let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx


Did Iman make a defensive team?
He got honorable mention.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

BTW, how is a defensive player of the year on the second team?! That makes no sense 

*insert that guy w/ the "you can't be serious" look at the stadium* gif

But this is the third time its happen. Mutumbo was the last DPOY not to make the First Team.
Originally Posted by LosALMIGHTY

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

BTW, how is a defensive player of the year on the second team?! That makes no sense 

*insert that guy w/ the "you can't be serious" look at the stadium* gif

But this is the third time its happen. Mutumbo was the last DPOY not to make the First Team.
thanks, i was looking for that gif lol
No, to Odom. We already have too many forwards and we can use the money to sign better defensive players that can shoot the ball.

We already have enough trouble as it is to figure out how Amare and Melo can be on the court at the same time. Bringing in Odom would be another mess, even if he came off the bench.
For the minimum or just to replace Novak I would have no problems with it.

Someone that can actually replace Melo while he is resting and can play the 4 why not.
Ill take Odom for whatever the minimum is. He just came off a season where he quit on his team. I wouldnt give him any type of money, he has to prove he still wants to play basketball. And obviously it would be a 1 year contract. But his list would clearly be in favor of Khloe and her show (still why I think he quit on the season last year). So his only real options are prolly the Knicks, Nets, Lakers or Clippers.

When its all said and done he will prolly be a Net.
i like Odom. hes mad versatile and has no problems coming off the bench. he can rebound an defend and provides a real backup for Amare and replacement for oft-injured Jeffries. Him and Jeffries coming off the bench together is a nice combo. with that said, he would need to take the minimum to play here and Dolan will not allow them to film that show in MSG. i remember them turning down The Association , for this past season.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Originally Posted by QuestLife

i like how people already assuming Woodson is going to do exactly what he did in Atlanta. He took that team from lottery to second round,with basically nothing to start with. We have talent, the guys seem to like him. Hes old school and knows how to manage egos. I say give him a chance and lets see what he can do with a full season before we pass judgement. What hes done so far hasnt been bad at all.
Woodson hasn't shown to be a different coach than in Atlanta. Sure, maybe once he's the permanent coach and has a full offseason, training camp, and regular season.. it might change. But I didn't see enough, especially in the playoffs, to say "We NEED him back"

the man coached 24 games, mostly without a point guard. i refuse to judge the Knicks until they really have a point guard. because they have shown flashes when there has been a healthy competent PG on the roster. With Chauncey last year, once they got into a groove, they flourished. check the box scores leading into the post season. Under Woodson with Lin at the helm, they went 6-1 and beat some good teams, including a game in Philly and the home and home against Indiana. i think he deserves a chance to see what he can do. 
Sloan is a bad fit, in my opinion. Phil Jackson is retired, and i dont even think he would want to coach this team and be bothered with the media circus. We all know Woody is gonna be the coach, i dont think its a terrible choice. im down to see what hes got. 
Lamar Odom is exactly our kinda player. Hard working. Tough. Dependable. Lowkey. Consistent. Clutch. A natural leader.

In Dolan We Trust.
Originally Posted by 7thAve btn 31stN33rd St

Odom can play point, though. Odom can do a lot of this this team was missing when motivated.

No he can't.  There isn't a team in the league that would facilitate their offense through Lamar Odom. 
I remember when i was playing in a league at Lincoln park when Odom was with the Clippers.

He was there with like 15 people smoking weed in the park, ended up getting suspended for it later that year.

Im on the fence with the knicks getting him.
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