let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by ill steelo

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Why should that matter if the team plays this way and it results in W's?
Isn't the goal to win a championship?

You're certainly not doing that if your stars don't play like stars.
I get that. But he could average 10 or 30 PPG for the rest of the reg. season and I'd still feel the same way as long as he kept playing with the same energy/intensity he's shown recently. Melo and everyone else knows there are guys that can carry the team in scoring on any given night so the "star numbers" shouldn't be a concern right now. No need to assert yourself (yet) when it could possibly disrupt the good mojo they have going on.

I already acknowledged he would have to step it up for the playoffs though.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

I'll take super role player Carmelo Anthony in the regular season...it's working better than whatever was going on before. Obviously you never want poor shooting but there's been a decrease of forced shots because he knows the other guys can be relied upon. Come playoff time, he should (hopefully) have the kinks worked out.
I like Melo as the super role player. He's fighting on the boards ("oh %%+%!") like a mad man and he's never really banged like this in the paint. But you can tell he's struggling to keep pace on the offensive end due to the energy he spends on defense. His jumper is pretty inconsistent right now. He needs to find a balance between his strength and speed like he used to have. Right now he looks gassed on offense with no lift or speed. He isn't even utilizing his jab step for separation, at least not effectively. It just seems like he's having a very inefficient season on the offensive end and I'm not sure why. He can score 10-12, but he shouldn't be doing it on 15-16 shots. The one thing I'll take into consideration is that he's been attempting a lot of tip-ins that don't drop. 
His extra effort on d is not the problem with his offense. Looks like this dude caught the amare bug that has plagued him most of this year. He looks extra old with no lift. He's easily having his worst year in the L. It's tough when you can actually say your superstar player is a liability on your team. No way we get by the first round with this melo Playing for us
smh at you guys always hating on Melo

dude will be fine
Tim Teufel never passes up a oppurtunity to hate on Melo. This team is gonna be hard as $%#@ to eliminate when both Melo and Stat are putting 20+ consistently. Dude was putting up 30 a game with 50% shooting from the field before the wrist injury in Memphis and then the groan. It's probably gonna take the majority of this regular season to get his shot back.
Keep lying to yourselves. I'm glad he's playing some kind of defense but this dude is not doing what he was paid to do. It all gets overlooked because the team is doing well,but what happens when we need a Lil extra from him and he does not deliver? Ya call it hate I call it a horrible year
Melo just needs time to find a medium now. Hes always been the amazing offensive player who doesnt do a whole lot on D. Now hes exerting a lot of energy on the defensive end. He just has to be a little more conditioned now so he can do both for 35 minuites a game.

Add that to the fact that he is doing everything else better than he has his entire career (passing, banging in the paint for boards, defense) I'll excuse the lack of offense recently. Once he gets everything worked out this team is going to be really good. Guys gotta stop expecting him to become Bron over night. Hes just started to play real good D, obviously that is going to take a lot of energy away from his offensive game.

He will figure it out. He may need to shed like 5-10 pounds. But I think by the playoffs this team is gonna be real scary.
He's going to have his best year as a Knick the year following team USA

Just like last time. He's going to be very in shape because no time to chill out.

But yeah he's obviously injured guys. He's grimacing on every play

Its nice to have a coach that makes adjustments btw
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Long as we win, I couldn't care less how inefficient Melo is.

True, but come playoff time we're going to need him to be more efficient offensively.
Originally Posted by LovesIt

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Long as we win, I couldn't care less how inefficient Melo is.

True, but come playoff time we're going to need him to be more efficient offensively.

We will, but I think he'll have it figured out by then. Cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I can't complain. Effort has been tere 100% from Melo since the coaching change.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by LovesIt

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Long as we win, I couldn't care less how inefficient Melo is.

True, but come playoff time we're going to need him to be more efficient offensively.

We will, but I think he'll have it figured out by then. Cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I can't complain. Effort has been tere 100% from Melo since the coaching change.
hopefully he figures it out by then. but i am shocked at this defensive effort tho,so many times they smothered the opposing players to the point they couldnt even take a decent shot. this dude woodson deff lit a fire under them i cant even believe this lol
“I guarantee you that Miami and Chicago sure don’t want to see the Knicks at 7 or 8 [in the playoff race],
Originally Posted by NiceLikeChrist

Does anybody think that something is still a little off with Melo's wrist?

He just said the other night that his wrist is still bothering him. People don't realize that he hurt that wrist more n more by playing through it when he first injured it. Not everyone is Kobe and can play through serious injuries. Kobe is probably the best jump shooter of our era so it wouldn't be fair to compare the 2 of them playing through hand injuries. But when you play through a sprain or something similar, you just put more stress on the injury which makes hurts you more in the long run. That's how you get stress fractures and things of that nature.
Honestly, we could still quite easily win the Atlantic. I still don't think D'antoni was a horrible coach it was just always the wrong matchup of personell and talent. This is a half-court defensive team, Woodson isn't exactly a genius of a coach but the slight change in philosophy makes that much of a difference.

I'm not worried about Melo in the slightest. The guy has a different gear come playoff time. I saw in Boston last year, when he turns it up a notch, he can grab 10 rebounds and drop 30 without flinching. I always knew he could be a good defender cause with him it was just about effort. Paul Pierce was never considered a top defender until those other guys joined him as well. Melo can be good simply because he has the size to really be effective agains the elite swingman. He can physically stand up to the Bron's of the world.

I think the thing that impresses me most about Lin is his composure and confidence. Dude has the confidence of one of those hood cats who believes he is the nicest one on the court every time. There is never fear in him and he always wants the rock in the clutch but not in a way where he won't give it up to Melo when the time calls. The kid is our PG for the future, he still has a lot to work on no doubt but he is young and he has already shown a will to improve. You watch him interract with the guys and he knows he belongs out there, he's not afraid to direct people, or say things to Melo/Amar'e/ Shump.

In terms of playoffs, we just need to find a way to avoid Miami until the conference Finals. Don't want any parts of them before than. Especially with the way we are playing D now though, I think we match up very well with Chicago. I mean, even earlier in this season when we sucked we gave them good games. And unlike Miami or I think us potentially, they don't have that extra gear come playoff time. They are still the same flawed team as the last year no matter how great they are defensively. Rose dribbling 20 times a possession is stoppable at the end of the day.
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