game is getting better (passing, defense..etc) but his scoring and shooting ability has and continues to be disappointing, there will be games our team will have a bad shooting night and we're going to need Melo to takeover (I'm not so confident he can now). Stat is looking much better as well, very promising.
I don't wanna be negative during a time where the team has looked great, but this dude JR Smith needs to get his shot selection under control..Someone remind this guy that he's not in China anymore and he doesn't have the freedom to force contested jumpers like he used to...I know that it was a risk we had to take with JR knowing that some nights he'll shoot u into games and other nights he can shoot you out, but he was on some other shhh tonight. He had that All-Star game/point game at the YMCA shot selection
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I don't wanna be negative during a time where the team has looked great, but this dude JR Smith needs to get his shot selection under control..Someone remind this guy that he's not in China anymore and he doesn't have the freedom to force contested jumpers like he used to...I know that it was a risk we had to take with JR knowing that some nights he'll shoot u into games and other nights he can shoot you out, but he was on some other shhh tonight. He had that All-Star game/point game at the YMCA shot selection

Dude that's not being negative. You shouldn't be scared to be critical of your team. Just because we're winning doesn't mean we're not making mistakes. Always room for improvement, thats what so many of these fans don't realize here.
As for your assessment I completely agree. JR Smith's attitude and shot selection is something I have continued to question and criticize since he came. Many people (especially on here) let it go because he's a "goon" and he's been making them recently but that doesn't matter, in the end you lose games if you take bad shots. Fact. I want to choke JR Smith because he lacks regular common sense at times 
Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke
Why should that matter if the team plays this way and it results in W's?
Isn't the goal to win a championship?

You're certainly not doing that if your stars don't play like stars.
I get that. But he could average 10 or 30 PPG for the rest of the reg. season and I'd still feel the same way as long as he kept playing with the same energy/intensity he's shown recently. Melo and everyone else knows there are guys that can carry the team in scoring on any given night so the "star numbers" shouldn't be a concern right now. No need to assert yourself (yet) when it could possibly disrupt the good mojo they have going on.

I already acknowledged he would have to step it up for the playoffs though.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I'll take super role player Carmelo Anthony in the regular season...it's working better than whatever was going on before. Obviously you never want poor shooting but there's been a decrease of forced shots because he knows the other guys can be relied upon. Come playoff time, he should (hopefully) have the kinks worked out.
anyone think that if knicks cant secure the sixth seed or higher should just stay at 8th?? i feel like they have a better chance play bulls than heats
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