Lets start a trend.


Im with always voting a horrible player into the all star game.
Its a good idea cause it can be done multiple times a year (each sport), plus you can actually measure success. How do I know if five finger shoes and sandals are catching on if I live in a huge city, or if I dont run into another NTer.

Plus with the all star votes we will get more participation from all the members on the board instead of wasting money for finger shoes for lulz.

Now do we want to do a different player team every year or should it be an ongoing joke (DeShawn Stevenson) every year?
Im with always voting a horrible player into the all star game.
Its a good idea cause it can be done multiple times a year (each sport), plus you can actually measure success. How do I know if five finger shoes and sandals are catching on if I live in a huge city, or if I dont run into another NTer.

Plus with the all star votes we will get more participation from all the members on the board instead of wasting money for finger shoes for lulz.

Now do we want to do a different player team every year or should it be an ongoing joke (DeShawn Stevenson) every year?
Originally Posted by breezylocks

real life...

who remebers when NT tried to start a new word... thats JEEZY.

as in that cool.

Thats a good idea. Lets turn an NTers name into an adjective and put it into heavy conversational rotation.

For example, instead of saying something like "That was cool" we could say somethin like "That was _____" 
Choosing a S/N would give us the exclusive knowledge of the origin of the trend as well as proof of its creation.
We would only need to decide on a word or S/N we all are cool with.
Originally Posted by breezylocks

real life...

who remebers when NT tried to start a new word... thats JEEZY.

as in that cool.

Thats a good idea. Lets turn an NTers name into an adjective and put it into heavy conversational rotation.

For example, instead of saying something like "That was cool" we could say somethin like "That was _____" 
Choosing a S/N would give us the exclusive knowledge of the origin of the trend as well as proof of its creation.
We would only need to decide on a word or S/N we all are cool with.
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