My friends, I would like 2 thank you 4 all the support shown me thus far. I 'preciate it, I truly do...and win or lose, you have shown me that you canappreciate a young mind with dynamic ideas and a willingness 2 go out on a limb and do what he believes is best. That is the greatest victory I could ask 4.(well, yamean...besides winnin and $#!+) Please continue 2 support me in this election. Remember, I'm not one of these General forum insiders or specialinterest screennames, in cahoots with mods and admins, I've been standing up 2 them at my own peril when there was nothing at stake, look at my trackrecord...I've sacrificed many a s/n proving that point...and mark my words, as President, I won't get all brand new on yall. I pride myself on being areal +%$ dude. Yall know me. I have your best interests at heart...because they mine 2. I once again thank you for your support and encourage the undecided 2do the right AJ.
*I'm AJ, goldNparty candidate, and I approve this message*