Let's see: Who here is NEVER on time to anything?

i really think theres a whole mental side of it. "if im 5-10 minutes early, thats 5-10 minutes I couldve been doing something else".

most would rather be late, than early

Even if you are doing absolutely nothing before hand, you would rather be doing nothing at your leisure than sitting around waiting doing nothing.

I cant say im perfect but thats what it usually boils down to.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

All the black NT'ers.. Duh
Damn I can't stand people who are always late. I understand sometimes @$# happens that you can't control but what exactly is so difficult about being on time?
I'm always on time. If I'm not it's because I'm waiting for other people or waiting for the bus or train.
The only thing I'm never on time for is my first class of the day. Everything else, I'd feel bad about keeping people waiting so I try to make an effort to be on time.
me and my friend we STAY ON @@%#+ TIME.
Like she'll call me and say "I'll meet you at the gym and it's 4:30pm now see you in 15" it's a known fact between us that we will see each other in 45 minutes to an hour.

Thank God my job is lenient and I can slip in. If I didn't I would be on watch.
I hate people who are late for meet-ups. I'm like damn, let's make this quick:I get the money, you get the kicks.(or vivce-versa) then we can go home, but no...
I'm an hour early to everything....but I rarely show up to most things.  I'm mostly ghost in general but when I do show up I'm early as hell.
I am virtually NEEEEEEEEVER on time.

It's so bad at work that they just accept that I'm late. I've been written up twice in the year and a half I've been there, and there's a process before getting formally written up. First they just talk to you, then is a written warning, then if it happens again, it's a write-up.

I've been written up twice, and I've never even been ADDRESSED on being late.
... ... ...
My supervisor last Saturday totally left me dumbfounded. I had told them I would come in an hour early to finish up some paperwork, and I was STILL 2 minutes late... from the original time I am ALWAYS supposed to be at work. I'm not talking about being 2 minutes late to being an hour early. I'm supposed to be at work at 7am Saturday morning, and I got there at 7:02. I was so disappointed in myself and as soon as I saw the supervisor, I was like 'Man, I am so sorry I didn't end up coming in an hour early, and then I even end up being 2 minutes late. *shrugs*"

My supervisor goes "Pshh, you're always late.
Everyone knows that."

Totally left me feeling like crap. So I told myself I was going to be on time or early for EVERY overtime shift I worked this week (agreed to work 4).

I was late to all 4 of 'em.

On everything, I'm'a be early tomorrow morning.
BET I clock in at... ...

... ... ... I'm probably going to clock in at like 7:13.

There's just always something to do at home that I feel like I HAVE to do right then, right before I leave!
For work I was either 20 mins early or 5-10 mins late lol. I try getting to places early now a days though.
i'm always late to everything, i don't know what happens but i always end up being at least 30min late. whenever i'm suppose to meet up with people they already know to tell me the wrong time and make it an hour ahead.

my friends debut (or however the #@*! you spell it) didnt start till 2 hours after it was supposed to

When it comes to school, always 10-15 minutes late. And I always walk in with a damn good excuse.
Originally Posted by Scarface2k1

im about 5 minutes early to everything.
Same for me, it's 1 of my pet peeves when a few of my boys can't be on time.  1 of my best friends we need to tell him to come outside 5 minutes before I even leave my parking spot and we still sit outside waiting for him.  If we have a game early morning "aw man i don't know what happened my alarm clock didn't go off."
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