Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by VIIheaven

Let's get some sigs going.

Then some bumper stickers.

Then some buttons.

Not only are we going to New Hampshire. We're going to South Carolina and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York. And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take back NikeTalk!

You lose.
Porrrrr queeeeeee? You not gonna show another 718'er no love?


a message i recieved from senator odrama

"Yes, I've been reading that thread..."

See y'all on the 26th...
Fellow NTers, I do not post now with the intent of disparaging or endorsing any candidate (well...'cept ya boi...duh...) but 2 tell you 2 vote. Take aproactive stance in the future of your board. While, of course I would have you vote 4 me, maybe you think another candidate is better suited. Maybe theSenator OGbobbyjohnson/Congressman PalinFace ticket tickle ya fancy. Maybe Governor iBlink is your kind of dude. Maybe you just wanna stare at WeekendGirl's ample buttcakes (I know I do...) And that's fine, that's what this process is about. The NT election don't give a damn if you gotfelonies...if you live in a red state, a blue state, or an altered state...it just wants 2 hear your voice, so thus let it be heard. Don't passively sitback and let the Presidency be bestowed upon some effboi simply because you did not vote. Ask about the issues. Know your candidates. Most importantly, vote.This is a historic election...take part. Or not, whatevz.

Vote or Don't.

*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message.*
My Nukka Haze
just voted for my dude

I looked to my left and there was the good sir Blackmagnus playing pocket pool with one hand, while groping on a 16 year old vixen with the other..
i might be late..........but i think this is one of those super undercover "swag list"

With that said, I will not take part of this.

I'd like to call Niketalk's attention to thepodium. Lazy B will address NT regarding his current standing in the Presidential Election.

*enters room*


My fellow Niketalkers as of today I will officiallywithdraw my name from the NT Presidential Election. The road to get here has been long and tough but it is time to call it quits. I do not have the resourcesthat my opponents do. I am down in the polls and I am expected to do worse than I am now. With this declaration, I will also throw my support behindabeautifulhaze. Thank you for time.

*exits stage*


No questions will be answered at this time.
Originally Posted by Lazy B

My fellow Niketalkers as of today I will officially withdraw my name from the NT Presidential Election. The road to get here has been long and tough but it is time to call it quits. I do not have the resources that my opponents do. I am down in the polls and I am expected to do worse than I am now. With this declaration, I will also throw my support behind abeautifulhaze. Thank you for time.


My friends, I would like 2 thank you 4 all the support shown me thus far. I 'preciate it, I truly do...and win or lose, you have shown me that you canappreciate a young mind with dynamic ideas and a willingness 2 go out on a limb and do what he believes is best. That is the greatest victory I could ask 4.(well, yamean...besides winnin and $#!+) Please continue 2 support me in this election. Remember, I'm not one of these General forum insiders or specialinterest screennames, in cahoots with mods and admins, I've been standing up 2 them at my own peril when there was nothing at stake, look at my trackrecord...I've sacrificed many a s/n proving that point...and mark my words, as President, I won't get all brand new on yall. I pride myself on being areal +%$ dude. Yall know me. I have your best interests at heart...because they mine 2. I once again thank you for your support and encourage the undecided 2do the right thing...vote AJ.

*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message*
iBlink '08! He was going pretty strong in the beginning; looks like he's an underdog now.
How about this becomes the president of THIS thread Thread, since I've been here for almost 8 years and i only recognize about 2 names on that list. therest of them i'm pretty sure are about 12 years old... hardly qualified to "run a message board".
Originally Posted by RawSheed

Anyone nominate that RyanKMD guy? I'm sure he'd get teary-eyed and what not during the acceptance speech.
i doubt that a lot of these people know who he is
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