lets have another...

marvel vs capcom 2 tourney!
haha you serious? projectile type?
anyways, tron, storm, magneto!
Hella Filthy!
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​
ryu.ken/akuma, is basically one character, with little differences, plus akuma takes the MOST damage of all characters in the game...say bye bye to him early

i haven't played it in a long time, and those who see me, know i suck anyway. . . my team is usually

Guile, Doom, Spider-Man, or fill in either one with cable...but he's rather cheap...and i rather not use him for obvious reasons lol...oh well mvc2 is just fun period

however...tetris ds Ian...is a serious matter....muahhahah
Hit me up on AIM-DaAznFella [email protected]DaAznFella x InToTheDark x VicexxxisFresh Summer '08
Team Jab, Jab, ->, Short, Fierce
if i used that team, ken would do the most damage! i love the 9 hit air combo that could do 3/4 damage to your life. haha
Hella Filthy!
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​
air lk/mk, crouch jab, crouch fierce, up lp, lk, mk, hk hurricane kick....mmmmm

ken's stupid @#%$ air hurricane can take off so much life...maybe 3 well played combos and wow...
Hit me up on AIM-DaAznFella [email protected]DaAznFella x InToTheDark x VicexxxisFresh Summer '08
Team Jab, Jab, ->, Short, Fierce
haha. the best combo in the game is in your sig! jab, jab then a quick short fierce! :b
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​
it never really works i swear, i've SEEn clips of people doing it, and it usually registers 17 hits from the two jabs....but whenever i try to do it in any version of SF....i just get 15...lol

yea sf nerd, it's cool tho
Hit me up on AIM-DaAznFella [email protected]DaAznFella x InToTheDark x VicexxxisFresh Summer '08
Team Jab, Jab, ->, Short, Fierce
LP, LP, Forward, LK, HP
....i went from bein a broke man, to bein a dope man, to bein a president, look there's hope man....​
haha. hes talking about wifi on ds. she was beating us in tetris... i am garbage in that game! hahaha
Hella Filthy!
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​

we should have an NT marvel vs capcom 2 tournament someplace. that would be nice. just say the place, date and time, and im down
Hella Filthy!
Air Max Family and Pacific Northwest​
i'm not part of the seattle crew, but can seattle and portland get together for a night of bar hoppin' in downtown seattle one of these summer days/nights? eff a summit. just some NT heads chillin, gettin' belligerent (Sp?) and having a good time.

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