let this thread die (NYK)

What happened to Lin, bumped knees with someone?

And I hope that injury to Amare isn't serious, he was getting some of his lift back..
Bucks losing.
Mike Woodson said Lin is actually fine. He could have played if not for the blowout.
I don't remember Tim criticizing Stoudemire once at all this season for his awful defense and non existent offensive game but it's like dude waits for Melo to miss a jumpshot or miss a defensive assignment so he could jump on his back. I know you don't like the dude but the obvious hate for everything is just tired.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

I don't remember Tim criticizing Stoudemire once at all this season for his awful defense and non existent offensive game but it's like dude waits for Melo to miss a jumpshot or miss a defensive assignment so he could jump on his back. I know you don't like the dude but the obvious hate for everything is just tired.

Dude stat played like a superstar last year for us. He was our MVP. It would be stupid of me not to remember this and then call him out on his subpar play this year. Stat has been more consistent for us than melo anyway. Melo has t shown me or any knick fan in our uniform that he is a superstar. Stat has
I guess u missed all those game winners last season and that game against boston in the playoffs when the second best player on the floor was jared jeffries. your hate for dude is pathetic
I like that he's trying to get baskets in the low post since he's struggling with his shot.

He's a beast down there.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

I guess u missed all those game winners last season and that game against boston in the playoffs when the second best player on the floor was jared jeffries. your hate for dude is pathetic

This is new York. You can only get by on your underachieving play for so long. If you really think melo has paid off so far for us you must be really crazy. Did stat ever say he was a top 5 player in the league and add his name above wades? Nope. Dude asked for the spotlight and he's been under it and his play sPeaks louder than any words I can say.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

I guess u missed all those game winners last season and that game against boston in the playoffs when the second best player on the floor was jared jeffries. your hate for dude is pathetic

Can we all stop pretending like Melo had a great series vs Boston. He played great in game 2 (but passed up the final shot and forgot to foul on the final play). Stat dominated game 1. Melo has done nothing since th trade to say he's a superstar.
This dude, wow, he really hates Melo with a statement like that. No consistency in your criticism AT ALL so to me your just like the other members who hates Melo.

John Sterling too I guess.
And this is exactly why nobody wants to come here and we wont ever win $#@% because our amazing "fans" . Instead of riding out with Westbrook like OKC does or cheer for Kobe who shoots 2-20 or have Gasol's back who has had an underwhelming season we pit our two best players against eachother and cry about why one is more worthy to the team than the other . This fanbase makes me sick.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

And this is exactly why nobody wants to come here and we wont ever win $#@% because our amazing "fans" . Instead of riding out with Westbrook like OKC does or cheer for Kobe who shoots 2-20 or have Gasol's back who has had an underwhelming season we pit our two best players against each other and cry about why one is more worthy to the team than the other . This fanbase makes me sick.
Lets not forget Bulls fans who completely ignore Rose needing 35 shots to score 30+ a.k.a Let that boy cook.

Any of these guys have the season Melo has had their fan bases are not clamoring for a trade or trying to strip them of fan appointed titles/labels.
Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

And this is exactly why nobody wants to come here and we wont ever win $#@% because our amazing "fans" . Instead of riding out with Westbrook like OKC does or cheer for Kobe who shoots 2-20 or have Gasol's back who has had an underwhelming season we pit our two best players against eachother and cry about why one is more worthy to the team than the other . This fanbase makes me sick.
cant be serious. go in a laker thread and see how much hate kobe and pau get when they do bad and these are players who have a few rings together. yet knick fans cant take real criticism over melo's play? its not like im making this stuff up this dude has been terrible. i have always loved our knick fan base because we praise toughness and hard workers something melo knows nothing about. knick fans were sold on a name that hasnt performed and we all fell for it. ill be damned if im gonna stay quiet cause a few sensitive fans want to "'wait till they all mesh better"" or ""they havent played with each other yet long enough"" ""or the latest one "" well hes now putting so much effort into defending and being a all around player"" excuse after excuse. this is new york we go by performance not someones name sorry.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

And this is exactly why nobody wants to come here and we wont ever win $#@% because our amazing "fans" . Instead of riding out with Westbrook like OKC does or cheer for Kobe who shoots 2-20 or have Gasol's back who has had an underwhelming season we pit our two best players against each other and cry about why one is more worthy to the team than the other . This fanbase makes me sick.
Lets not forget Bulls fans who completely ignore Rose needing 35 shots to score 30+ a.k.a Let that boy cook.

Any of these guys have the season Melo has had their fan bases are not clamoring for a trade or trying to strip them of fan appointed titles/labels.
did you just compare rose to melo?
and im considered the troll?
the difference between the two check the standings.
You know what? I was thinking about guys getting at melo for needing 20 shots for 20 pts.
We have seen Kobe with more horrid percentages and other stars too.

The criticism is over the top. Tim probably feel like we picking on him but seriously there has to be something wrong about your criticism
Originally Posted by throwback1718

You know what? I was thinking about guys getting at melo for needing 20 shots for 20 pts.
We have seen Kobe with more horrid percentages and other stars too.

The criticism is over the top. Tim probably feel like we picking on him but seriously there has to be something wrong about your criticism
but kobe gets wins though. what do we get when melo takes 20 shots to score 20 points? whats so wrong with me saying melo has been a bust? im i lying? if i am im glad to hear how my criticism on melo is not true
Melo's in a lose-lose situation.

When he takes 20+ shots and holds the ball, it's a problem (rightfully so, it is).

When he's off with his shot like he is right now, but passes more AND puts more effort on the defensive end like we've all been screaming for him to do, he's still taking that L with the fans.

Give me a break.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Cyber Smoke

And this is exactly why nobody wants to come here and we wont ever win $#@% because our amazing "fans" . Instead of riding out with Westbrook like OKC does or cheer for Kobe who shoots 2-20 or have Gasol's back who has had an underwhelming season we pit our two best players against each other and cry about why one is more worthy to the team than the other . This fanbase makes me sick.
Lets not forget Bulls fans who completely ignore Rose needing 35 shots to score 30+ a.k.a Let that boy cook.

Any of these guys have the season Melo has had their fan bases are not clamoring for a trade or trying to strip them of fan appointed titles/labels.
did you just compare rose to melo?
and im considered the troll?
the difference between the two check the standings.
Completely avoided the point Tim. Nice. I won't be getting caught up in your Melo hate tirades anymore.
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