Lets Nominate a Niketalk President edit - POLLS ARE CLOSED WINNERS POSTED .... !!!!

15 pages
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Weekend Girl wrote:
Haze ihu
Hold up a gatdamn sec...


Esta eres tu?

Ma, all you had to do was show them that and all that talk would have been squashed on the spot...


*Officially endorsing WeekendGirl as Secretary of State*
Originally Posted by OGbobbyjohnson773

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Weekend Girl wrote:
Haze ihu
Hold up a gatdamn sec...


Esta eres tu?

Ma, all you had to do was show them that and all that talk would have been squashed on the spot...

*Officially endorsing WeekendGirl as Secretary of State*
Thats Weekend Girl?

Same %%*% I'm trying to figure out...

Originally Posted by RawSheed

billy hoyle
Ol' Benedict Arnold @$# @%%%%...
Brothers and Sisters of NT. I've been lurking for years and have decided to post in the last couple of months hard. I went through 16 pages and thought Iwould see this man's name. But I would nominate Rexanglorum as president, OGBobbyJohnson as our V.P. because OG can balance out the seriousness of REX withhis sharp wit and his humor to distract the mods.

Now along these lines of our E- government, I think we will need some ambassadors of NT. I would have to nominate Blackmangus, Enphan, and ScottHall. It'snot only important that we have a great president and vice president to stand up for us. We as NT need to expand. And in order for us to expand beyond asneaker forum, the ambassadors that I've named have my full confidence in representing this board to other forums. In my years of lurking and posting onNiketalk, never have I seen WOMEN from other boards( ex. JJB) want to join NT. We scare women away in the past. We need more women on this board because wewill see which NT member will change around women.

I know Blackmangus and Enphan will smash on any female that think they are entitle to such and such. Scotthall is a good ambassador to recruit other women toour board and expand because he has charisma without having to use the line of whipping it out. Brothers and Sisters of Niketalk, be careful who you vote forbecause come November, our board will never be the same because we have women( JJB ) coming here. I went to an all-boy catholic school, and I know how men actwhen women aren't around. When women come around, it changes the dynamics of everything. Brothers and Sisters of NT be careful of who nominate for ourpresident, we have a VERY serious choice.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Four wh.ores and 7 beers ago....I sat sunken in my old sperm filled sofas, pontificating on the meaning of life and how I could better the existence of my fellow NT'ers....My head firmly planted in a reefer cloud, passing a bottle of Hennesy to my comrade JJ (The Jersey Shirt)....I looked to my left and there was the good sir Blackmagnus playing pocket pool with one hand, while groping on a 16 year old vixen with the other...I looked to my right and some random NT'er was Harlem shaking in a dead serious hoodie....across the room stood a quivering Islamic Nt'ers, shook to the core at the presence of real-life vagine...in another corner stood Kerry and Bonk...faces firmly planted in the bushy blackholes of a seasoned $@+!@@.....through fuzzy vision I saw the solid blackness of a shadow break up as glowing white teeth and eyes, shone brightly from a corner of my abode...it was the Glv.

All around me stood NT royalty....

Just then as I began to give up hope and dive further into intoxication....I heard the deep crack-affected voice of the elder wench scream out...."one of you get on the floor now!"....she cracked her leather belt/herion apparatus and the room grew silent...no man dared flinch...no man except 1.

It was the brother Poo Bear...HarlemtotheBronx himself....he got on all fours (no love lockdown) stood in front of the temptress and closed his eyes....HTTB received the worst beating since Kunta changed his name to Toby....but as he lay on the floor of my apartment wincing....I came to an ephinany (after I finished laughing of course).

I realized that bettering NT is all about SACRIFICE....that is what I have done in my 7 years here and that is what I will continue to do when I am elected your President.

I will never hear the end of that.
By the way...

I am officially endorsing abeautifulhaze for President of NT.

I feel that he is what this site needs. Someone with integrity and honor. Someone that I...no, we can all believe in.

These are dire times, my fellow Niketalkers, and we must be sure to put our site in the hands of someone who has our collective interest in mind. Someone whowill work tirelessly to guarantee that no post will go unread. Someone who will defend us.

That someone is undoubtedly abeautifulhaze.
Anyone nominate that RyanKMD guy? I'm sure he'd get teary-eyed and what not during the acceptance speech.
I think we need a Haze/OG ticket.....Haze gets my vote for the epic fat joe street cred beef(
)....and OG gets my vote for insulting everyone in a roundabout way and stillescaping
Let's get some sigs going.

Then some bumper stickers.

Then some buttons.

Not only are we going to New Hampshire. We're going to South Carolina and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California andTexas and New York. And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take backNikeTalk!

Originally Posted by VIIheaven

Let's get some sigs going.

Then some bumper stickers.

Then some buttons.

Not only are we going to New Hampshire. We're going to South Carolina and Arizona and North Dakota and New Mexico, and we're going to California and Texas and New York. And we're going to South Dakota and Oregon and Washington and Michigan. And then we're going to Washington, D.C. to take back NikeTalk!

You lose.
Damn, how many folk is gon shamelessly plagiarize my words in this post? I stole that speech from Howard Dean fair and square a few pages back...
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