Let's make everything about RACE (Unapologetically Black Thread)

Shoulda @ some of the biscuit eaters we got here like
slaughterx slaughterx

I'd be way more offended if you weren't mentally handicapped. Actually, I wouldn't because I could give a **** less about what anyone on the internet thinks about me. Worry about learning how to write in complete sentences and then maybe I might take something you have to say seriously... but probably not.
I'd be way more offended if you weren't mentally handicapped. Actually, I wouldn't because I could give a **** less about what anyone on the internet thinks about me. Worry about learning how to write in complete sentences and then maybe I might take something you have to say seriously... but probably not.
i dont care whether u was offended or not
and u know im not mentally handicapped
but i get u tryna downplay my mental capacity
as a way to appear better than me
its cool
i get the angle there
also using a message board as way
to decipher whether a person
can or cant write complete sentences
is a trash way of thinking
not to mention i CLEARY write in complete sentences
theyre just broken up with the way i do my posts
do better with ur insults
or better yet
get off ur knees for the white man
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i dont care whether u was offended or not
and u know im not mentally handicapped
but i get u tryna downplay my mental capacity
as a way to appear better than me
its cool
i get the angle there
also using a message board as way
to decipher whether a person
can or cant write complete sentences
is a trash way of thinking
not to mention i CLEARY write in complete sentences
theyre just broken up with the way i do my posts
do better with ur insults
or better yet
get off ur knees for the white man
I guess he applies Dr. King’s example, to everyone but Black people. He loves making those who live with white privilege, feel comfortable.
Colonial logic asserted that a place did not exist unless white people had seen it and testified to its existence, but European colonists did not actually discover any land. The “New World,” as it was first called by Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian navigator and cartographer, was not new at all: People had been living and thriving in the Americas for centuries.

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