let this thread die (NYK)

i never understood fans , especially ny fans, who boo "our" guys .

yeah melo's in a slump, we all seen what the guy can do . ny always puts xtra unnecessary pressure on guys . melo's gonna be fine, he's obviously hurting. he'll get out of it but putting the xtra pressure to me is just stupid.

we waited this long for em to be good again i can wait a lil longer
Kick rocks b lulz. How mature. It's not that serious kid. If you can't handle the truth about melo being a bust just ignore me. Dudes fall in love with a players name instead of their performance smh youngins these days calling themselves knick fans haha
What's even funnier is we brought him here to be a scorer and people complained that he didn't do all the other necessary things to win. Defense, rebounding, passing, being a team player. Now he's doing all those things and we got dudes complaining that he's not dominating offensively. It hasn't even been one full season yet and already dudes want the world. Typical Knicks I guess. Nothing but constant extremes.
The ignore function works wonders for browsing NT.

Sloppy first half, hopefully Mike rips into the team and wakes them up for the second half.
Your act is just tired on here. You constantly try to put down other Knicks fans and act as if you're the ONLY one who is frustrated with Melo's play. We all are. Just because we don't post "lulz told you guys he sucks" on every page doesn't make us "blind"

Give it a rest.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

What's even funnier is we brought him here to be a scorer and people complained that he didn't do all the other necessary things to win. Defense, rebounding, passing, being a team player. Now he's doing all those things and we got dudes complaining that he's not dominating offensively. It hasn't even been one full season yet and already dudes want the world. Typical Knicks I guess. Nothing but constant extremes.

You call now doing all those things since d Antoni was fired. So now melo is playing d 5 games in so that counts as him doing it all year? Be serious dude. Be real with yourself
Youngin? I'm probably older than you. Just do us all a favor and keep quiet. It's obvious no one appreciates or values anything you contribute to the thread or ongoing conversations. You're like an annoying fly buzzing around the thread looking for a pile of isht to land on at any chance.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Your act is just tired on here. You constantly try to put down other Knicks fans and act as if you're the ONLY one who is frustrated with Melo's play. We all are. Just because we don't post "lulz told you guys he sucks" on every page doesn't make us "blind"

Give it a rest.

When did I come at anyone? He told me to kickrocks getting extram emotional over a dude that isn't delivering. Last time I checked this is a free forum to post your opinion, who are u to tell anyone they shouldn't state their opinion? Ya dudes be thinking too highly of yourselves on here. E easy

Y'all gotta learn not to take dude's sports opinions seriously. #%%%% is the ultimate prisoner of the moment, there's a history of S&T posts that support that. Some people just enjoy misery and drama @%%#. *shrugs*

These turnovers though...
u could tell Anthony is really trying. Shots just ain't going down. He's been sortve successful in the paint so I think he should do that and heat up more then take mid-range jumpers
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Your act is just tired on here. You constantly try to put down other Knicks fans and act as if you're the ONLY one who is frustrated with Melo's play. We all are. Just because we don't post "lulz told you guys he sucks" on every page doesn't make us "blind"

Give it a rest.
Basically. How many times has dude chewed out Melo and then laugh at those that that have anything positive to say about him? Of course everyone is frustrated with Melo's shot but that doesnt mean were gonna be constantly posting that he is garbage and a fluke when he was the best scorer in the league for years and not even a year ago was dropping 40 in the playoffs.

Like someone said a few posts back "We've all seen what Melo can do", just because he isnt doing it right at this moment and is in a slump doesnt mean that he is a fluke and trash. Troll if I ever saw one.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Your act is just tired on here. You constantly try to put down other Knicks fans and act as if you're the ONLY one who is frustrated with Melo's play. We all are. Just because we don't post "lulz told you guys he sucks" on every page doesn't make us "blind"

Give it a rest.

When did I come at anyone? He told me to kickrocks getting extram emotional over a dude that isn't delivering. Last time I checked this is a free forum to post your opinion, who are u to tell anyone they shouldn't state their opinion? Ya dudes be thinking too highly of yourselves on here. E easy

Go away, bro.
amare looks better.

figured melo would be the one who played better since dantoni left. kind of suprises me that amare is the one tahts been effected the most
Stat is carrying this team. And the melo talk gotta talk. Give him time he's still injured. I'm glad we got him and gratefully we do...
Tyson is really the man. You can tell all he wanna do is win. He doesn't need to score, his defense his crazy. Best non superstar pick up we ever got thus far.
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