Let's see: Who here is NEVER on time to anything?

And I hate people who take being on time too seriously.

Not like I hope they die, though; that would be hypocritical.

But yeah, I have met VERY FEW people who were on time AND worked as hard as I do with my late self. For so many on-time people, I've been able to quantify the statement 'So you were on time and I was late. I've done 3 times as much as you today, so quit whining about me being late.'

I used to be that way. Then I realized by me being late I'm holding up other people and that's not very fair to them.
Interestingly enough, I was 37mins late for work today...

Ohhhh...also, I hold the record for tardies in my H.S.

If I absolutely need to be on time I make sure I do. Like lets say a job interview.

If I feel comfortable and don't risk losing anything then sure I plan to get their on time, but do i enforce it ? Not really.

One thing I dont do is leave my freinds or family hanging, if I make plans with them and they are waiting on me I make sure I show up on time.
Man I'm late to every damn thing that it don't make no sense
And the bad thing is that I actually try to be on time at least
But its just always somethin that gets in my way
In high school it was worst... I would be about 15 to 20 minutes late
EVERYDAY at that
That is a life goal of mine to get better with time
Cause its pathetic
: {
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I am virtually NEEEEEEEEVER on time.

It's so bad at work that they just accept that I'm late. I've been written up twice in the year and a half I've been there, and there's a process before getting formally written up. First they just talk to you, then is a written warning, then if it happens again, it's a write-up.

I've been written up twice, and I've never even been ADDRESSED on being late.
... ... ...
My supervisor last Saturday totally left me dumbfounded. I had told them I would come in an hour early to finish up some paperwork, and I was STILL 2 minutes late... from the original time I am ALWAYS supposed to be at work. I'm not talking about being 2 minutes late to being an hour early. I'm supposed to be at work at 7am Saturday morning, and I got there at 7:02. I was so disappointed in myself and as soon as I saw the supervisor, I was like 'Man, I am so sorry I didn't end up coming in an hour early, and then I even end up being 2 minutes late. *shrugs*"

My supervisor goes "Pshh, you're always late.
Everyone knows that."

Totally left me feeling like crap. So I told myself I was going to be on time or early for EVERY overtime shift I worked this week (agreed to work 4).

I was late to all 4 of 'em.

On everything, I'm'a be early tomorrow morning.
BET I clock in at... ...

... ... ... I'm probably going to clock in at like 7:13.

There's just always something to do at home that I feel like I HAVE to do right then, right before I leave!

Sounds like a bud smoker.
I'm late for practically everything besides work.
Actually I came into work 30 minutes late on Saturday. But that's the first time in a minute
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